☾♕Chapter 32: Back Tainted

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Song: Roman holiday by Halsey🎶

~Our present is our future past, let's make this moment last~

Chapter Thirty Two: Back and Tainted

😁Banner's P.O.V😁

You know how those superheroes in movies hold a baby (or whatever the hell they're protecting) close to their chest when a bomb's exploding, yah that awkward touchy feely emotion over dramatic -I won't let anything happen to you even if my life depends on it- spoony way.

That's how my dearest loving mate, Noni and I are right now, except for the fact that she's trying to be the superhero and I'm the -six foot four, even goddess doesn't know how much way- baby.

I'll give her this though, with her newborn werewolf strength if she does as much as slight squeeze let's just say... I'll be the next one thrown in a lake, only I won't come back.

I didn't want to wake her but I didn't want to die either. I patted her arm slowly and wheezed out, "Noni darling, I know you love me and all but if you seriously so much as flex it's bye, bye Banner for good", I said but she didn't even budge.

Haaaaah!... Death by cuddle, What a lovely was to go...

Just then, Odes started making gargling noises indicating that he wanted to be fed and her grip loosened immediately as she shot up, I held her back making her lay back down.

"Stay here", I told her and she looked like she wanted to do anything but. "But he's hungry", she whined trying to get up but I made her lay down again. "I can handle it, let me get him to you and make him a bottle, you still need to rest", I tell her getting out of bed and moving over to the crib and picking up Odes and pecking his forehead good morning. Oh we're gonna spoil you rotten.

"I rested enough so don't dare keep me locked up on this floor again", she protested to my plan of keeping her forever as my own personal Rapunzel.

"Just until you get checked out", I told her living a little detail out which she caught on with easy and crossed her arms to glare at me.

"You think out of no where, I'm going to fall unconscious while I'm moving and die again don't you", she said and I walked over and let her hold Odes then pecked her forehead. "I wouldn't put it past you yet, love", I said as I started making Odes formula.

"Hey my little prince the only man I'll ever truly love", Noni cooed to Odes and I knew exactly what she was trying to do.

"Please Noni, you really think I'll be jealous of our son when he's my little warrior is only person I'll ever love too", I challenged. "What about me", she whined. "I could say the same thing", I said handing the bottle to her.

"Rhiyan wants to talk to you himself, to make sure you're okay", I said sitting beside her on the bed. "Sure my wolf wants to meet both of you too", Noni said and that statement hit me way back.

"Does it feel weird?" I asked. "What? Saying my wolf or having a wolf or resurrecting after a month of being 'dead' " she said calmly as she feed Odes.

"I guess all out it, your wolf's beyond gorgeous by the way", I said and I spotted a little blush creeping to her cheeks. "Yes, it's a little weird but not so much, you know", she shrugged.

"I guess I'll let Rhiyan take control then", I said and closed my eyes and shifted control to my wolf.

🐺 Rhiyan's P.O.V 🐺

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