☾♕Chapter 37: Led Tainted

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Song: It’s Not You It’s Me by Bea Miller ft. 6lack🎶

~ If you’re already feeling lost what’s left for you to lose ~

Chapter Thirty Seven: Stripped and Led

When I woke up he was gone, our son was still in my arms. I was too tired and sore to move. I just laid there, my thoughts mingled up in nothingness, my mind was tangled blank mess. When I thought of thinking my mind went numb.

When Odes woke up I gave him a bath and dressed him, I mind linked Fazirya to come help me take care of him as I showered as well. I had brunch plans with some Lunas that stayed after the Gala but I mind linked Tesoro to let them now I wasn’t feeling well and to if possible postpone it.

I knew exactly were Banner was, we’d been talking about it for a while now but he just left without a goodbye even, knowing he could possibly die. It’s been five years since Blair left and the rogue war if everything went according to plan will be over with a month or two.

Other than the Royal Pack, Gold wolf has been more hands on when it came to the war. We sent more warriors, six of our best were most packs sent one or two of the ones they wouldn’t care to lose.

Packs like the Ghostly Havens that sent a newly shifted omega she-wolf, packs like the Black Crescents that sent banished wolves even Red Eclipse was wrong to send Blair knowing she hadn’t shifted yet.

Though they were good packs like the Gustily who sent Rohan the best they had, the Silver-storms who sent their Beta Heir and the Black Hurricanes who helped as much as the Gold Wolf. I know all this because for four months Banner has been training me to run the pack in his absence whether or not he returns.

I really hope he comes back home safe even after last night, we’d just promised not to hurt each other but once again, here we are and it feels like our love keeps floating around in limbo.

I let the thoughts stop, for the next month I had to be stoic as Alpha regent till Banner comes back.

I walked into the kitchen to see Fazirya on the floor of the living room getting her face smashed into the carpet by Odes who was kneeing her down, sounds horrific but it was just funny. I let them play while I took an after pill, wouldn’t want that happening again.

It’s not that I wouldn’t love my baby if I had another one but right now my Odes is enough.

“I was out powered by a one year old I’m so ashamed”, Fazirya groaned out and I carried Odes off her and into his high chair and pecked his cheek. All I want to do is shower him with love.

“So want to talk about last night before I get back to Alpha duties at Gustily and drop this stoic Alpha regent act with me Noni”, Fazirya said as she made herself comfortable on one of the chairs next to the kitchen island while I made our breakfast, bacon and eggs for us and Cerelac for Odes.

“Nothing really, went into heat my mate’s wolf and mine conspired against me, woke up to an empty bed and now I’m here”, I say nonchalantly. “You don’t have to sound like your past it when you’re not I’m sure Banner only wants to give you some time”, Fazirya said as she played peck a boo with Odes as I scrambled the eggs.

“He didn’t even say goodbye Fazie he could die out there and leave Odes and I and he didn’t even say goodbye”, I vented out. I know we weren’t in the greatest place but he could still have said goodbye. “You know how gold wolves are when it comes to feelings and I’m sure Banner just didn’t know what else he could do”, Fazirya said and I rolled my eyes as I plated the eggs and got to fry the beacon.

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