☾♕Chapter 06: Fuck Tainted

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Song: Would You Mind by PRETTYMUCH 🎶

🔞 Warning: Sexual Content 🔞

~ There's a difference between your first and me, I'll make you feel more, know more and need more, you're forever mine ~

Chapter Six: Fuck Tainted

"I'm going to fuck you if you want me or not so do you want me too?" he said and that's his vague way of asking for consent. I simply nodded and a smile wickedly stretched over his lips as he walked closer to me. Did I want to get fucked Banner? Obviously. Did I say nightmare, I meant day dream come true.

I was wearing a little white sun dress and thought I looked cute this morning. He obviously didn't think so because it was ripped of me before I could even blink. I didn't have time to notice or care about what was going on because his lips where wondering over my body and he was freaking killing me.

"Banner", I stopped but he looked at me impatiently before attacking my neck making my brain strain in over drive, "I'm not", I stressed out based on the little I knew about Alpha's they preferred pure mates. "Neither am I", he replied. "You don't care", I asked as he stopped harassing my neck and looked me in the eyes. "Do you?" he asked and I shook my head in a no.

"There's a difference between your first and me baby", he said pinning my to the nearest wall as his lips continued racking over any exposed skin making my head fall back in such for a sweet escape. "I'll make you feel more, know more and need more", he said as his claws tore the off little lingerie I had on.

His darkened eyed filled with undeniable last stared at my unworthy ones, "You're forever mine, understand?" he said words failed me and I simply nodded in agreement as his lips came crushing down on mine. My stupid consciousness failed me as well all I knew is that I in fact do want to be his.

"Great now shut up and let me fuck you. I've been waiting to do this since we met", he said. "Yes sir!" I replied all excited. The tingles enough were enough to get me there but I wanted him. I was ashamed of how much I did but I wanted it none the less. "It's not banner, it's not sir, in here it's alpha. Got it Noni", he said and I bit my lip. "Yes Alpha"

My feet left the ground and soon enough I was on the bed with him towering over me, the shadow of him making him more intimidating yet only making me want him more. He fisted a handful of my hair and brought me standing to his side of the bed were he stood in all his naked glory. You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this.

My eyes trailed to his big fat cock, where the hell is all of that going to fit? As if my senses returned and I whimpered and tried away from the monster that would irrefutably leave me ruined, this made Banner smile with pride and a delicious wickedness as he pulled my head back. "Suck!" he commanded and I greedily took his cock into my mouth.

Lavishing the tide bits of pre-cum, licking all of him as I swirled my tongue around his shaft that seemed to only swell inside my mouth. I sucked his dick like I'd die without it. He steady my head in one place and I couldn't pull away while I enjoyed every minute that the oxygen was slowly leaving my body and gagged as he choked me. He finely let me free and I gasped for air my lips dripping with his juices and my saliva.

I'd barely got enough when he shoved his dick back into my mouth as I bobbed my head to his increasing thrusts as he fucked my mouths meeting me half way as the tip of his dick hit the back of my throat pacing till he released into my mouth. "Swallow", he ordered his voice coming out incredibly strained will retaining its deep allure and I gladly did savoring the taste of him.

He grabbed my throat and threw me onto the bed making my boobs bounce as he hovered over me, his friend that was anything but little teasing the entrance of my folds, it was nothing short of torture.

"Please", I begged for sweet release not caring if I sounded pathetic and needy. I was needy, I wanted him, I needed him. He kissed me as one hand cupped my breasts and the other went to me pussy where I was already soaking.

"My little Noni's already nice and wet for me, ready for my big dick, isn't she", he whispered dangerously close while nibbling on my ear. "Only for my Alpha", I moaned out. "Tell me you want it", he said smacking my pussy. I winced in the bittersweet pain filled pleasure that was created when his strong firm skin touched mine.




"I want it", I immediately dragged out, my eyes begging for him to just give himself to me. He smacked my hips with his firm rough hands and pulled me closer to him. "Who am I", he asked dangerously as he dipped a finger into me, stretching me out.

My knees felt weak and my hips rocked closer to him begging while humping his fingers. "My mate, my alpha", I struggled to say. The anticipation was getting the better of me.

"Good now demand it", he said as he trailed kisses down my body. "Give it to me alpha, please", I moaned out. Without hesitation or warning all of him was in inside me, tearing me apart, shuttering my senses.

He didn't enter, he tore throw me and I loved every second of it. His thrust came rough and hard, only fastening and hardening with every stroke till it got too much and the pressure building up in me was a lot to handle. My body shivered and quacked under him.

"Bann... err... ah... ha", I moaned out. His grip on my waist tightened as he dug his fingers into my skin. "Not yet my little drop of honey", he said making my frustration only grow, my walls clenched around him begging for a release. He brought his lips to my neck and a terrible amount of pain followed as he sunk his fangs into me. Marking me as his while he was still inside of me.

I bit down on my lip till I tasted blood, the pain spreading a raging wild fire all throw every single cell, nerve and bone in my body. All of me was not tainted as his. Just as fast as the pain surge through my arching back flew back onto the bed as I was melted by a force beyond euphoria.

All the pain turning to nothing but extreme pleasure and I wasn't sure if I was about to pass out or not as the searing bubble of a breaking orgasm roared through all of me. "Fuck!" I screamed out already feeling tears stinging at my eyes.

"That's right, cum for me darling", he ordered and my body willingly gave in as he also released his warm seed into me. For the first time in hours, yes it had been hours, I laid on the bed trying to gather my breath. Panting like there was no tomorrow at this point I wouldn't mind if there was no tomorrow, today, right now was all the perfection I've ever wanted.

I felt a cold sensation on by my ankle. I opened my eyes to see Banner cuffing me to the bed. How small is my leg.

He left for the bathroom and came back with a wet towel and leaned me, then pulled the dirty covers from under me so that I was laying on soft silky sheets. He got back to bed and pulled the new covers over us. Banner pulled me into his chest, keeping a tight grip on my waist.

"Sleep", he ordered and I blacked out in the arms of mate.

Stripped. Fucked. Marked. Mated. Claimed. His, only his and now cuffed to his bed?

This is going to be interesting.....


Word Count: 1532

Don't y'all find stuff like this a bit ironic, Warning: Don't not read if your below the age of 18, signed ~ smut written by 15 year old in my case 17 but still...😂

I've never written a whole sex scene before could you tell. I did good, no?

*Blushes behind screen*

You can tell me if it was trash or how it could have been better. I feel like I'm just terrible and writing smut 😈

Probably the shortest chapter and A/N too coz I can't even right now.

You've heard it all before but I got a question for yah.....😂

If asked you too Vote, Comment and Share would you mind ❤ I heart PRETTYMUCH. Kay, I'm leaving now, Mmmbyees ~ Tisha💛

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