☾♕Chapter 21: Perfectly Tainted

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Song: Warmer ~ Bea Miller🎶

~ Let me ruin every little piece of innocence you have left ~

Chapter Twenty One: Perfectly Tainted

A certain calmness surrounded me on the ride back to the pack house, something I hadn’t felt in ‘collage’ maybe it was returning to something I know or maybe it was knowing that finally the love of my life was really mine. As we passed via the familiar trees my brain had unconsciously mesmerized I couldn’t help but smile and feel happy.

As we drove into the drive way of the pack house I was met with lots of familiar faces. Banner had barely parked Maddie when I sprinted out into Tesoro’s arms. It’s nearly alarming how close we’ve gotten she feels like family, the whole pack does.

We said our ‘I’m so happy your back’ and ‘I missed you so much’, Averi had already bear tackled us and I was about to say hi to Bob, Jayce, Hannah and the rest when I was thrown over someone’s shoulder.

“Get the bags to our floor but don’t disturb unless you have a death wish”, the shoulder said. “I thought you were going to stop this”, I told him sending silent sorrys to everyone but they were all laughing, so embarrassing.

The shoulder had remained silent but kept moving. “What was that for I was still talking to everyone”, I said giving in to whatever he had planned.

“Exactly you were still talking, I watched you all throughout the goodbyes, I’m not waiting past the hellos too, and you can see them all later, that’s if you’ll even be able to walk. Its Banner time”, he said and I forced an eye roll but I was already loving what he had planned. “Stop biting you’re lip if you want us to get to our destination before I have you in these halls”, he said like as if I’d mind.

To distract myself from my thought I started drumming on his goddess curved perfect ass. “Tu tulu tu tulu tu tulu tu tulu tulu tulu”, I sang well tried to sing along to sing it with me by JP cooper ft. Astrid s.

“Stop hitting my ass”, Banner said but I could sense the smile in his voice. “Why not you always hit mine”, I said continuing with my drumming. “That reminds me”, he said, “Banner Don’t”, I rushed out but it was too let he’d already smacked me and I squealed, I was about to make it hurt when he let me stand by own in the elevator.

“You ass”, I told him. “Your ass”, he said. “Mine”, I said as he cupped my face in his hands. “Fuck I’ve missed you”, he said bringing his lips to mine. I let him dominate over the kiss and just followed till I felt his hand tickling the skin by my panties. I pulled away giggling,

“Maybe we should wait till he get to the room”, I said and I loved how agitated he got but on saving grace came when the elevator opened on our floor.

He carried me bridal style through one of the corridors I wasn’t familiar with. “Where are we going?” I asked. “You really think we’d go back to the room Jenna and Harris did their business”, he said with a cringe followed by a cringe of my own. “You’re right”, I said till I saw which room he’d brought us too.

“I’m not doing it in Es Castle la Banner”, I yell at him when he lets me stand on my own. “Why not?” he asks dumbly. Remembering back before we found out we were mates how he’d pride about all his adventures in his bachelor pad and how I’d be one of them, I don’t think so. It’s like a mini sex club there’s a stripper pole and everything.

“It’s the room you brought all your ‘conquests’ need I remind you I’m not one of them, suddenly I don’t feel horny anymore”, I said mumbling the last part but I’m sure he caught it werewolf hearing and all. I stole a glimpse at him and he looked like a lost puppy just looking for a home. “You’re right”, he said ant it looked like he was about to have a down spiral an all the mistakes he’d made. I didn’t want that.

“Listen don’t go down a guilt trip right now, whatever you did in the past is part of who you are and I love every part of you. I accept you’re past, skeleton’s in the closets and all but I swear to the moon goddess and to all things holy and un holy, Banner Carranza if you cheat on me I’ll blow your dick off”, I said poking at his chest with my finger which he caught and pulled me into him, hands snaking around my waist bringing me that familiar warmth I’d missed so much.

“You’ll blow it, huh”, he said with his smirk smile thing he does that makes me weak all over. “You know what I mean”, I say jumping his body and latching on him like a monkey as he held my ass so I wouldn’t fall. “I love this ass, you’re ass, all mine”, he says squeezing my ass making me squeal and leaning further into him. “Come on there like ten other rooms on this floor alone”, I say.

Banner walks us to a room and lets me stand. “How about this?” he says and I turn to be met with white blank, raw, undeveloped, something potentially perfect just like us. “No one’s used it in years actually come to think of it, I don’t think anyone’s used it ever but don’t worry the omegas usually clean every single room occupied or not”, he said.

“Can this be our new room, I love it”, I said and see him nod. “And I love you”, he says unintentionally pulling at my heartstring, “I love you”, I say leaning in and kissing him. Sweat pants and hoodies fly in every direction and soon I’m surrounded by soft linen.

“You sure?” Banner asks as his naked body hovers over mine. “Yes”, I say as he gently lowers himself into me. With every touch of skin, all I’m left with is complete and utter euphoria. Every thrust, every movement of his body and mine, it all felt right.

As I met his slow thrusts, it was patient yet intense and intimate in a way we’d never been. It was quiet as the only sound heard where my shallow moans and his deep groans combined by the music our bodies where making. We’d had sex before but this, we were making love.

Every tender graze was a promise that I’d forever be his and him mine. To the point we both climaxed and laid next to each other panting. We changed the sheets got cleaned up but didn’t bother to dress up again and just laid in bed with each other.

“All I ever want to do is make you happy”, Banner said as I snuggled deeper into the warmth of his chest. “Right here, right now in this moment, I’m happy with you”, I said as I trailed mindless patterns on his skin that made me mesmerized each and every time.

“I love you doesn’t even begin to cut it”, he said as he played with my hair, I looked into his eyes taking in every truth they were giving and placed a soft peck on his lips then went back to just being in the moment with him right by me. We let the comfortable silence surround us. We’d both fallen, I don’t think we’d ever regret it.

But would we be prepared for what would come next.....


Word Count: 1437

Real Question is Are you prepared for what is to come next..... 😈

Just stick with me kids, we'll be alright 😇

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If you're bored just pm for anything even if it's something crazy like how your cat farted in ur face 😅

Question: Do cats fart? 😐

I wouldn't know my bestie and I shared custody over a kitten and she ran away😭😭😭😭😭 ...never to be found again... We searched... 😔 Poor Ginger all alone in the world somewhere... probably eaten in the wild, kay I'mma stop and go cry now😢

Atleast we still go Kora and Slumber😍 (They were tripplet kitties now it's down to two)

Sorry for boring you with my life, Mmmmbye loves ~ Tisha💛

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