☾♕Chapter 41: Re-cap Tainted

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Song: Can you hear me by Fleurie🎶

~ The mistakes we make in our present are taught in our history that they define our future ~

Chapter Forty One: Stripped and Re-caped

Previously on Stripped And Tainted . . .

😇Noni's P.O.V😇

My life can some up to two words, half of it is stripped the other is tainted. My parents were ordinary humans who apparently didn't know the meaning of using protection, I can't blame them though if they did I wouldn't have been born.

My mother Renita Peizer was forced into a marriage she didn't want to be in, in the first place. So after hate banging my dad the not so lovely Brandon Peizer she ran away only to find she was pregnant with me, lord only knows how many times she tried to abort me but being the stubborn little fucker I am, it didn't take.

So after all those attempts, it reached a time I had to be delivered and finally mother dearest's wish came true, I was nearly still born. After the doctors rushed to get my heart pumping again, I made it. My mother on the other hand died after cursing out my existence.

I know all this from the Mystic Spirit pack. The first seven years of my life were all a blur till the time my brother Rohan found me in the woods. How I got there is a mystery in its own. He took me to the orphanage he'd been living in at the Mystic Spirit pack territory and they were kind enough to let me stay with them.

One day after making me relieve the moment of my birth, they were able to trace who my father was and got me back to him. I stayed with Brandon for a year till I was eight years old. Brandon never cared for my mother and could give shit all about me but I'd give it to the man he was a pretty good actor, convincing me he loved me.

One day out of the blue, he took me to the car and drove off. I didn't know where we were going and I knew better than to ask, Brandon never like questions. After ours of silence I decided I'd rather sleep than get acquainted with the awkwardness.

But sleep and I were never friends, the car stopped momentarily before I had two doors slam shut and we were driving again. "Is this her", I had a gruff voice say in the front. "Yah that's the little wrench", Brandon said. "She's not that bad", a voice beside me said before I felt his large hand on my little thigh trailing further up the hem of my skirt. "Not bad at all", it said.

"Hey", Brandon said, "You touch it you by it", he continued and I felt my little heart break. "How much do you think they'll buy her for any way", the voice at the front said. "Honestly I'd like her out of my house for free but give or take two thousand, we'll just have to wait and see", Brandon said.

"I'll take her", the voice beside me said as the rest of them chuckled. Abruptly I was yanked onto the man's legs, my eyes and skirt flew open as his rough hands held me down.

Looking at his face, I could see pure evill intention in his eyes, the devil smirking down at me. He brought his lips wanting to crash them upon mine but I pushed his face away with my palm screaming objections.

I could hear Brandon's voice through my struggle yelling for me to quiet down. I just knew I hard to get out of there. Kicking and punching at the man to let me go, I all but flew to the front blinding Brandon's view of the road, the car swerved and swerved and swerved. I held onto myself as it tipped over and I blacked out.

The next time I was fully away, paramedics were flooding the scene. The three men confirmed dead, it was miracle I'd survived. I found my way back to the orphanage as the scared little girl I was, wanting to be in my brother's arms.

After a year, the Alpha and Luna of the Gustily wolf pack had taken a liking to Rohan and were willing to adopt him, I came along as baggage seeing as he so adamantly refused to leave me behind. Rohan was always my saving grace.

The Kinsley's gave me a home and their daughter Fazirya preferred having a brother all the same. We were all sent to boarding school were I surprisingly made friend like Lowie, Esme, Parker and Jenna which inevitably led to me meeting him.

DeVil Rosario. One his high horse he swooped into my life a nightmare disguised as a day dream. I wanted to be loved so badly I conjured it.

Looking back I was more in love with the idea of love than liking him. But things fell apart when trauma cause Fazirya shifted before she should have and I fell witness to what they were, werewolves.

At first I was frightened but in my eyes, it didn't change the fact that they were still the only people in the world that gave two shits about me. The Alpha and Luna decided it was not safe for me anymore and I had to change school, change lives and live the supernatural behind but I couldn't.

New school, new life, a new family that didn't really want me and fighting with my boyfriend lead me into Banner Carranza's arms that night. Though the next morning he had varnished, I didn't regret a thing.

"If I can't have you no one can and when I'm done with you, no one ever will", DeVil said that day and I almost believed him. I almost gave up on life.

Till I found myself falling hard and falling fast for my mate even though sometimes he tends to be a monster, I keep falling strong, falling helplessly for the Father of my son.

He stripped me of my past and blessed me with future. Stripped me of all the pain and tainted me with his love. Stripped me of all my clothes and tainted me with his blood. Odes. For the life of me, I'd go through all the pain, reopen every scare, relive every nightmare for my son and his father to forever be in my life.

Now, here I am waiting for a new part in our story to begin.

💛Banner's P.O.V💛

Love and Loss my life was defined by those two words.

From my loving mother being killed by hunters when I was little to my grandparents and father murdered by rogues. I don't know if Noni knows how much she saved me when she held my hand and helped me breathe. Someone so beautifully flawed helping a mess like me.

Did she even realize I was ship quickly going under? That my life had left me with a one way ticket to being a monster. I tried to taint her with my anger but she stayed and loved me still even when I almost hurt her like he hurt.

Even when I tried to live without her, she was my sunshine. Day and night she was my lifeline. I couldn't bear the thought of her hurting but I was scared to be the one to hurt. When she nearly died, I was wallowing in sorrow afraid of losing her forever.

Then she gifted me with a son. Our Odes, I'd give my life for him and Noni in a heartbeat. Those gorgeous blue green storms in his eyes. His joy and laughter, the way my hurt melts when he calls me father.

They stripped me of all the evil growing with me and tainted me with light. Stripped me of all the loneliness and tainted me with family. Nothing feels as right as holding her in my arms.

Noni Peizer has all the ability to be the ruin of me but she'll forever be my saving grace.


Word Count: 1481


I just wanted to throw that in there coz people kept asking what happened with Noni's Dad plus this is not random because I didn't have anything to write no, It's all connected to what I've got planned.

Sadly though if you couldn't already tell, Stripped and Tainted's coming to an end with about five chapters to go😭😭😭😭

Thanks for sticking with me though😘😍some people *cough cough* my bestie *cough cough* refused to read until it was complete. But seeing as it's her way of motivating me to finish, no hard feelings😇

Any who vote, comment, share, see yah beautiful minds in the next chapter. Mmmbyeee guys~ Tisha💛

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