☾♕Chapter 43: Unexpectedly Tainted

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Song: Almost (Sweet Music) by Hozier🎶

~ You know what they say about ignorance ~

Chapter Forty Three: Stripped and Unexpected

Ignorance is fucking bliss. That statement has never been truer. It started like a normal day in the life of Luna Noni Peizer. Mind numbing sex with her mate but anyway, sex with Banner always does very bad things to my brain but I can't really complain when he does the so well.

Today I had some Luna work to do so as much as I love my sweatpants and hoodies, they weren't going to cut it. Wearing a floral blue summer dress, I was standing in the mirror frustrated with my hair. No matter which way I dressed it, it didn't seem okay.

"Hey", Banner said waltzing into the bathroom. He took the hair tie from me and slide it on his wrist as my hair flew in long curls down my back nearly touching my ass. I hadn't trimmed it in forever.

"It looks better down", he said. "Do you think I should cut it", I asked. "Nah, not yet anyway. I like it long", he said and I giggled as he kissed my check.

He never failed to make me feel like a school girl talking to her first crush.

I turned and kissed him before escaping what would result into a day in bed. As we made our way to the kitchen Odes waltzed out of his room rubbing his eyes adorably in his Patrick star pajamas.

Yes, I finally let him start sleeping in his own room, no matter how much it breaks my heart that he's just going to keep growing up.

"Morning little warrior", Banner said picking Odes up. "Good morning father", he said in his sleepy big boy voice but then smiled goofily at me before outstretching his arms to me and yelling "Mamma", I giggled at his cuteness and took him into my arms. "Sleep well?" I asked and he nodded.

"Well you now the rules", I said as I placed him back down. "Yes no talking dreams before I brushing my teeth", he said before walking back into his bedroom. "Don't forget it", I yelled out before continuing to the kitchen.

"Our son likes you better than me", Banner pouted while I made breakfast. "What did you expect he's a mamma's boy and mamma's little protector", I said as I took out the ingredients for scrambled eggs bacon and toast.

I heard the ding of the elevator before Kellan stood in already looking tired in the morning. "Morning champ", she said to Odes who was also heading into the kitchen.

"Make more", Tesoro all but ordered in our mind link and I grumbled before making more a lot breakfast.

"You're here early", I asked Kellan after we said our good mornings and she started helping me with breakfast while Banner and Odes talked about whatever they talk about in the morning.

"Yah I needed a distraction from Wales and our friends not that I don't enjoy being here and talking care of Odes I really do it's just all of the stuff of leaving school and judgy people and my parents and well...", she rushed and started mumbling, a habit of hers when she's flustered. "Kellan its okay, so what happened", I asked.

"Kara my ex bestie always had a crush on Wales now she keeps running her mouth that girls like me who drop out of school just because we're mated to high rank families are weak and she keeps telling the muggles that Wales and I eloped because I'm a man stealing whore and he's only with me cause I got knocked up not that I would mind being pregnant but it's not even true", she said putting an extra beating into the eggs.

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