☾♕Chapter 23: Break Tainted

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Song: Stars and Moons by Dizzy🎶

~ The half of my broken piece, we are different in every way but it completes my puzzled life ~

Chapter Twenty Three: Stripped and Breaking

😇 Noni's P.O.V 😇

Its official Fatty Patty from Insatiable is skinner than me. Someone please roll me to the rogues, my life is over. I wobble when I work at the size of my stomach I might as well be pregnant. Banner’s been avoiding me like I have the virus since I got announced as Luna the week after the pregnancy scare.

After that he’d disappear for a days, we’d have I missed you sex obviously I’m still on birth control and after pills and remember that ‘talk’ he said we’d have guess what? !It never happened, I know shocker. It’s been four months and yah, I’m the Luna of the Gold Wolf pack but I feel completely useless.

I’m a wobbly mess. I tried training till my bones gave out and after passing out thrice Banner banned me from anything excessive. I tried dieting but not like it helped anyway I’d always puke black goo at least once a week. I tried a cleanse, nothing. Pills, nothing. I even tried reverse psychology on this bitch but nothing.

The more I tried, the more I gained weight so I just let it be all together. Fuck a ticking time boom, I’m a balloon at maximum capacity one more puff of air and I’ll explode.

“There’s something wrong with me”, I say in an almost whisper, my voice nearly cracking as I feel the tears rush to my ducts and I try to blink them away but it doesn’t help so I just keep my eyes shut.

I lay on the bed beside Banner, we’d just done the dirty deed but neither of us enjoys it anymore since it’s just fuck it let's fuck sex. I can’t even ride him anymore, don’t want to break his perfect little twig like body. Well twig like to me, a grand oak tree to others.

“I don’t how to protect you or how to answer your questions. I don’t want to break your heart but it just feels like if I stay I’ll break you if I leave I hurt you. I don’t know what to do or how to help you. I want to say everything’s okay but that would be a lie and I don’t lie. I’m tired Noni. I’m tired of waiting on our happily ever after when it seems impossible”, Banner said completely still beside me.

I could hear the agony and tears in his voice but I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes and look at him.

“You’re waiting for happily ever after, that’s lame”, I say through a chuckle sob. “Trust you to get the most irrelevant thing out of all I said”, Banner said with his own chuckled sob.

“I love you Noni that’s why I’ve been disappearing to find a way to beat whatever this is”, he said placing a kiss on my forehead then gently pecking my lips and wrapping himself by me.

“I want to go outside, I haven’t left this floor in a month”, I said at this point I better have some kind of virus, my life is wasting away before my eyes. “Let’s just go to sleep for now okay”, he said and I sighed that what he always says to politely brush me off, at least Elsa had a choice, all I want to do is build a snow man. It’s the middle of June but still, I miss nature.

I feel like Rapunzel if lady long hair weighed a millon pounds and could barely move and instead of Mother Gothel its Flynn keeping me locked away. I sigh at the truth, I’m no princess.

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