☾♕Chapter 36: Heat Tainted

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Song: Eyes Closed by Halsey🎶

~ The only villain in the story is my prince~

Chapter Thirty Six: Hot and Tainted

"Mama Hot!" my baby said and my body was sent into a burning frenzy. It felt like someone was pouring steaming hot magma into bloodstream. Luckily the blood curdling agony filled screams I let out made Banner wake up and jump into action.

He rushed a crying Odes out of the room and came back as I tossed and turned writhing in pain. "He's with Tesoro don't worry I'll make this all better", Banner said rushing to my side and... Kissing me?

"What are you doing?" I said keeping my 'don't you see I'm in pain you idiot' to myself. "You're in heat, I have to fix this", he said his eyes darkening with lust and fury. "What no, Banner don't", I screamed as another wave of pain hit me five times harder.

"I don't like seeing you in pain Noni, not when I can help you and I'm going to help you regardless", he said pulling me to him and assaulting me with kisses as his claws ripped and shredded my clothes occasionally scratching at the skin its self.

Usually I'd lean into his touch but it all just felt wrong and all the pain from the heat mixed with all the inner turmoil I was feeling so I screamed.

I screamed. I prayed for death and it laughed at me.

"Banner Don't", I screamed so loud I felt my ears bleed at an inhumane pitch that shattered the bullet proof windows of the room. With so much force I pushed Banner away from on top of me it sent him flying to the other side of the room into a wall that cracked from the impact.

I scrambled out of bed a crying mess, writhing pain and jumped out the six level high window not caring about the broken shards of glass penetrating in my skin. For a moment as I was falling, I just wanted to let myself fall and I realized what wrong with me.

The feeling that I was trying to figure out but it seemed so out of reach that hollow void I've been filling since I came back, I've sinking. Drowning within myself. For a spilt second I longed for the feeling to consume me whole but I remembered all the reasons I didn't let in the first place and shifted into Odyssey taking off running as soon as my paws hit the ground.

"We have to go back! Mate can help us. It's not safe outside for hell's sake Noni listen", Odyssey told me but I ignored her warning and took off into the woods plummeting to the ground as the fire overwhelmed me shaking my body making me howl out in agony.

I rolled around withering in pain till it subsided for a moment and I took off running again once I heard the sound of thunderous paws getting closer.

Bright full lunar moon illuminating my pass as I zoomed through the woods, I couldn't enjoy the feeling of the wind in my fur as I sweated from every pour making me uncomfortable in my own skins. The lake came into view and I could already feel the phantom taste of sweet, sweet relief.

Just as my wolf hit the freezing cold lake water bringing me the millisecond of the cooling euphoria I'd longed for heat soared through me ten times worse than the last times. I shot through the water that was now boiling hot and only adding to the pain. I got out of the water only to be surround my a hundred wolves.

Unmated males.

Not good, very bad, not good at all. They circled me like hunters to prey and that's exactly what I was right now. I growled and barked at each one that tried to get closer till the all decided to pounce at once, all the possibilities of what would happen flashed through my mind at once till the biggest one stepped into the circle ushering the to step back.

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