☾♕Chapter 27: Lately Tainted

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Song: Don’t fear the reaper by Denmark & Winter 🎶

~ I was always with you holding you, so I don’t understand how you just disappeared ~

Chapter Twenty Seven: Late and Tainted

Banner’s P.O.V

I should have known Noni would do something like this. I love the idea of Noni and I having a baby together. Hell, I’ve always wanted a child of my own to spoil rotten. But I don’t love the idea of my Noni dead. I wouldn’t be able to live with it or myself.  Want my baby so badly but it’s a choice and I chose her.

Part of me thinks she ran away to keep me from choosing and that just makes me feel spineless. She’s been the only family I’ve known for years now, can you really blame. Part of me thinks I let her run knowing,, I’d also chose the baby if I wasn’t so scared to lose the mother, the truth is I knew what Noni was planning all along. She can’t really keep her thoughts to herself all that much. I let her run away and now I’m running after them.

Of course I linked her phone to mine I’m not an idiot. She tends to leave a lot call me obsessive but she’s mine and no one takes what’s mine. But her phone was either off or untraceable. My beta Tesoro, Gamma Hanna and Delta Jayce come with me. The last time her phone was on, she tried to call Fazirya and an untraceable burner phone.

I seriously just wanted to know who she trust more than me but jealousy aside I did kind of admit I’d kill our child if she dies, that must have knocked of a few ‘you’re my everything’ points.

We tracked her phone to where I guess she spent the night, her scent was fading but we managed to trace it to a little dinner in the middle of nowhere this being unmarked territory and all, she knows most of the things about werewolf. You don’t wonder into unmarked territory carrying an alpha’s child and smelling like a pack.

It’s her birthday were supposed to do something special not playing cat and mouse or catch me if you can. The little dinner was packed with lone wolves, they really didn’t like our presence. I sent Jayce to question the waitress who seemed more approachable.

“I quetioned the waitress she was like, Oh you mean the fat chick who smelt like pack but was surely human and possibly pregnant with and alpha baby strong heartbeat by the way, we all really tried to stop ourselves from killing her she was here for about an hour waiting on somebody I thought for sure it was the baby day…”

“Jayce cut to the chase”, I tell him not needing a word for word while Noni ould be in serious trouble somewhere. “She left about three hours ago with a rogue, she said she seemed especially happy about it”, Jayce said.

“A Freaking Rogue!”

That’s who she’d depend on rather than me. Me. ‘You want to murder our pup even I trust the rogue’, Rhiyan my wolf told me. ‘Oh shut up you old dog’, I told him then blocked him out.

“What now her scent’s probably already mixed with the rogue”, Tesoro said. “If he tried to track her we might end up in the wrong place”, Hannah added.

Noni! Where the hell are you?

It was around nine o’clock in the night and almost like a gift from the moon goddess she called. The call was short before everything went silent, all I got was, ‘Banner I’m… Come get our baby… something’s wrong’ before what I assume was her falling to the ground with a thud and the baby’s crying. 

The baby.

She had the baby I thought and could hear Rhiyan howling in joy. But then if she had the baby that could only mean one thing..... No!

“We got her location”, Jayce said and we all entered the cars we drove here in. Jayce and Hannah were in there’s they were back up in case something went wrong. Tesoro and I were in another. I told Tesoro to drive seeing as my brain was crowded to concentrate on anything but my thoughts.

Please be okay.

“She had the baby”, I tell Tesoro. “We’ll get there”, shes ays. “In five minutes she could be dead and I won’t even be there”, I say. “Goddess I pray on the dark eclipse she’s okay”, Tesoro says more to herself but I here it.

We got there about an hour later I know we should have shifted. It was a tiny little cabin in the middle of nowhere. Smart girl, my girl. Shit! She’s my baby mama now. Sometimes I wonder how many escapes Noni has for when and if I screw her over. She’s not wrong to not fully trust me, I don’t trust me either.

We got there just as two lone wolves decided to make an appearance. Lone wolves are different from rogues they’re strong but every wolf’s stronger in a pack. Lone wolves don’t survive for long, most rogues or ordinary wolves would have a natural drive to kill them.

They’re not as violent and blood thirsty as rogues but one thing they just naturally want to kill is anything with alpha blood and my baby has a lot of it.

They kept walking towards the cabin. I hope they’re the only ones. “Jayce and Hannah take the lone wolves”, I commanded using my alpha tone. “Tesoro with me, inside”, I said and we made a run for it.

Just as we entered there she was on the floor crouched into the corner holding the baby, holding our baby with all she has. She’d lost all the pregnancy weight and she was back to being my normal Noni. Except she wasn’t. I rushed to her side in a heartbeat and took the baby in my arms.

He was gorgeous yes but I was more worried about his mother. She had no heartbeat and she was so cold. No! It can’t be, not yet. Not now. “Tesoro hold the baby”, I said but she kept cowering away from both Noni and Odes like they had a virus. “Tesoro hold Odes, please”, I said but she kept muttering, “That scent”, over and over again.

“Here let me help”, Gamma Hanna said and I handed my child over to her. “Don’t give up on us Noni you’ve been so strong don’t give up on us, not yet not now. I’ll tell you I love you when you wake up but first you have to survive this, please”, I said rushing her to the pack hospital, even though deep down I didn’t want to believe the truth.

I was too late.


Word Count: 1206

Uhm..., so that happended😐


I don't have much to say, I know unsual right. What do yah think of this chapter?

Will Noni make it? Or am I just that wickedly delicous and gruesomely gorgeous...😈

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Mmmbyee ~ Tisha💛

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