☾♕Chapter 42: Reunion Tainted

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Song: Can you hold me by NF ft. Britt Nicole🎶

~ With all the ability to be the ruin of me, you are still my saving grace ~

Chapter Forty Two: Stripped and Reunited

😍Noni's P.O.V😍

"BANNER CARRANZA!" I yelled at the top of my voice from where I stood in the bathroom. Banner that little prick run towards me like his ass was on fire. My anger only blazed upon seeing his stupidly gorgeous face.

"YOU STUPID LITTLE WRITHING IDIOTIC MOTHER FUCKER!" I roared hitting at his chest with all the emotion in me. It's been a month of nausea till I got to this point and I already think that little twat knows what he did. I bet you he did it on purpose.

"See this is why I avoided sex with you for a whole year every time we fuck you get me pregnant you idiot", I said as he held me in his arms as he looked at the confirmed pregnancy tests.

The grin on his face could be mistaken for nothing but pure joy.

"You're pregnant", he said smiling so bright I thought I needed sunglasses. "I love you", he said pecking my forehead. "I love you, I love you, I love you", he said pecking my all over me faces before falling to his knees and kissing my still flat belly. "And I love you", he said and I giggled at the sparks, tingles and tickles he was causing.

"Yay me, I'm going to give birth again", I said sarcastically. "We can always abort", Banner said with a smirk that sly fool knowing my automatic response was pushing his stupid head away and holding onto my stomach. "Mine", I growled out.

"Mama I've made a decision", my little three year old said as he ran in onto the bed. Odes was only three but with the way he talked since I had a strict no baby talk rule you'd think he's seven and by the these werewolves grew you'd think he's six.

"And what is that my little warrior", I said sitting by the bed beside him while Banner wrapped his arms around me. "Bear told me where babies really come from", Odes said. Mailyee Bear Romano is Odes' best friend. The beta of the Blue Moon pack's daughter. Blair's niece. I love her to death but that little angel cannot stop talking.

For luck of a better reply all I could say was, "Okay" not really prepared to have this talk while Banner snickered in the background. I turned and glared at him. He quickly sobered up. "Go on", he told our son.

"I've decided I don't want another Odes, I want to be me alone forever, no brother or sibling whatsoever", he said joyfully before he straight up just ran out of the room to look for whatever mischief he could pounder.

"You're it", I quickly told Banner. "You're the one telling Odes he's going to be a big brother soon", I explained. "Oh come on", Banner said. "It's only fair", I said wiggling out of his grasp and going to look for Odes. Knowing him he'd probably be causing chaos in the pack house.

I looked everywhere, the kitchen, the game room, the kid's room where they'd always play, I went back to our floor and checked his room still nothing. I checked all the living rooms, all the theatre rooms, I went to the indoor pool. Sometimes that kid just drives me crazy, yet the thought of having two of them running around didn't seem so bad.

I saw the front door of the pack house open and instantly regretted giving Kellen the day off. "Odes", I called opening the door my eyes went wide at the sight of seeing him so willingly in the arms of a stranger.

"Mama who's the pretty lady", Odes said as he looked at said stranger fondly. "Odes she's part of your family and she's here to kill us", I said gulping down on my on breath as Blair looked at Odes then back at me shock, recognition, surprise and happiness flooding her features before she smirked at me.

She gave Odes to Rohan that I just noticed standing there before tackling me into a hug.

"I'll kill you later right now, I really missed you", Blair said.

"Where's my sweet rogue turned good", I asked as we pulled apart after hugging for what seemed like ages. I didn't even notice Odes and Rohan had already strutted by us into the house until I heard Banner growl at the statement I made.

"Girl you snugged Banner Carranza respect", Blair said and I just smiled trying my best to not look like pennywise the clown. Seeing Blair just brought back memories of the times, I pinned for him in the shadows drooling over each breath he took.

Honestly nothing much has changed, Banner and the tornado of angry hornets he awakens are still as close as ever.

"Come on we have nearly six years of girl talk to catch up on", I said ushering her inside. "Miss me already Little Miss", Banner told Blair. "Pssht missed my best friend", she said as Banner and Rohan did their weird side pat bro hug thing.

We went to our floor and let Odes watch red shoes and the seven dwarfs as we talked.

"So brother huh", Blair said as Banner and Rohan walked back to us from the kitchen laughing about something. "Yeah foster but his a great guy, helped deliver Odes", I said. "Yah he really is", Blair sighed.

"Mate problems", I asked. "I wished he was my real mate sometimes but know its Chrisshiano fucking Mars and on other days I'd be so happy for that but he's changed a lot Noni, he's even kept Jenna as Luna after even knowing. I don't think he wants me anymore", Blair said.

"Don't worry that doofus will come around eventually", I told her then smirked as I looked at Rohan not so subtly glancing at Blair every five seconds like she'd disappear.

"So you and Rohan how did that happen exactly", I asked. "Well when I got to the rogue lands I realized I was way in over my head, I got my cover blown turns out Lucreasia had a mate. He tried to get off on me so Rohan and I killed him", she said calmly. "Well that fucker deserved it then", I said. "Uhm Noni", Rohan called and I turned to his anxious gaze. "Yeah", I replied. "The rogue, it was DeVil", Rohan said.

DeVil Rosario died. My mind took it's time processing the information. The monster that haunted my dreams and memories. The one who made aware of danger larking in every corner has been dead for nearly five years

"Babe are you okay", Banner asked concern and worry prominent in his tone. "Yeah, I am. I'm fine", I said.

"That ugly green turd's never getting a kiss", Odes said laughing at dwarf merlin. "He's got zero game mamma", he said moving from his spot and cozying himself on my lap. "Nothing like my little prince", I said. "Yah I'm way better at impressing princesses soon Mailyee will be mine", he said.

A family, a son, a mate. I'm a freaking werewolf. A few years ago I wouldn't even imagine this but it's real. The loves real, my life's real and I wouldn't want to change it.

Blair and Rohan stayed for a little longer. We talked about all the shit that's been going on in the past six years.

I stayed cuddled up with Odes and Banner while we watched god mothered. My little family.


Word Count: 1338

For more Rohan and Blair check out Hers To Claim and if you wanna know the all details on DeVil's demise check out chapter: Hers To Kill

That said, Thoughts on the chapter and on baby nunber two. I'm curious though any exceptations on how this is going to end?

Kay bye ~ Tisha💛

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