12. Birthday I

335 4 0

23 June 2014


I couldn't sleep, I had this energy I needed to spare. I look at the small alarm clock on Sammy's table and it reads 3:18 AM.

I grab the first hoodie I saw and luckily it was Sammy's so it was thigh length.

I took my phone and walk downstairs where the piano was. I brush my finger on the top of it and sit down.

"It's been a year, I haven't played. Let's see if I'm still able to play the right notes." I murmured to myself and started playing the first song that came into my head.

"A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert. But I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven."

I finish the song, without any difficulties. I learned this song from Ron Pope with my mother, five months before she died.

I decided to play some random keys until I got tired of playing but I never get tired of playing the piano. I actually miss it, my uncle wanted to buy a piano to put in the living room but I refused.

I stop playing around 4 AM. I think I should get back to my room, before anyone gets here, like a guard or something.

I was about to lock the piano cap when I saw shadows and heard deep voices, although it was some familiar voices.

I then saw who it was.


I heard noises in the room, so I opened one eye and saw Sara getting out with my Nebraska hoodie.

I waited ten minutes before I started following her throughout the dark hallways. I thought she was sleepwalking, but she didn't make anything weird like sleepwalkers do.

The elevator doors opened and I saw a sleepy Shawn.

"Hey bro what are you doing up?" He makes an effort to ask.

"I just saw Sara walking out of the room so I was going to follow her. Wanna join?"

"Yeah, I can't sleep. I have this massive headache that's why I went to get some pills down in the drugstore," I nodded to his bag of pills in his hand.

We slowly tip-toed in the lobby, but it didn't change anything there were guards, awake.

I was looking for Sara when I heard this voice, it seemed familiar but it didn't in a way. Shawn seemed to have heard it too because he was listening carefully and then motioned me to come with him to the music room.

"A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert. I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven."

Both of our jaws dropped, I didn't know she had an amazing voice like this. When she finished the song she started playing random keys and the melody was beautiful.

"I've known her for 1 year an a half and I never knew she could sing like this!" Shawn said confuse, I simply nodded and stared at her hands.

"Her way of playing the piano is so smooth and gentle. Look at her hands the way it touches the keys," I observe for a while before she stops playing, and starts to lock the piano cap.

"I need to write or sing a song with this girl." Shawn suddenly yelled out, and I slap him. "Shawn, shut up."

"Sammy? Shawn? What are you guys doing here?" Shit! We got caught.

"Hey Sara, we were-we followed you here. We're sorry."

She started laughing, "Sammy, don't be. I don't really care if you followed me. I was just fooling around."

"Fooling around? I'm not sure you were just fooling around. Who knew you could sing?" Shawn asks, and walk over to Sara. I do the same.

"Nash and Hayes. Now you both," she sighs. "I just missed playing the piano."

We walk on the hotel roof with the guard's approval, of course. To our surprise, there was a couch and some hammocks.

Sara chose a hammock and Shawn decided to go on the couch. I had the choice to go on the sofa with Shawn or the hammock with Sara. I made my way to the sofa. Safer.


"So tell us why we didn't know you could play and sing at the piano," I shyly ask, and she smiles.

"I didn't tell you because my mother taught me the piano, and I took singing lessons when I was 12."

I felt bad asking her that now since her mother died along with her father in a car crash. Nash filled the other guys in, but he forgot to mention Sara's talent. "I'm sorry, I forgot."

"It's okay. I kind of played for her since it's her birthday today. I don't think I'm going to cry, to be honest, she's in a better place and I'm sure she doesn't want me to be sad forever. So, from now on, I'll be doing more music," she begins to stir in the hammock and look at her phone. I yawned to her movements.

"I'm sure your mother would be proud of you, and also your father. I think we should head back to our room to get a little bit of sleep again?" Sammy suggested and we gladly accepted.

"Can you carry me, please? My energy is gone." 

Sammy nodded to Sara, she got on his back and her head hit his shoulder. "See you tomorrow, bro." We walk our separate ways to our rooms.

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