27. Let's hear it for New York, New York!

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30 June 2014


New York! I love this place, and it's by far my favorite city! It's 10 in the morning and we just got to the hotel.

"Good morning. Welcome to NY Palace. How can I help you?" The guy behind the counter asks us, smiling widely.

"Good morning to you, we're the magcon group?"

The guy checked his padlist and nods, "Of course, I should've recognized you my bad." He takes 6 sets of keys and gives it to us. "Last floor."

"Ah shit, I don't want to be alone in my room!" I whined and look at everyone else with a roommate.

Sara grabs Sammy by the arm and whisper to him. "I'll be your roommate buddy!" Sammy bro-hugged me while I thanks, Sara.

"Anyways, I could use some alone time."

"Bart, wow, you showed up," Taylor said, he smiles up to the manager as he puts an arm around Mahogany.

"I'm not staying, I just came here for a meeting. Have fun guys!"

"Okay, awkwardness aside what about we visit New York? We have all the time in front of us," Sara said with a lot of enthusiasm.

"Yeah! Back here in 10 minutes?" Johnson shrieked, and we went towards the elevator.

"Thanks, man. I hate being alone in a room, I get bored easily."

"No problem, dude! Sara wanted some time alone anyway." Sammy switches shirts while I change my shoes and cap.

While I lace my shoes, I can't help it to ask Sammy what I've been wanting to ask him.

"Sammy? I don't want this to be weird or anything but-"

"Dude, you're scaring the shit out of me. What's wrong?"

I laugh, rub my hair and place my cap back on. "Do you like Sara?"

His face comes back to normal, "I don't know. I mean, I guess I see her as a sister, like a younger sister. I feel the need to protect her, ya know? But, to make this short. No, I don't like Sara like that, I did have my eyes on her though. But, yeah, why man?"

"Yeah, me too. The exact same thing, I was just curious since you've been growing closer and closer to her every day."

"So are the other guys. I mean Nate is talking about her like he made her." There was a silent moment, "Shit, that sounded so freaking weird! Forget it, you know what I mean." He laughs and takes the key to the room, "Come on, Matt."

"Alright, so Timesquare it is. I'll be right back, give me a minute." Sara leaves the table with Mahogany and entered the ladies room.


"Hey, Lox."

"What's up girl?"

"Jack asked me on a date."

"Oh my God, he finally had the balls to do it! I hope you said yes, sweetie because that guy really likes you."

I smile and wash my hands. I hate the smell of public toilet soap. "Of course, I said yes but that's the problem. We're on tour for the rest of the week. We don't have time."

Lox started laughing hysterically and I just stared at her, "You're serious? I'm sorry, girl you have all the time you want. Why don't you talk to him about it? I'm sure he's worried too, and there's a lot of beautiful places in NY that you could go to."

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll talk to him, and we'll decide on what we're going to do." I hug her and jump off the counter.

"There you two are. Cameron suggested for us to go to the movies tonight, what do you think?" Kenny says, and I shrug walking over to Jack.

"Hey baby girl, what about we skip the movies and we go on a date?" Jack said, and slump his arm around my shoulders while I lace my arm around his waist, making us a few centimeters apart. I shiver to the name he gave me.

"Believe it or not, I was going to say the same thing, Gilinsky."

"Great. Hey, guys, I'm not feeling too well so I'm going to stay in tonight." Jack nudge my side and I realize what he wants me to do.

"Yeah, me neither, I'm just going to call room service."

They look at us and started laughing when Sammy decided to speak. "If you're going on a date, just say it. We don't mind."

"Yeah, Sammy's right," Nash said, agreeing with Sammy's comment.

"Then, it's decided. Jack and I are going on a date tonight."

I let go of Jack, and he walks over to Lox and Tay. I make my way to see Sammy, Nash, and Hayes.

"Y'all alright with that?"

"Of course, roomie." Sammy kisses the side of my head and smiles.

"You have our green card." My cousins said in unison making Sammy and I laugh.

"Alright, well thank you, I guess."

I texted Beth, to get news from her.

How are you? We're in New York, and I'm going on a date with Jack tonight! Are you staying at the house with Nate?

Bestie💕: Goood! Lucky you, it was about time he makes a move on you.. and I was but my mother wanted me to come to dinner again, so yeah.

Haha, and alright I'll text him! Lovee you.

I wonder how Nate's doing at home.

Hey! Is everything alright back home?

Skate: It's absolutely perfect! Missing you guys!

We all miss you too! Oh, and if you go into my room, the third drawer on the right, there's something for you.

Skate: No fucking way, thanks DollFace! How did you know?

I know the smell, Nate. Good thing you went on the balcony hahaha

Skate: Ohh.. haha well alright thanks again

No problem, anytime!

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