☾♕Chapter 03: Breathe Tainted

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Song: Breath by Fleurie🎶

~ I have so many other ways to take your breath away, Want to try? ~

Chapter Three: Stripped And Breathing

"I thought you said you'd wait in the car", I tell Banner who has standing over my bed as I walked out the closet wearing a little yellow sundress and a faded jean jacket pair with white sneakers.

"Yah I kind of forgot my phone here", he says gesturing to the bed the shamelessly giving me a once over, "Ready?", he asked, "Yah let me just get my book bag", I told him grabbing my bag that was beside him on the floor only to be met with the warm soft addictive feeling of his fingers holding mine back.

"I don't think you're going to need it", he said and I let go of the bag and pulled away from him. "But...", I started but was cut short by him saying, "We're skipping today, Blair's gone, Chrisshiano's sulking, Averi, Tesoro and Silent Bob are talking sick days from being hangover quite frankly I'm surprised your fresh as a daisy", he said.

I had my fair share of headaches and alcohol throughout my life to tell the difference between a hangover and a slight ignorable migraine either that or I'm hangover immune.

"You're point being", I said. "We can't go to school when none of our friends are there to make the little hell hole less life sucking, where's the use of that", Banner said.

"Learning, grades, you know the reason where supposed to go to school", I pointed out from across the room glaring at him. "Oh Noni darling stick with me kid, I'll show you how to really have fun", Banner said with a mischievous grin. "Fine", I said caving, I wasn't really feeling school anyway.

"Go I'll meet you in the car in a few", I said shooing him out the already open window. "Shoving me out the window don't want mummy and daddy knowing what there sweet little innocent princess has been up to", Banner said his lips tugged into a smirk. God why do all the hot guys have to have grins and smirks and make mush of all my senses.

"Mallory and Denis are the least of my concerns", I said as I gathered my composure, lord this is going to be a long day. "Weird question", Banner said and I looked at him expectantly. Well go on. "Where were you for valentine's last year", he asked.

"Probably at a part, it was freshman year and I was friends with Jenna before you guys, remember", I said with a shrug yet that's the day I lost my virginity to some mystery guy who fled out the window the next morning.

I still have no clue who he was though a certain euphoric feeling strikes every time I think of that night. Fifteen plus alcohol plus valentine plus wild party only meant no more 'flower' for Noni. Don't judge me.

"How the hell did you end up as friends to us anyway", Banner said pulling me out of my trance of thoughts. "I'll tell you in the car now go", I said shoving him one more time before going to pick my phone from the nightstand beside my bed.

"Okay", he said and went to crawl out the window. Something about his retreating form sparked up something in my memory, it was just so familiar. Could it be, nah, I think I'd remember if Banner Carranza was my first.

"Actually wait, why were you asking", I asked. Half of him was already out the window, he just shrugged and said, "I don't know something just seemed familiar" then leapt down the rest of the way. I listened as his shoes loudly echoed when he touched the ground. I shook my head, werewolves.

I grabbed my phone and tried my best to sneak out so I could avoid Mallory and Denis but the shouting of, "I'm taking your curling iron and use protection. I'm not taking care of a foster grandchild", was heard from Mallory's voice as in echoed through the kitchen reached me from where I was trying to rush out of the front door.

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