☾♕Chapter 25: Born Tainted

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A/N: Did I say till the end of time, I meant today which was yesterday so enjoy the chapter loves....😇

Song: If I Die Young by The Band Perry🎶

~ Now I lay me down to sleep I pray to lord my soul to keep, If I shall die before I wake, I pray to lord my soul to take ~

Chapter Twenty Five: Born and tainted

Sunlight slowly crept through the windows reminding me to wake up but all of me was exhausted and wanted nothing but to stay in bed and sleep but that’s just it I wasn’t in bed I was still sleeping in Maddie. In the middle of nowhere. I prayed and hoped Rohan would call me back soon. I placed my hand on my swollen belly, seriously I don’t look pregnant I just look fat.

All those times, I avoided contact to with the mirror now just made me laugh. There’s a baby in me that thought still hits me like a speeding truck. I moved my arms over to my phone that I’d thrown in the next seat. I didn’t fall asleep I passed out from that light jog to the car it was already four in the afternoon. There goes my birthday party.

Banner must be dying right now but well sucks to be him, he tried well more like wanted to kill my baby. I tried to call Fazirya too but she didn’t pick up and it honestly left me a little worried but I had issues of my own to deal with like for one I’m hungry as fuck right now.

With a sigh, I drove till I found a little dinner. Till I realized I had no money and I was surrounded by lone wolves. I walked over to a little booth trying not to look too suspicious but seeing as all eyes were on me, I guess I was failing. “Can I get you anything sweet heart”, the waitress said a few moments after I’d sat down.

“No, I’m just waiting on a friend”, I said and she gave me a warm smile before walking away. Apart from the waitress who kept taking orders there were about ten people in here, me included, they didn’t look that bad and by bad I mean the evil stories I heard about lone wolfs but I could tell they were all wolves. Times like this I hate why I smell like Banner and the rest of the pack but I already miss them.

After sitting for about an hour, I was really debating on whether to just give birth in a normal hospital and hope for the best life for my child. I’d texted Rohan my location though I still got no response to the voice mail I left last night, I tried him again and again but nothing. I sighed and placed the phone on the table, I was hungry and tired and stressed, not good for a newly pregnant woman well new to me. Six month for him.

“I didn’t order that”, I said as the waitress sets a plate of pancakes beacon and eggs with a side of orange juice for me. My Idea of a perfect breakfast it doesn’t change the fact that it’s six in the evening, I’d still eat it if I had money.

Why did you forget your purse Noni, I don’t know maybe because I was running for my babies life. “I know you didn’t order or pay of it but he did”, the waitress says pointing to some random smirking guy at the entrance of the dinner, except for the part that he was in no way random.

“Roh!” I cheered as I ran to hug him, well tried to run with my wobble feet. “Get away from me, you smell like pack”, he said with a disgusted look on his face. “What?” I question my heart breaking as he pushed me back, humpty dumpty here I fall. He thinks I’m disgusting and cue the water works.

“No shush, Noni it’s not you. I just have to get back to the rogue lands and I can’t smell like pack or else they’ll get suspicious plus I left her all alone”, he said trying to explain and sooth my overly emotional self from crying.

“Sorry these days they just flow”, I explained. “I don’t remember you being this all over the place”, Rohan said. “Well duh I’m pregnant”, I said and he had the most astonished look on his face. “Yah I know I still don’t believe it too”, I said.

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