6. Rehearsal

389 3 0

21 June 2014


After breakfast, we went to rehearse for this afternoon.

The boys and Sara are stoked! I'm wearing my blue bandana for the first show.

I've been texting Mahogany for a couple of days now and she's coming tonight, we need her since she's the one who DJ's for us.

I think the boys will be happy to see her again, and I'm sure Sara will be happy to see another girl.

Speaking of which, Sara is an awesome person like literally, she is awesome. I wouldn't mind being cousin to her. Oh, and did I mention how she's fucking funny?

At breakfast, she sat across from Matt and she threw a peach at him which stayed on his face, he didn't really care since he known her all her life.

Gilinsky seems interested in her but I'm not I mean sure she's fucking beautiful but she's not my type really, not that she couldn't be but I like blondes or redheads.

I got another text from Mahogany saying she'll be there in any minutes.

"BOYS! MAHOGANY IS THERE IN 3 MINUTES!" I yell and they all stop what they were doing and cheered, but Sara was confused.

I smile and walk over to her, "she's the tour's DJ, she kinds of mix us tapes and record our live songs."

"So she's going to stay here?"

"Yup, she has a room so you don't have to share it with her."

"So I won't be the only girl here?" I shake my head and she says "yes!"

"THE DJ IS OFFICIALLY IN THE HOUSE! WASSUP HOMIES?" I heard her voice and we all ran to her.


I was walking over at the boys and decided to yell something that would make them look at me.

"THE DJ IS OFFICIALLY IN THE HOUSE! WASSUP HOMIES?" All the boys embraced me at once so it was one single huge hug.

"Hey LOX, you gotta meet Nash and Hayes, cousin, she's awesome!" I followed Kenny to a girl who I saw on Hayes Instagram.

The boys left us alone to get to know each other but I already know I like her she's a Grier right? So no problem.

"I'm Sara."

"Mahogany but everyone calls me LOX." We kind of went for a hug which I thought was cute.

"A lot of cute guys around here right?" I ask her with a little elbow hit, she laughs.

"Yeah, a lot of cute guys. Is one of the boys your boyfriend?" I haven't told the boys Jacob and I were done, but I'm not gonna lie to Sara.

"Nope, I'm single and ready to mingle."

Sara laughs and Gilinsky watches her as she does it.

"Skylynn used to say this phrase until Nash told her what mingle meant. She was traumatized." I join her with laughter.

"Poor Skylynn, I'll catch you later I'm going to rehearse a little bit with the boys." I wave goodbye and got on stage.

"Have fun." I like her. I'm usually the only girl so for a change, I'm not. I got my things ready and spun some wheels while the boys were singing.

After an hour and a half of spinning it was time for the first show and the meet & greet.

I went to my room and got changed into a skirt with a floral crop top, I put my pink madden boots on, with some tights and I was ready.

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