☾♕Chapter 44: Capture Tainted

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Song: Soldier by Fleurie🎶

~ I'll never Forget and I'll always love you ~

Chapter Forty Four: Stripped and Captured

Banner's P.O.V ❤

"I've got bad news", Fazirya said as I walked out of the pack house right before she fainted. The wolf that was standing next to her shifted and held her before she hit the ground. It was so obvious that they were mates. And I could tell he was a high ranking royal.

"She's just exhausted, we ran here", he said. I moved to take Fazirya from him while Noni gave him some pants but he had a death grip on her. "We're strictly platonic plus I just don't want my mate seeing your nudity on full display", I said. He hesitated but changed as I led us inside.

Honestly I felt like punching the dick ward and by the way Noni kept glaring at him, I could tell she felt the same way but was more concerned for her sister. He has no right to be possessive after disappearing for five years after not so subtly dejecting her.

After getting him a shirt I led us to my office. The pack members were all evacuated to the bunkers. Kellan, Wales, Hannah, Jayce, Odes and Mailyee Bear were in a secure room on our floor.

"I'm Alpha Banner Carranza, this is my mate and Luna Noni Peizer, what might this threat be?" I said politically. "I'm Valerion Kingsley, the royal beta", Fazirya's mate said but if he thinks he's just going to strut in waving his title in the air for our respect, and his got a nothing coming.

"Chill guys", Fazirya groaned as she got up. "We have more deadly matters to discuss than killing my mate", she said. "Fazie are you okay?" Noni asked. "I'm okay just tired", Fazirya replied sitting in one of the chairs.

"King Adrian plans on attacking gold wolf", Valerion said. "What?" Noni and I asked. "Apparently he's gone mad and power crazy, he wants to be the only alpha. It's not enough that he's king he wants to be the one and only", Fazirya explained.

Rumors about Alpha King Adrian going off his rocker had been going around but this is just insanity. I'd met the guy before I'd shifted, he seemed delusional about his views and ideas, and he was a righteous prick but this, what kind of king? What kind of person?

When I'd heard that the king was paying a visit to our pack nearly three years ago, I trained my warriors to be prepared. It was no secret that King Adrian brought distraction wherever he went but after him not showing, I brushed it off but kept training going. Better safe than sorry.

"When?" I asked. "Today", Fazirya answered. "Actually..." Valerion said calling our attention to him. I heard my warriors that's I'd stationed at the border howl in distraught through the mind link and I instantly knew what had happened.

"He's already here", I announced and Valerion nodded confirming my suspicions. "Fazirya and I will back you up", he said and I nodded in agreement. "Noni, I know you want to help but I need you with the kids in case something goes wrong", I told her and she hesitantly obliged understanding where I was coming from.

On top of the back, having Odes, Noni and our unborn baby in harm's way would be too distracted for me to fight clearly. Noni was in my arms seconds later as I savored the feeling. Her scent, her warmth, her perfect lips on mine.

"Please be safe", she said giving me a promise filled kiss before me promising to try my best and demanding the same of her as she running to our son.

"Let's go deal with this", I said. Already hating being away from my mate. We made our way to the first floor being extra cautious because we had no idea who he was working with or what he had planned. We'd just gotten to the lobby when the doorbell rang.

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