☾♕Chapter 31: Here Tainted

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Song: Dead by Madison Beer🎶

~ Don't say goodbye just yet, I don't want this moment to ever end ~

Chapter Thirty One: Here And Tainted

💛 Noni's P.O.V 💛

"Noni, is it really you", Banner said as we pulled away from the hug and stood separately. I frowned at the loss of contact and said, "Who else would it be? The little mermaid emerging from the... err... sea - lake thing?", I snarkly say but with a pout wanting to be back in Banner's arms.

"Sarcasm it really is her", Jayce said making me laugh at the enthusiasm in his words. "Noni!" everyone from Tesoro, Hannah, Jayce, Averi even silent Bob rushed in for a hug and I giggled hugging them back.

"I have to check your vitals and everything make sure you're okay no one just resurrects from the dead", Averi said. "Oh so you're back to being a doctor now", Tesoro said. "You stopped being a doctor", I question.

"Long story", Averi said. I've been dead five weeks, I'm guessing I missed a lot. "How is this even possible", Hannah said. "I'll tell you all later but first... my mate", I said looking at said mate.

Banner was standing at a distance as attractive as ever, he honestly looked like he was about to pass out though. "Banner?" I said as softly as I could, he's a heartbeat was beating like it was racing and against the seconds.
I walked closer and he looked frozen.

I never thought that I would ever make Banner stuck in time, I never would have thought all those years back mate or not that I would leave Banner Carranza tainted.

I made the blanket he'd draped over me like a make shift burrito around my body and stood in front of him. "It can't be, it's been ten months" he said and I sensed the agony in his voice. My poor mate's broken because of me.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and like a reflex he's snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me impossibly closer to him, his tight grip on my body serving as proof that I won't just dematerialize into thin air and he'd be left holding nothing. I'm here and I ain't leaving anytime soon.

Within no time our lips touched and I let myself be engrossed by the sparks that were ten times more intense than when I was human. Everything felt better as our lips danced and moved in perfect sync. 'Goddess I love this man', I thought, 'and his wolf' Odyssey chimed in.

'I love all of him'

I leaned deeper into his touch as we shared dominance over the kiss, It felt like utter agony pulling away when all we wanted to do was stay in that moment forever.

"Believe it now" I smiled as our foreheads pressed together. Panting back the oxygen into or lungs. "I love you Noni Peizer, I love you so, so terribly much it hurts and I don't care I still love you, I'll always love you", Banner said and I shut him up placing my lips on his again as we both let out tears of joy.

"I love you too, more than you know. I love you, Banner nothing will ever change that. I'm here, believe it, I'm alive and I love you", I tell him one we pulled apart again. We wiped each other's tears before facing the crowd that was staring at us with respect, adoration, love and awe.

"Luna!" the pack cheered and before I knew it were in a pack group hug. Supposedly during the time Banner and I were kissing everyone had shifted back and got dressed. Phew because that would have been awkward.

We all sat down, Banner sitting me in his lap while I leaned into his embrace and told them all that happened not forgetting the part where Odyssey calling the moon goddess a righteous raging bitch.

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