☾♕Chapter 16: Sacrifice Tainted

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Song: Hate Me by Ellie Goulding ft. Juice World

~ Your dick is my favourite type of ammo ~

Chapter Sixteen: Sacrifice Tainted

Noni's P.O.V😭

"I hate you, I hate you so much right now. I just do, I have to let me hate you", I said.

After I walked away, he chased after me full dressed and did his signature move of pinning me to the wall. He didn't really get to say anything before the tears streamed done my face. It's funny how things just go south out of nowhere.

"What's wrong Noni", he dared to ask and I pushed him from me. And unstrapped everything I had on as he just stared. I dropped the gun I had in my hand pulled out the other from my other boot along with a couple switch blades and little knives in there along with all the grenades and throwing blades in my skirt. My belt was basically a bendable sword.

My top was filled tranquilizer darts and throwing stars as well as my earing which were little bombs and my bracelets that could cut you. I took the boots of as well seeing as the heels have little blades in them. I freed myself from all his weapons especially his dick that as my favourite form of ammo.

By the time I was done there was a little pile of weapons on the floor, I looked at what I let him turn me into. A moving armory. "I'm done with being your killer", I said even though I've never killed anybody. I'm a lover not a fighter. That's what he wanted me to be, his little cold hearted mate just like him and I'm glad I'm leaving before he's plan goes through.

"Jenna the freaking she bitch, really? You could do better, Banner. I thought with me you'd be better. Was I not enough for you", I said. "I don't know what you're talking about", he said.

"I freaking found you two, what are you going to pretend I'm insane now. Tell me everything I saw didn't happen, go ahead I'd probably believe you anyway", I said.

"What the hell are you talking about Noni?" he said. "Goodbye Banner", I said not whiling to be his little side fuck. He always said it, before he even knew it was me. I thought I would change it in a way I did. Instead of a night it's been two years.

"When I find my mate I'm going to strip her down, tie her to the bed fuck the daylights out of her then leave her tainted", he said and that's exactly what he did. Banner Carranza is the only one who can break me.

"How could you, you slept with her, if you needed to stick into something that bad I was right here, why am I not enough for you Banner?", I screamed. "I didn't say that, I didn't do that. Noni just calm down", he yelled back.

"I'm leaving this pack, you and everything werewolf. You want a bad girl so much, well congratulations you got the worst of them", I said and started to walk away.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?" he said lifting me by the throat so that my feet didn't touch the ground. "I told you no one takes you away from me not even yourself, your not leaving Noni", he said and I rolled my eyes.

Really this again, didn't work then it isn't going to work now. I kicked him here it hurts most and he dropped me. I gulped down where it hurts most before I made I run for it.

He pulled me by the hair and slammed my body on the floor so that he was straddling me while pinning me to the ground. "BANNER!" I screamed when I realized what he was about to do, what I'd already been through before and placed my palms defensively out in front of me.

😠Banner's P.O.V😣

I didn't even realized what I was about to do till she screamed my name and my fist collided with her palms. I held her arms away from her face to see she was still squeezing her eyes shut waiting for the impact. I almost hurt her, like he hurt her.

I didn't want to become another monster in Noni's story but I have no control most times, all I'll ever do is hurt her.

I got off her and pulled her to her feet as well. Her eyes held so much love and brokenness no matter what I tried she'd never would be scarred of me and that scarred me because of how easily I could break her and she'd still want a monster like me.

I had no idea what she was talking about and the fact that I could have so easily lost my temper and hurt her, hurt me. Even after all that training, she'd just let me kill her. I know most alphas and males want their mates to be submissive but I want her as an equal. Why can't she just see that? Why does she not want that?

In that moment all I wanted to do was take her to our room kiss her senseless and never let her leave but I knew she needed to go. I needed tolet her go.

'Tesoro come to my floor immediately', I mind linked her and went back to looking at Noni who just stood there waiting.

I saw a tear creep down her cheek, I went to wipe it a way and watched her slightly flinch. I pressed my forehead to hers savoring the felling of her skin on mine. I closed my eyes to feel her hand wipe away a tear I didn't even know was falling.

It physically hurt me to just let her go. I wanted to scream and tell the world how much I love her but Tesoro walked in and I knew our time was up.
"Get her away from me", I told Tesoro as I pulled away from Noni and pushed her to Tesoro before walking away to our room, trying to understand what just happened. How easily I could just lose the love of my life. Sweet little innocent naïve human Noni, my beautiful mate.


Word Count: 1134

Confused? 😐

Sad? 😭

Annoyed? 😣

Angry? 😠

It will all be painfully clear soon...

How many times did you scream No, don'tdo it, don't say that, don't let her go idiot, stick with him, if you don't see the love I do.

So uhm... Did you hate the chapter?
I wouldn't ask if you liked it that would just be silly.


Thanks for sticking with me thus far ~ Tisha💛

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