☾♕Chapter 28: Dead Tainted

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Song: Ghosts by BANNERS🎶

~ Most hearts can break without a sound ~

Chapter Twenty Eight: Dead And Tainted

💛 Banner’s P.O.V ✨

Here lies Noni Peizer a loving daughter, friend, Luna, mother, mate, human. She was beautiful, funny, courageous, strong, unique. She was the best parts of me. And I can’t write her eulogy of all the things she was when I want her to still be.

I want her to be alive, happ,y loved, I want her to see and hold our beautiful boy, hear him laugh for the first time, get excited over his first steps, try to bribe him into saying mama before dada, watch him grow.

Our son’s barely a week old and his already all he best parts of us. How can I told him knowing his mother will never hold him again? It hurts loving him knowing she would have loved him better. What will I tell him when he’s old enough to ask for his mama?

It’s been a week and I can’t believe she’s actually gone. The smell of death reeks in the pack, I can’t bring myself to bury her yet cause a part of me still hopes like magic she'll walk out that hospital room.

~ The Night of Her Death ~

We rushed Noni to the pack hospital were the packs medical team and Averi was already waiting I kind of wish she wasn’t it broke her. I paced around outside the room for what seems like a million times. Tesoro was holding baby Odes, Jayce and Hannah were waiting with us. As alpha I could sense it through each member of the pack: Fear.

The doctors tried to revive her they tried they really tried but we were too late. After hours of waiting, Averi run out of the room tears in her eyes and through her white coat on the ground before racing away not daring to look at anyone not even her mate.

Bob stood more silent than usual nearly frozen actually, I watched as the warrior shed a tear for a lost soul how could he not, she didn’t know she was the glue holding our lives together. He stayed like that before he too walked away.

The moment the doctors walked out and whispered the dreaded I’m sorry, Jayce and Hannah stormed their separate ways, Tesoro handed me baby Odes for the first time in a long while she was a sobbing mess. I looked at our baby staring back at me, silent as the night like he too knew what was going on but didn’t want to cry.

The old Banner who wasn’t tainted by all the love she had to give would have thrown him to the wind. The Banner wouldn’t care that he lost his mother, the old Banner would drink and fuck and on a killing spree anything to numb the pain, but Noni ruined me in a way that made me better.

This Banner held on to his son like a lifeline. This Banner wasn’t scared to let motion that he truly felt take over, he didn’t even bother to disguise the sadness agony and fear with anger.

He remember all the times let himself be who he is with her, the times she smiled and laughed and giggled as he through her over his shoulder.

The times she playfully hit him for calling her fat. The times she’d hold out to prove her point. Her strength. Her bravery her shine her courage.

He remembered the time they met back in high school, the time he swore to always protect her from when he carried her out of the club. The times he’d persuade he into coming to Es Casa La Banner before when they were still just friends.

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