☾♕Chapter 19: Chase Tainted

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Song: The Book of You & I by Alec Benjamin🎶

~I often find that psychopaths have an acute fascination with being in my life~

Chapter Nineteen: Chase Tainted

“Is this the mad dude chasing after you because he is fire?” Fazirya said abruptly entering the room in nothing but a towel and her wet thick black hair cascading over her face and shoulder.

“I can take him off your hands for you”, she said working over to Banner and grabbing his hand in attempts to pull him away from the room.

“I don’t think so Gustily”, Banner said tearing her arm away from his bulging muscles. We just stayed there looking at each other, the silence only making the situation worse except for Fazirya who was grinning wilder than a Cheshire cat.

“So I guess this is your mate chica”, she said and I nodded slowly like if I made the wrong move everything will descend to hell. Before I realized what was going on she’d grabbed my hand and jumped through the window while holding me like an infant. The moment we got to the ground she shifted into her fiery red wolf and I got on to make a run for it.

Why are we running you might ask I don’t know maybe my mate tried to kill me too many times to count?

When we got to a safe place Fazirya changed back seeing as Banner wasn’t on our track. It surprised me how they just leave pieces of cloth lying around, like what if it rains? She through on an oversized black tee and turned to me with the wild grin she had earlier only wider, “That was so much fun”, she said.

“Seriously your mate is an idiot for running out on you, you’re crazy you know that right”, I told her. Girl just crushed us through a window. “Mates are overrated and I wasn’t ready to see you being dragged away”, she said and I muttered a thanks.

“He looks like a sex god though”, she said biting on her lip. “Don’t you get any idea Fazie I know that look and yes he is a sex god”, I said blush creeping onto my face. Fuck! Now I’m horny.

“What are going do, we can’t stay out here forever”, Fazirya stated the obvious. I was just about to answer here in a careless ‘I’ve got no idea’ when my phone rang. I wished on my dying breath it’s was Tesoro or Averi or even Chrisshiano at this point but no it was the devil himself. I picked up because I mean what’s the harm in a phone call.

“Noni!” he stated sternly on the other line like he was about to lecture a nine year old. “Yes honey boo bear”, I replied in a tease know he can’t get to me. “Get your ass back here!” he screamed to the point I had to hold the phone away from my ear.

“Oh! Why did big mister fuck boy alpha start PMSing again”, I said in a childish sickeningly sweet voice, “Shame I’ve got no time for your temper tantrum so if you could just kindly exist our dorm room”, I say in a more sober tune.

“It’s not like you have a choice”, his voice boomed from behind and by him I mean the creeper Harris. What’s wrong with me? Do I just attract lunatics? “Well Noni I think you can handle this got to go bye”, Fazirya said before she fled like she was escaping the Black Death.

“Traitor!” I yell but she’s long gone. “Looks like it’s just you and me now”, he says and lunges forward. “Banner!” I scream, ironic seeing I was running from the guy. But like magic he appears and a hand pulls me away.

Honestly it all felt like a dream, I wouldn’t be surprised if I just wake up in our dorm room or worse back in high school. I looked at the savior cradling me like a baby to see it’s the traitor. We end back at venom.

Seeing as I’m still in my club outfit and she’s in nothing but a thick black tee we’ll fit right in. “I thought you’d left me”, I stated. “Oh what little faith you have, friend. I’d gone to get your mate”, she said looking around frantically so I asked her what’s wrong. Does she sense her mate?

“It’s nothing. I was raised to be an alpha and one thing I really know is you must defend your territory. I’m not say that your his in that way because that’s really sexist all I’m saying is that my mamma always told me alpha’s and their mates had weird relationships and I think you should work whatever’s going on out”, she said.

I guess she had a point I’ve let this dragon long enough I mean what’s the point in dragging it out. I nodded and she gives me her signature grins and giggles while hugging me.

“I’ve got to go back to the dorm room to where a bra and well underwear find me okay?” she said. I really hope he’d let me see her knowing Banner he’s going to throw me over his shoulder and cuff me to the bed again forget about the whole talking thing.

After she’d left, I’d just got to the VIP room Fazirya convinced Bruce into letting the sorority girls have when I was spun around and pinned to the wall. “Would you stop pining me too places!” I screamed already knowing who it is.

He was so close all I wanted to do was jump his bones. Control Noni we’ve been working on it for the past few months my mind tells me but I know I only controlled myself because he wasn’t right in front of me.

“The rules are freaking simple man, she’s not in red don’t fucking touch her”, Bruce’s voice boomed from the front of the room. He was surrounded by he’s gang. I recognized most of them from my days of wearing green. “Why don’t you mind your own business”, Banner said moronically and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Well then I think that’s a win for me because she, this is whole place my business, she’s my business so let her go before I make you”, Bruce said. Banner finally let my hands go and stoked towards Bruce. Knowing this wouldn’t end well I threw myself into the middle of all their masculine hormones, egos and pride.

“You”, I pointed to Banner, “Behave”, I told him and turned to Bruce and the gang who already had their guns ready, my heart felt aw as I looked at my little army of saviors.

“Bruce its okay, he’s sort of my boyfriend and he can get a little too protective”, I said nearly scoffing at my own words protective try possessive more like marking his territory but wait he already did that.

“Are sure he kind of seems out of it, you know clinically”, Bruce said and I laughed. “Yah I’m sure thanks for the protective big brothers act”, I said and he pulled me into a hug, I could just feel Banner mentally tearing us apart with his wolf.

“I’m not your fricking brother chica”, Bruce said, “Fuck why do all the dick wards get the good girls”, he said and I rolled my eyes. “You’re a dick ward”, I stated and he feigned hurt.

“Can you get that over with already I’d also like some time with my girlfriend”, Banner said and Bruce held that look of, ‘just let me shoot this mother eefer’. “Bruce go”, I say and he manages to leave with the rest of the guys.

I turn to see president dick ward standing inches from me. Great just fucking great.


Word Count: 1390

Oh So... uhm... that happened....😐

I did good right? 😇 Or I did the other...😱

Did yah love, did yah like in very few amounts...?

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Hope it didn't get too confusing 😞 Sadly I know what happens after this.

Team Bruce-y Where u at?...😍

Any who... See yah in the next chapter. Mmmbyee for now loves  ~ Tisha💛

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