☾♕Chapter 12: Us Tainted

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Song: To Making Noise (Sing) by Hozier🎶

~ Let's make abuela proud by doing something the devil himself would gladly approve of ~

Chapter Twelve: Us and Tainted

We danced the rest of the night after a few speeches and dinner the gala was over and most people were returning to their packs others to their rooms with all the tension in the air and these being alphas I'm afraid all the pretty suits and dress are about to be ripped off to shreds. Lowie and Esme disappeared with their mates a long time ago.

"Are you ready to go", Banner said walking to me from where ever he was coming from with his buttons more casual than usual and his jacket from. "Where are you from", I asked. "Pulling the car around", he said casually. "We're not staying here?" I asked it was already around midnight and the drive back to Gold Wolf was long.

"I have something else planned", he said and I shot him a worried look. "I've had enough Banner Plans for one day", I said standing up to leave as he held his hand out to help me up. I don't think I'll ever get used to the tinges burning under my skin when we touched.

"I promise you'll like this", he said his voice coming out pleading, I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh. "Fine", I said. "Here you look cold", he said letting me wear his huger than life suit jacket that was covered in his scent and warm making it the most comfortable thing in all the worlds. "Thanks", I said and let Banner pull me away from the gala. It was fun but I have a feeling the party's just began.


Curse you short legs! Curse you Banner for showing off with your long strides. Curse you werewolf speed! Curse you... "Noni that's enough now", Banner said as I cursed out in my head and out loud. "Where are we going and would you stop being so fast", I all but panted out. Yah I'm out of shape, sue me.

"We should really start your training soon", Banner said as he continued pulling me throw the woods my little legs barely keeping up, Curse you short things! "Don't remind me, I hate all things exercise", I groaned then held as Banner skid to a stop and made me his favourite bag a potatoes once more. "Here better", he said and I rolled my eyes then glared at his perfect ass. Bless you sweet angel that created this amazing site.

"You now my dearest mate I'm beginning to wonder whether I look like a sack of potatoes", I said and I was only replied by his brutal panty soaking ass smack. "Would you stop that", I hissed feigning ire. "I know you like it", he said the sound of his smirk just echoing through his words, I sighed softly, "I do", I admitted and giggled as he hit that beautiful thing of my again.

Currently Banners caring me through some shady ass woods no doubt to sacrifice me.

"I'm not going to sacrifice you", he replied to my monologue. "That's what they all say", I shouted back still hanging upside down on his shoulder. "We've been mated for nearly a year know and you still think I'm going to try to kill you, hush Noni I thought you of all people would know me better", Banner said and that's the problem I do.

"Do you blame me, I'm always clueless to what tricks you have up your sleeve, and can I at least know where we are going?" I asked. "You can", he said coming to a halt. Finally. "Because we're already here", he said placing me on my feet then holding me since all that being upside down was getting me light headed.

"What is this place?" I asked a smiling Banner. "Remember I told you about my abuela well she was from the shadow pack, she left this to my mate in her will", he said grinning. "What do you mean", I asked still filtering through my thoughts. "The cabin's yours Noni", he said. "Really!" I exclaimed with sudden joy as I looked between Banner and the gorgeous straight out of a fairytale woodsy home. "I've never lied to you, why I would start now", Banner said and I raced into his arms.

"Thank you", I said latching on so that he'd take the fall if we were to plummet to the ground, he only stumbled back in shock but held me his everything he had. Bless you alpha strength. "Thank abuella she would have loved you", Banner said and I let go to look at the cabin that was simply breathtaking. It's mine. Bless your heart Theodora! "It's beautiful", I said as Banner walked next to me.

"Yap", he said. As I was looking around I spotted a familiar red camero. "Wait is that Echo we were about twenty steps from this spot but you just had to drag me through the woods", I reprimanded the idiot beside me. My idiot. "My way was more fun, nature stroll builds up the anticipation", Banner said with his signature -I'm bad darling and you're gonna love me for putting you through hell- way.

"Fuck you", I said only to feel him trap my hands with his as he came behind me, resting his chin on my shoulder. "Let's go inside first, darling", he whispered seductively in my ear then swept me off my feet bridal style.

Red. I've known Banner for possibly four years or more and his every single touch or whisper my blood still boils in delight when his near turning all of me red. Bless you Goddess!

"Wow!" was the first thing that left my mouth as we got inside. It was clean thanks to banner. At the extreme end were doors made out of glass that had an amazing view into the woods. The furniture was all woodsy, everything just felt like home. It felt perfect.

"Promise me there'll always be an, us", Banner said standing in front of me searching my eyes for an answer. He shot an eyebrow up when I gave him none. "Man you really know how to put the eye in eyebrow", I said and his face turned more serious. With a sigh I shrugged off the heels I was still wearing from the gala and sat on one of the couches.

Banner sat next to me and I cuddled into him. "I promise there'll always be an, us as long as you promise the same thing" "I'm trying to change" "I'm trying too", I said. Trying to protect my heart from breaking like it has so many times before. I'm afraid that this time, the pieces will be too shattered to leave recognizable pieces to fix it back up.

"I promise to try", I said looking up at him and placing a soft peck on his lips to remind me why I'm here. It feels right. "I promise to try", Banner said and we fell into a comfortable silence together till I decided to break it, "What now?", I said looking at Banner who grinned darkly and I instantly knew what was on his mind since I felt it starting to harden underneath me.

I moved to straddle him. "Well, you plus I plus quite cabin in the woods equals things my abuela would be proud very of", Banner said. "I like the sound of that", I said letting him hover over me and place his lips lovingly on mine while lowering me onto the couch. "Let's make abuela proud by doing something the devil himself would gladly approve of", Banner said and I throw my head back to give him better access to my neck. Nothing could ruin this moment. "Your defense training starts tomorrow"



Word Count: 1340

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(And just like that she disappears...😅) See yah soon loves ~ Tisha💛

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