☾♕Chapter 17: Strictly Tainted

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Song: Bad by Lennon Stella

~ Sometimes you need to close your eyes to see that the people around you are hurting too ~

Chapter Seventeen: Strictly Tainted

Noni’s P.O.V 💛

He let me go.

He drove me away.

He just let me go that writhing little son of a piccola.

After Banner’s little bipolar mood switch Tesoro dragged me to Maddie while I was still like what the fuck is going on.

“What happened Banner just told me to come get you and take you out the pack lands”, Tesoro said having no clue what was going on. Well Treasure that makes two of us.

“I found Banner and Jenna doing it”, I told her. For some reason I wasn’t angry anymore or sad or even broken I was just really, seriously confused.

“Then he acted like nothing happened but I know what I saw Tesoro. It was too real not to be”, I told her she looked frantic and seemed to be in a hurry. “Well that explains something”, she said more to herself than to me.

I gave her a questioning look. “He’s
having one of his anger tantrums he stopped having them when he found you now the whole pack feels what the Alpha feels. That’s why I’m trying to get us as far as possible. Thousands of angry wolves plus one human equals not good”, she said but all I could think of was the trouble Banner could get himself into.

“Should we go back?” I asked. “Noni he’s your mate and I’m sure he loves you but he will kill you when he’s like this”, she said the floored the car. I stayed quite till she came to an abrupt stop if I wasn’t wearing my seatbelt it would be head plus windshield equals bye, bye Noni Peizer. “What the hell was that Tess do you want to kill me too”, I said.

“Get out were running the rest of the way”, is all she said before getting out and shirting into treasure letting all her clothes tatter on the ground. “We can’t just leave Maddie here if someone steals her Blair will kill us”, I said as I got out.

“ It’s in pack lands and it’s got Banner’s scent all over it no one will dare touch it and if they do just add Blair to the list of wolves who want you dead number a thousand something and one now get on they’re getting close”, she said and bent lower to shift into her wolf. “Who are getting close?” I asked.

GET THE FUCK ON NONI!!!” she yelled through the link. And that when I saw the thousands of gold wolves running towards us. “Shit!” I said and hoped onto Tesoro holding onto her fur as tightly as I could without hurting her.

The feeling of her running was amazing as the wind blew onto my body paired with the passing trees it was the kind of feeling you’d get when you’re driving super-fast and watching as the world fades away pair that with werewolf speed and triple it, you get the adrenaline rush I’m having right now. That and the fact that my Mate and he’s pack wants to kill me because he cheated. Again, What the Actual Fuck!!!

“Hold on, I’m going to have to go faster we’re entering Ghostly Haven Territory”, she said. “Why aren’t we going to Red Eclipse”, I asked, it’s nearer.

“Because it’s the first place he’d look and we don’t need a war right now on top of the rogue one”, she said. A bunch of honey brown wolves run behind us trying to stop us because we were crossing the border without permission.

Tesoro/Treasure was going faster than I've ever seen a wolf or anything for that matter run. I could barely make out the outline of the woods and tres we past.

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