☾♕Chapter 10: Punish Tainted

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Song: Firestone by Kygo Ft. Conrad Sewell 🎶

~ I'm that good if I threaten to kill you, you'll get turned on ~

Chapter Ten: Punishment Tainted

💛 Banner's P.O.V 💛

Have you ever met someone so nauseatingly good it made you want to scream and bit their head off, someone who says sorry, please and thank you all the fucking time? Someone who you'd punch and they'd say sorry my love did you hurt your knuckles. Ladies and gentle cunts I give you the one, the only, my loving mate fucking good girl, Noni Peizer.

She's so infuriating.

My nature resents all things good and it's like she was made by unicorns and rainbows then raised by freaking angels who told her, the world's perfect and no matter how bad things get good will always win. Good my ass. Once the honey moon period washed away I realized the moon goddess must be playing a joke on me, right.

She's human I'm an alpha I've got enemies my father's enemies, his father's enemies and so on. She could barely protect herself if I attacked her. She's weak. I don't mind that she's mate I love her for that but sometimes I just wish, I wish it wasn't her. She deserves better, the pack deserves better.

When I heard the nasty thoughts Harris was having bought her I couldn't help but lose it. He want to touch my Noni! Mine! So I beat the crap out of him. When I so her stand there helpless as Bob held her back that little hint of fear in her eyes. It seemed to hit me like a slap across the face how human she was. How nearly anything could significantly hurt her. How I could hurt her?

How can someone be your strength and as well as your weakness.

😇 Noni's P.O.V 😇

Tesoro drove us back to the Golden Wolves pack house it was coming to seven when we got there. I must have fallen asleep again because the next thing I remembered was being shock by Tesoro who was saying, "Baby doll wake up". I woke up to see the intricate white and gold mansion in front of me with a sigh I got out of Maddie hoping Banner wasn't still angry at me. I didn't even know what for.

"I'm going over to the Red Eclipse pack, I have an assignment with Bob, are you going to be okay?" she said and I turned to her shocked. "Why didn't we go there instead that's like another three hour drive", I said.

"Well I'm running there in whole form I'm faster so it would be like forty minutes tops my wolf needs a run anyway plus Banner would have my head if you aren't here instead, he's waiting for you inside", she said and I figured he also run here.

"Can I see your wolf", I asked and she started stripping so I turned around not knowing why I just kept my eyes closed also. "Help me get these keep these in Maddie, you better clean my shoes or else it's me and you chica. I won't care if Banner kills me then", she said. After the sound of cracking bones stopped I turned around and was mate by a beautiful golden wolf. "Woah!" she looked so regal.

'Her name's treasure, were basically name sakes', Tesoro said through the mind link. I would never get used to that. 'Can I...never mind', I said. 'Yes you can pet me', she said. I squealed excited and stroked the strings of gold. It felt magical. 'I've got to go', she said and I backed away so she'd ran away. Within no time she was gone. I grabbed her clothes and put them in Maddie then made my way indoors.

I'd barely made it in when I was grabbed by the next and slammed against the door. My feet were far of the ground as his hand tightened around my throat a little more energy and I'd be lifeless by now. I could see the rage in his eyes, the anger when I caught a glimpse of love he let go and I fell to the ground holding my neck and trying to intake as much air as I could. I'd never understood the need for oxygen till that moment. I'd never felt more human.

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