13. Birthday II

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23 June 2014


I woke up around 9:50 so I decided to take a short shower. I made my way to the bathroom without waking Kenny up.

I went on twitter before I received a text from Sara.

Big Couz: Come in the cafeteria, Nash and I are waiting for you xx

Reply: On my way xx

I close the door behind me and got into the elevator.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" I ask my cousin once I saw her.

"I'm fine. Now come on, get a plate before the bacon is all gone," she said chewing on some bacon. I immediately got a plate of that red pink meat.

"So, the same tradition?" I ask as I take my seat beside my brother who for once is not mad to be up early. Yeah, 10:18 AM is early for him.

"Actually no, I saw that on Twitter. You take a couple of balloons and write notes on it, afterward you let them fly away," Nash showed an image and Sara totally agreed to do this.

"Well let's get going. I know a place in Dallas, where we can do that, but first, we need balloons." Sara said and grabbed her stuff, I gulped down my orange juice while Nash ate his last egg.

"Did I tell you guys that Sammy and Shawn saw me play and sing at the piano, last night?" My eyes widen, and my brother and I look at her.

"You finally played again?" Nash asks happily, "yeah, I decided to play for her birthday."

"And, I think I'm going to play more often," she finishes.

"That'd be great, you could sing on tour then," I commented and she smiles at me.

"Oh look! Balloon Shop!" I turn my attention to Nash who points at a small shop.

We decided to take a bunch of balloons, and two notes each. The rest will be blank. We then took a cab to a hill with a beautiful view of Dallas.

I tweeted something before I started to write my notes.

@hayesgrier: On this mountain in Dallas, to send away birthday balloons. @saragrier @nashgrier

I then started to write my two notes. We agreed not to say what we wrote since it's personal, but I basically wrote how much I miss her.

We were ready to let them fly away into the sky.


A couple of minutes after Hayes left the room I found my way to the bathroom, and shower.

I got dress and put on some headband and knock on Cam and Nash's room, where everyone was except the three Griers.

"Sup guys?" My voice is low compared to Shawn and Sammy explaining something. "What's that about?"

"Oh, they heard Sara sing and play at the piano yesterday night, and it looks like she can sing perfectly fine," Gilinsky told me, "I honestly can't wait to hear her voice."

I knew something was up when she saw the piano, so that was her secret.

"We should make her sing tonight." I suddenly suggested, and all eyes went on me.

"That's a great idea! I'm telling Nash right now." Cameron said and texted on his phone since I was beside I peek at his phone.

Cam: Tell your cousin to warm her vocals up cause she's singing tonight! 😏

Nash: Lol. Everyone knows 😂 I'm telling her now, and by the way, we'll be back in 30 minutes!


Hayes and Nash attached their balloons to mine, and back away.

"You know you can both stay beside me right?" I ask as they step back.

"It's your moment with her. And I'm going to take a picture," I nodded.

"Well, hey mom. Happy 43rd birthday. I miss you a lot, and them too. I also miss dad. I sang yesterday, I don't know if you were watching, but I hope you did. Oh, and I'm valedictorian for the class of 2014, I wanted to tell you before I start crying, which I don't want to do. I just want to say that I love you and thank you, for everything. Say hi to dad for me." I finish my speech and let the balloons fly away.

Nash touches my shoulder and then Hayes, they both side hug my body.

"Come on now, it's over," Nash whispers.

I decided to tweet something before we get back to the hotel.

@saragrier: You're gone, but I'm still wishing you a #HappyBirthdayMom from all the family @nashgrier @hayesgrier

I attached the picture to my tweet that Hayes just sent me a couple of minutes earlier.

Moments after, I got a ton of mentions.

@iamKennyHolland: @saragrier Happy Birthday Mary!

@bethanyevans: Happy Birthday to my best friend's mother, Mary! @saragrier

@shawnmendes: Birthday wishes to @saragrier's mother, Mary.

@camerondallas: I'm glad I got to know you! Happy Birthday Mary ❤️ @saragrier

@JackandJackReal: Happy birthday to @saragrier's mother. We wish we could have met you.

Basically, all the gang tweeted. I'm so thankful for them.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you, warm your vocals up cause you're singing tonight." Nash said, and I shrug.

"I don't mind." Or do I?

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