☾♕Chapter 13: Bond Tainted

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Song: Love Is Madness by Halsey ft. Thirty seconds to mars🎶

~Our hearts will lay perfectly intertwined, together, forever, that's how I know that you're the one for me~

Chapter Thirteen: Stripped and Intertwined

"Can we at least start training on Monday after school I want us to enjoy the weekend", I said cuddling up closer to Banner who was just playing in my hair. "Fine, I guess my Gamma and Delta will also want to spend time with their mates", he said and I smiled. I'm afraid I'm going to get the crap beaten out of me when I start training and I don't want to feel sore, well except if it's Banner making me sore then I don't mind. At all.

"Come on let's go make you breakfast", I said jumping out of bed before Banner drugs me back. We've been like that since we woke up. Since after what we do when we wake up. *winks*

"Come back to bed, need more cuddles" "You're such a..." I learnt my lesson calling him a baby. "Big strong sexy Alpha but I need some food in my belly so get up", I said over dramatically rubbing my belly and wearing the sweatpants and hoodie I had on yesterday and running out of the room with Banner a few paces behind me.

"You're going to cook, I'd love to see this", Banner said sitting on the counter in only sweatpants, his bulging muscles and ripping abs on full display, that caramel skin that I'd just love to lick up. Come on Noni we just did that. I shook my head for the thoughts to leave right, breakfast.

"Something wrong, honey", Banner said softly. "Nope, nothing at all" "So you don't want a taste of me, again" Banner said chuckling to himself while flexing. "Oh go put on a shirt or something", I said shooing him out of the kitchen by flinging a dish cloth at him which he easily caught and used to pull me to him. "I love who you still get flustered by my touch", he said pecking my lips and just like that I wanted him again, anywhere I'd get him.

"Told you you'll always want more, that insatiable constant craving, the taste that we'll never be enough. Our hearts laying perfectly intertwined, together, forever, that's how I know that you're the one for me", he said whispering dangerously close to my ear as his lips trail softly on the sensitive skin then trailing down my neck to my mark where I was driven past the edge of ecstasy.

Without I let out a man and Banner pulled back chuckling. "Back to making breakfast for you", he said and I pouted. He pecked my pouted lips and walked away. "Make sure not to burn the cabin down while I get my hoodie", I heard him shout. Oh, Banner Carranza you're going to ruin me, I thought then went back to making breakfast.

I'm not a horrible cook, I just don't really know how to do everything. So just made grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs plus some juice. "Smells delicious", Banner said walking back around me snaking his hands around my waist and pecking my cheeks. "Oh grilled cheese very chef-y", he cooed teasingly.

"Like you could do better", I said. "Darling I'm an amazing cook and we both know that", Banner said and it's hard to argue with the guy who cooked a five course dinner for my birthday last year. Sweet, show off. "Let's go sit outside by the patio" I said handing him his plate and juice. "Sure", he shrugged taking them and we walked outside, the afternoon breeze tickling my cheeks as soon as we sit by the little table on the patio.

We ate in silence simply enjoying each other's company. "Best grilled cheese ever", Banner moaned out. "I'm glad my breakfasts giving you a food-gasm", I said he gave me that subtle look Homer gives Bart before choking the life out of him and I just giggled. He shrugged and finished his breakfast. I cleared our plates and we washed them.

"Bee can I meet your wolf", I asked once we were done. "Really", Banner said with a megawatt grin like a kid who's just won a V.I.P all expense trip to Disney world. "Yes really", I said and soon enough I was playing potato bag but I just giggled at his enthusiasm.

"Okay, I'll be here", Banner said shrugging off his hoodie and handing it to me. "I've met other wolves before", I said only to be growled at. "Tesoro and Averi's why do you growl at everything", I said defensively. "Well if you'd like to know it starts with M followed by I, N, E you're mine Noni, forever and only mine", Banner said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Possessive much?" I said. "When it comes to us yes", he said.

"I don't mind know let me meet him", I said. "Okay", he said and soon I was attacked by a strong gripped bear hug. "Banner I said I want to meet him not get a hug though I don't mind", I said shifting around the hug for comfort. "It's Rhiyan", he said his voice lowered a few deep octaves. Shit it's his wolf. "Oh hi", I let out and he pulled back for me to be meet with his eyes burning a glowing gold.

"Wow", I breathed. "My thoughts exactly beautiful", Rhiyan said and I blushed. Without hesitation he pulled his sweatpants down and I turned around just as quick. "Noni dear you've seen us naked too much for you to still get flustered", he said but that didn't really help with my reddening cheeks. "You can look know", he said and I looked back, "Wow".

Banner's wolf must be the hugest wolf I've ever seen and the most beautiful too. It easily towered over me with it's huge height, it's intimidating weight reminding me how deadly Banner can be. Its fur looked to be made of the softest silk. Its gold shinning beautifully. I placed my hand through it and it felt ethereal, like magic. He hunched down and I got on. "Hold tight, beautiful", he said and I did.

We got to a beautiful lake and I got down feeling dizzy but he nudged his muzzle in my back helping me steady my footing. I sat by the shore and Rhiyan joined me placing his huge wolf head in my lap. I giggled and petted him. "The other side of this lake is Gold Wolf, Our pack where you'll soon be my Luna, beautiful", Rhiyan said. "It's beautiful", I said looking at the pure water free of pollution, the rays from the sun making it sparkle like diamonds.

"Yes it's beautiful but nothing compared to you", Rhiyan said. Cue the blush. "Cheesy much", I said as I laughed. "For you I'd do anything", he said and I smiled petting him even more and he purred, he looked stuck by this cause he froze. "Mention that to anyone and I'll..." he started. "You'll what", I challenged. "Love you even more", he said placing his head back down and I continued.

We stayed like that for some time till Rhiyan got off me and crouched done a few paces from the lake, "We should go back", he said. "Okay", I said getting up and getting on top of him. We raced back to the cabin and I handed him his clothes back. "See you Rhi", I said turning around for him to shift back and dress up.

My back was still turned to him when strong arms turned me to face those beautiful golden ambers. "I'm always here beautiful", Rhiyan said gripping my waist and pulling me to him to place his lips to mine. Like always our lips danced as one, with passion, hit, love, lust, pleasure. I patted my lips for breath and he slid his tongue into me taking control of the kiss, too dominatingly for me to even fight back.

He pulled back all too soon and I was reminded of the fact that oxygen is essential. When his eyes opened I was met with Banner's beautiful blues. "Do you like him", Banner asked. "I love him", I said. "Let's go home", he said pulling me back into the cabin.

"You're driving this time", Banner said handing me the keys to Echo. I took them but whined as he dragged me along. "Oh, ho, no, why", I said pouting and he kissed my pout like he loves to do before dragging me to Echo.


Word Count: 1491

I don't know if it's just a me thing but if something has a name like Maddie and Echo I can't call it ...The Car... it sort of seems disrespectful, anywho...

Do did we like Banner's Wolf, hell do we like Banner

Team Banner😈

Team Rhiyan🐺

Team Tisha 💛I can have a time of my own, right😇

Leave yah thoughts, comments, votes, mindless jibber jabber and I'll see yah in the next chapter ~ Tisha💛

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