☾♕Chapter 29: Held Tainted

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Song: Don’t hold me by Sandro Carvazza🎶

~ Hold tight, I’m about to let you go can’t hide all the rebel that we broke all this waiting we’ve been wasting time ~

Chapter Twenty Nine: Held and Tainted

😥 Banner’s P.O.V 😭

It’s been ten months without her.

It’s funny the way you love someone so much that the memory of them keeps you alive. Baby Odes is a strong little warrior be it he’s only ten months old. He’s completely health and has gotten so big. Though his not hit any milestones yet and it worries me at times but the doctors all say it's normal, I don't want to risk it though.

Not again.

Fazirya drops by from time to time to check on us. The other pack she-wolves like Tesoro and Hannah always help me out with Odes especially when I have alpha duties to get done.

Everyone’s been so supportive and I miss her like hell, the sad truth is you can’t love someone back to live no matter how hard you try and believe me I’ve tried.

I groaned seeing as Chrisshiano was calling again. Since news of the human Luna of the Golden wolves pack died in child birth spread like wild fire everyone’s been on my case.

He wants to see the baby but I can’t let him in my pack or anywhere near Odes seeing as he still keeps Jenna as his Luna and Harris as his Gamma. Chrisshiano’s a good guy who makes stupid shitty decisions when Blair gets back, oh he is going to get it.

“Alpha, the pack doctor and Delta of Red Eclipse are here to see you and the baby”, Jayce said throw the mind link and I told him to let the come to my floor.

Averi was haunted most by Noni’s death seeing as she tried everything till she couldn’t after she run out of the hospital they’ve never been back to Gold Wolf. I heard she stopped taking patients after that.

“Hey my warrior want to meet your aunty and uncle”, I cooed to a sleepy Odes who’d just woken up. Just as I got him out of his crib, I heard Averi calling from the corridors. I cradled baby Odes and worked us over to them. Averi’s face immediately lit up even though you could tell she was just from crying.

“We should have come by sooner, I’m sorry…” Averi started and I cut her off with the hug making sure not to squish baby Odes between us. “It’s okay I completely understand, Avi”, I said and let her carry Odes. “Odes huh? What does that even mean”, Averi asked. “She chose it, I asked her what it meant and she just shrugged”, I said. “Yap, sounds like her”, Averi said with a chuckled sob.

“How he looks like both of you just shocks me”, She added in awe. “If you want you can watch him I’ve got a meeting it will only take about an hour or less”, I told her. “Can we?” Averi said looking up at me with pleading eyes.

“Sure you’re family”, I said. “Seriously sorry”, Averi added. “It’s okay so stop it before it’s not”, I warningly joked. “Okay”, Averi said looking back at Odes in awe.

“All you have to do is feed him, I just put him in a fresh diaper”, I gave them instructions before preparing to leave. Can you imagine me, Bannaer Carranza changing stinky diapers!

“She’d be so proud of you”, Averi said. “Well if she was here she’d be doing most of the work, I’m just doing what she’d do”, I told her honestly and she nodded.

Bob was sited silently on his phone in the corner of the room while Averi swayed Odes as she moved around the nursery. “I’ll be back in a bit”, I told them and left for the meeting.

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