☾♕Chapter 09: Claimed Tainted

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Song: Starving by Hailee Steinfeld🎶

~ Don't tempt me I'll fuck you right here and let the whole school watch ~

Chapter Nine: Claimed Tainted

"I can't believe you do this every day", I told Banner as we drove to school. Since he got expelled from the schools nearby he goes to school in an entirely different town. School for Banner, Tesoro and now for me as well is Three Hours Away! If I didn't have a reason to hate school before add waking up at four in the morning to the list.

I'm not a morning person so I prolonged my sleep for about an hour before Banner had to carry me into the shower, bathe me as I slept, dress again as I slept and force breakfast down my throat. Surprisingly by the time we got to the car I was wide wake and super energetic for no reason.

"Did you slip something in my breakfast?" I asked and he gave me a side glance with a smirk on his face. I wanted to hit him so bad but risk getting into an accident on this dark road no thank you.

"You did, didn't you? What was it cocaine, weed, molly, oxy, vico, norco, coke, addy, benzos, wait if it were benzo's I'd be sleeping or something right? What it a date rape drug? I'm going to die, aren't I? That's why we're driving in darkness no body drives to school at four. Please don't kill me Banns..." I rushed out but Banner stopped me by placing his hand over my mouth.

"Goddess Noni if I knew you'd be this chirpier I wouldn't have done it! I did put something in your breakfast it's called coffee that I mixed with little energy drink you would have known that if your eyes were open by the time instead of sleeping as I feed now please relax, I'm trying not to kill us here and how the hell do you know so much about drugs", Banner said and I smiled sheepishly. Come to think about it he was being sweet and nice, Where did my cocky mean Banner go?

"Nothing. I'm Sorry. Thanks for helping me get ready by the way", I said. I saw him clench his jaw and tighten his hold on the wheel but I didn't really think much of it. I looked at his hand on my thigh and interlaced my hand in his hopping he wouldn't pull away. He pulled our intertwined hands to his lips and kissed my hand.

"Who are you and what have you done to Banner Carranza", I said, "Who are you Noni Peizer because look what you've done to me", he said he's eyes leaving the road before looking at me with a smile that made my heart flutter and I stared at him in awe as he continued to drive.

I slept the rest of the away by the time I opened my eyes to see familiar grounds as we parked in the school parking lot. The sun was already shining brightly like it wasn't just pitch black a few hours ago. "We're here", he said. I gazed down at our hands that were still laced together a smile made its way on my face.

As we got out of the car everyone was visibly staring like movie style oh my shit why are all these eyes on me staring which made me walk closer to Banner. "Why are they all staring?" I asked the line that's been used by so many before me. Banner chuckled darkly hooking an arm around me oddly I felt less tense.

"It's a cliché my Noni boo, fuck boy and good girl go missing only to come back in the same car with fuck boy smiling like a million bucks while good girl's shying away", he said and my mouth just fell into an 'oh'.

"Plus it doesn't help that instead of your little cute flowery sun dresses or whatever type of teen fiction outfit you always wear, you are wearing my sweat pants and hoodie since I dressed you in your sleep and your hair's in a bun I didn't bother with makeup and I'm sure you've not even noticed", he said and I looked over myself and he was right. Sweat pants, hoodie and I'm pretty sure these are Tesoro's favourite white vans. I didn't look that bad though.

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