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~One Who Is Being Seized With Terror, Fright and Madness During The Night Is Being Visited By The Goddess Of The Moon~


Long ago, around the time when the world had just been born. Mother Earth and Father Sky had two particularly special grandchildren, the god of the sun and his sister the goddess of the moon. The moon goddess known at that time as Luna, a name given to her by mortals was astronomically beautiful with lovely long flowing black hair. On the tip of each strand of her hair hang a bead of frozen sweat that glowed like diamonds, these came to be what we now know as stars.

Entranced by his sister's beauty, the god of the sun chose to pursue her fervently. The moon goddess wary of her brother's charms and unwilling to return his affections took a form that would unable her flee into the sky but still her persistent brother chased after her.

They raced across the sky, the moon goddess running away bring about the night and the sun god chasing her bringing about day.

One night as she moved across the night, she looked down below onto the earth and saw a beautiful young man sleeping among twelve wolf pups. The man who raised wolves was known as Alpha. Upon seeing the man Luna's heart ached with longing and she knew then that she had found her soul mate so she fell out of the sky and into the arms of Alpha.

For a time Luna was hidden away by Alpha who had fallen in love with the lovely goddess' beauty as well as cool, comforting and seductive presence. They lived happily with the twelve wolf pups. But that happiness couldn't last forever. The sun god had continued running after his sister and grew more enraged upon not seeing her. His fury rolled off him in waves and started to scorch the earth, drying up the oceans, shriveling plants, bringing famine that killed many animals and plants.

The king of gods, sick of hearing mortal prayers and lamentations begged Luna to return to the sky offering her a single wish. But at that time Luna was with child and did not wish to live her mate not did she want to run with her children.

In haste and afraid of the sun God's wrath that could surely bring an end to all life on earth including her mates, Luna made her wish.

She looked at Alpha and his wolves and remembered Lycaon, a man who angered the King of Gods by serving him a meal made from human flesh as punishment he was turned into a wolf. He tried to speak but his voice broke into an echoing howl. His ravening soul infected his jaws, his murderous longings turned on livestock, and he still was possessed by bloodlust. His garments were changed to a shaggy coat and his arms into legs.

An idea struck Luna but she spoke without thinking, "Forgive Lycaon and let his children hold the souls of mine, only when I've called for them may my children's' souls to return home to me"

But the King of Gods was cunning and as much as he fulfilled Luna's request he still imposed the punishment of painful shifting upon Lycaon's descendants.

The moon goddess gifted all her children with special abilities such as super human agility super human durability super human senses super human speed super human strength and super human healing along with the ability to identify their soul mates.

Upon returning to the sky the moon goddess collided with her brother causing the first eclipse they fought before she could run away again. While living on earth the goddess had become accustomed to mortal food. Now as she ran she'd starve and lose weight getting smaller every night until she disappears from the sky. Too quickly fetch the food her family on earth had offered to her before slowly coming back to her full self.

She had also gifted special powers to each of her children individually.

Mystic Spirit who could not fully transform into a human was born on the night of the New Moon. She was given the power read one's soul.

Black Crescent whose white fur had a patch of fur on his chest shaped like a crescent was born on the night of Waxing Crescent Moon. He was given the power to lull creatures to slumber.

Shadow and White Shadow who didn't have physical forms while transformed were born on the night of the First Quarter Moon and were given the ability to mask reality and create illusions.

Gustily whose was fiery red was born on the night of the Waxing Gibbous and given the power to unmerge the soul of the human and that of the wolf to create to separate beings.

Gold whose fur was made of strings of gold was born on the night of the full moon and was given the ability to read thoughts.

Ghostly Havens whose pitch black eyes looked soulless was born on the night of the Waning Gibbous and was given the power to control bodies.

The twins, Black Hurricane whose stark black fur blended into the night and Silver Storm whose mercury eyes shone like pure silver were born on the night of the Last Quarter Moon and given the power to control the tide.

Red Eclipse identified by their glowing red eyes had the power to mind melt and Blue Moon identified by their luminescent blue fur had the power of freeze touch were born on the night of the Waning Crescent Moon.

As the queen of the night the moon goddess invites us to revel her glow at the full moon but to also see in the dark at the new moon. The earth was peaceful for a time until Alpha found love in a human woman. This awakened a darker more emotional side of the moon goddess, hysteria, road rage, clouded perceptions. She felt betrayed by her love and cursed him, his bite would be lethal to mortals.

With time, Alpha made a mistake and bite the mortal woman dooming her to death. Over driven with the grief of losing two loves in one lifetime, Alpha tried to take his own life. The mortal woman in despair opted to do the same but Luna stopped them once she realized that the woman was with child. The moon goddess gave them a choice they could either save the mortal woman or the child. The mortal woman pleaded with the moon goddess to save her child.

The moon goddess showed apathy for the child, she could not break the curse but she could at least alter it. The bite would be lethal to all those who haven't received the goddess' blessing. As punishment for trying to take his life, the goddess sealed Alpha's life with a vow that would only let him be killed by his mates. Because of this the goddess gave her children one last ability, to be able to find second chance mates.

While giving birth, the mortal woman passed away and was reborn as Amaris, child of the moon.

Amaris and Alpha then had a son who was born with a fragment of the moon goddess' soul, Royal Crimson. He ruled over his brothers and sisters as King of all wolves. And the King could never be disobeyed.

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