☾♕Chapter 33: Fed Tainted

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Song: Seamless by Sabrina Carpenter🎶

~ The best moments happen when you least expect them ~

Chapter Thirty Three: Stripped And Fed

💛 Noni's P.O.V 💛

I miss being fat.

It's the truth, I might sound crazy but you don't realize how good it feels to have an extra barricade of warmth and protection till you're left as whatever I am now.

You remember that thought I had once of being too malnourished to fit in your clothes that's me right now and I'd really rather be fatty patty.

I feel weak, a tooth pick is thicker than I am right now and I can barely even hold Odes without feeling tired. I guess being dead for five weeks takes its toll on you.

Between meet and greets with pack members the whole week, Banner's werewolf training which I seriously don't even need since I was a badass in fighting and defending myself way before Odyssey and I'm faster and 'apparently' stronger than any of the other wolves in the pack, except Banner. They all call it newborn strength. I call it you're too lazy to admit I whooped your asses, truth.

But when I shift back to human form all I am is a pile of bones, I hate it. I didn't realize it till I looked in the mirror this morning, even pregnant Bella's face from twilight looks better than what I got going on. Curse you over revealing mirrors! Why can't you just show me what I want to see?

'Stop patronizing us we look hot you're just doubting yourself have some love for your body for once, I'm too fat, I'm too skinny, bitch make up your mind', Odyssey told me.

'Oh please when did you get so all knowing and not concerned about appearance, last week you wanted us to dye the fiery red of our fur gold', I told her. 'oh please, sue me for wanting to be like everyone else', she retorted and I just let it go because if I start talking to her about now feeling bad for being special I'm never leaving this mirror and talking to your wolf subconsciously gets weird at a point.

'If you think it's weird let's unmerge and speak face to face', Odyssey suggested. 'Dyssie I know you the moment we unmerge you'll go running to bed with our mate', I told her not even bothering to hold back a scoff.

'What's wrong with sleeping with our mate', she said sly while feigning innocence. 'It won't just be sleeping and you know that, here's something I never thought I'd say don't want to have sex with Banner', I reply. 'Then let me do it', she offered. 'Odyssey No!' 'Noni please'

I put up a wall and ignored her she was persistent on jumping over it though. "Your wolf never gives up does she", Banner said as I got out of the bathroom. He was in his usual sweater shirt and pants combo as he mindlessly cooed at Odes.

"First of all stop listening to the things that go on in my mind. Second, no baby talk I don't want our baby talking like a moron till he starts school, no mixing r's with l's and putting w's everywhere and we are so keeping the th's", I said joining his side and trying to tickle a non-ticklish baby.

"Fine no baby talk, your mind is open to me, I can't just switch it off it's like watching pitch perfect and Audrey's about to puke you want to look away but it calls", he said letting me hold Odes then looking at me with those gorgeous blues softening to a point where it's a puppy pouting. I knew what he wanted to talk about instantly.

"Why don't you want us to have sex anymore?" Banner finally asked. "I just" "I..." "I just don't want to isn't that enough of a reason", I said waiting for an outburst but Banner surprised me by agreeing almost instantly with a wide grin on his face. "Fine", he said and almost shrugged. Almost, I could see he was fighting with Rhiyan on it.

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