14. Dallas Texas

335 4 0

23 June 2014


We decided to rehearse while the three Griers, were on their way back to the hotel. I seriously can't wait for tonight since Sara's going to sing. Shawn's going to sing with her, well that's what he told me.

I was in the middle of dancing with Johnson when I saw her walk towards the stage, speaking away on her phone, smiling. Sara waved to everyone and sat on a bench not too far away from the stage.

I was done dancing, and Kenny started to sing with Sammy, while the other boys were on stage doing some things for tonight. Taylor and Matt were with Mahogany in the back plugging some wires.

"I know, I forgot to call you. I'm sorry, don't hate me!" I heard Sara say, and I couldn't help but smile. I wonder who she's talking to.

"Yeah yeah, from now on I'm going to text you every day. I promise babe." Babe? I didn't know she had a boyfriend, well I guess my chances are gone. I don't even know if I had a chance in the first place, so it's not really gone.

"Hey girl, you know what? I'm valedictorian, yeah for real. And I seriously can't wait for prom and graduation. Did Peter ask you yet?" Girl. "What the hell is he waiting for? Nah, Wes and I are done. I'm sure you can, well I have to go, I'm probably going to sing tonight, so I need to practice," she starts laughing and I'm still listening to her but I'm watching the guys rehearse. "I promise, Bethany! Yeah yeah, love you too."

"Best friend?" I ask, without looking at her.

"More like sister, but yeah best friend. I wish she could be here and live this with me." I nod, and now I look at her. I was about to speak but Cam beat me to it.

"Why don't you come on stage and show us what you can do?"

"You got it, boy," she places her phone on the bench and I watch her walk the stairs to the stage, Sammy gives her a microphone. Shawn approaches her, with papers in hand. She keeps nodding and smiling, but stop when Shawn started playing the guitar.

My jaw dropped, I couldn't help it, but to stare at her, just her. And apparently, I wasn't the only one, there were about 8 pairs of eyes including her cousin's. I could listen to her voice all day, I realize she stopped singing when she started laughing.

"You should see your faces guys. Is it so surprising?" No one talked, "guys seriously, stop staring at us like that." Everyone shook their heads and came back to earth.

"I can't believe I never knew, I thought we were closer than this Sara Elena Grier," Cam said, but he wasn't mad, he had a huge grin.

Sara Elena Grier, that must be her full name.


After I sang, I See Fire by Ed Sheeran with Shawn, I went up to my room. I think I'm going to do a video, just to update my YouTube Channel. I got my Mac ready and went on the little desk right across Sammy's bed. I started filming.

"Hey, guys! How are you? I know it's been a while and I'm completely sorry, but I was so busy with the guys and everything. So, I decided to post a little update video. I'm in Dallas right now, so if anyone of you lives here, come and see me tonight! I'll be doing something that you guys never thought I could do." I wink when Sammy got in the room, I told him I was finishing up my video, and he nodded then jumped on his bed. "Hello everyone!"

I edited my video and then uploaded it. I put my mac away and took my bag. "What should I wear tonight?" I look at Sammy, and he got up and shuffle through my suitcase.

"You should totally wear this like undergarments." My eyes widen when he takes my pink bra and thong, I snatch them away and punch him. "I'm kidding, but just put on something light, anyways you're always beautiful."

I blush and turn away before he can see, "I'm heading in the shower."

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror and sigh. I don't know what's beautiful with me. They're blind. I got in the shower and since it was still early I took my time, the hot water soaks my body and I rinse my hair. I was done, I wrap myself up and get out.

I look for my clothes but of course, I left it in the room since Sammy made me blush, I didn't want him to see and I left without clothes. "Sammy?"

"Wassup?" I open the door for it to be ajar. "Can you bring me the pile of clothes on my bed, please?"

I watch him smile while he looks at my choice of clothes, "I knew you'd wear these."

"Shut up, don't be proud of yourself cause I chose the pink kit, I was going to wear that anyway." I heard him mutter something, and then he hands me my clothes.

I chose some black denim shorts, with a crop tank, and wore ankle boots. I dried my hair and curled them in a natural wavy way, and apply some mascara, eyeliner, and lipstick.



"You look beautiful." I smile and thank him.


I got a text from Nash, saying to meet him in his room with his cousin, so I waited for Sara. Once she came out of the bathroom, I smile. I told her, no matter what she wears she's beautiful.

"Nash wants us to go in his room." She nods and takes her phone, reading a text message.

The door is half open, so she just walks in. We greeted everyone else, and then I sat on Cam's bed. Sara walked over to Gilinsky, and he smiles. I don't know why this bothers me so much. "Why did you want us to meet in here?"

"Because Bart just called and he told us that two shows got canceled, due to something I don't know what." I was bummed, but at least we would go back home earlier.

"Which shows?" Kenny asks, and Nash looks at Cameron because he doesn't seem to know.

"Washington and Houston, but we still have three more shows to do. Afterward, there's going to be the Teen Choice Awards. From there we can plan something, all of us." Everyone agreed and we went downstairs.

We were mobbed by all the yelling fans, they yelled everyone's name. I think someone grabbed my ass, I look behind me to find Sara struggling to pass. I take her hand and lead her to the stage stairs. "Thank you."

"Hey hey, what's up Dallas? How y'all doing?"

"Ahhhh! Woooh!" Was our answer, I laugh and nodded to Lox before she starts to spin some wheels. Then Kenny and I started singing while the other danced behind us, or sang along.

Jack and Jack started singing Cold Hearted, then Matt and Nash danced, showing off their moves. Hayes and Taylor sang together when they were done. Shawn took the mic.

"Alright alright guys, so we have a surprise for you. You all know Sara Grier right?" The crowd started yelling. Hayes started talking.

"You all know she's Nash and I's cousin, right?"

Sara took a mic and started talking too, "come on guys. Stop teasing them, what about we sing a song, instead?"

"OH MY GOD SHE CAN SING! SING SING SING SING!" Was all I heard from the crowd. Then Shawn and Sara started singing the song they rehearsed earlier, it's the third time I hear her sing and my jaw drops every time.

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