☾♕Chapter 34: Rapture Tainted

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Song: Odyssey by Fleurie🎶

~ I will hear a tide of tales so pale for you my love ~

Chapter Thirty Four: Stripped and Raptured


You don't have my mark anymore", Banner said darkly etching closer to me in a predatorily way that didn't seat easy with me. "But that's okay, I'll change that", he said holding me down as he stretched his fangs gleaming under the light.

"Banner don't!" I shouted trying to push him off me but he pulled back before sinking his canines in me but barely budged. Something about him made me know this was going to hurt if it came forced, I've been marked by him before and it was bliss but I didn't trust that evil glint in his eyes and his harsh tone.

"What you don't want me to mark you too", he said his hand on my neck tightening its grip ever so slightly. "Not with that look in your eyes, you look like you want to rip my neck off", I yelled as much as I was slowly losing oxygen but I stood my ground.

He let me go and I fell to the ground, I hadn't even realized my feet weren't on the ground. "Fine, I'll go cool off but the moment I'm back I'm marking you, again. This isn't optional", he yelled and stormed out of the kitchen probably out the house too from all the ruckus I heard.

I was still on the ground gasping for air and looking around for Odes who crawled out from behind a chair then three people rushed into the kitchen. "I had yelling", Gamma Hannah said. "I saw a very angry Alpha storming out", Jayce said. "What was that about?" Tesoro said helping me to my feet and Hannah picked Odes off the floor.

All focus shifted to him instead when he giggled and reached his hands out for me. "Did he just..." Jayce started mesmerized by Odes' giggle. "And was he just..." Hannah failed to say seeing as he picked him up where he was seated on the floor by himself. "Noni explain", Tesoro said.

I took Odes into my hands and he started making silly faces his eyes glinting brightly with happiness and joy making me almost forget what just went down with his father.

"Well as you see Odes hit his milestones Banner said he was having an emotional block or something like that werewolf related stuff", I said.

"Well he did watch and or feel all the life draining out of you the day you were born", Hannah said and sent her a -what the hell are you talking about- questioning look.

"Unlike humans werewolves are aware of most things even as baby, right from the second of birth most memories get locked away though but you can easily retrieve them", Tesoro explained.

"Let me guess it's worse when your born with alpha blood", I said. "Everything is stronger when you have alpha blood now what happened with the Boss Man", Jayce said.

"Well apparently I don't have his mark anymore", I said. Before when I was still human I couldn't see the mark but I sure as hell could feel it. But now I can see Hannah's even Jayce's but mines gone.

"What", they all chorused. Tesoro walked over to me and examined my neck, "It true but how", she said. 'It's because of me' I had Odyssey say in nothing more but a sad whisper.

"Since I was bitten not born a werewolf and I was still human by the time he marked me, he didn't mark my wolf. Odyssey says that because of all the merging and unmerging we've been doing his mark on me also faded so now he has to mark us again", I said.

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