☾♕Chapter 30: Odyssey Tainted

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Note: This chapter is entirely the work of fiction but seeing as it's a werewolf book, thou shall not judge. Enjoy ~ Tisha💛

Song: Rescue my heart by Liz Longley🎶

~ Keep my memory alive and I'll keep living~

Chapter Thirty: Resurrected and Tainted

😇 Noni's P.O.V 😇

"You threw me in a lake!" was the first thing I screamed once I shifted back to human form because I could have been put in a lovely tomb somewhere like Juliet but Nooooo! I was thrown in a cold ass lake.

I hate swimming and I don't do cold. If I was buried at least Odyssey would have dug me up, I'm just glad they didn't burn my 'corpse', that would have really stung.

"We thought you were dead. You were dead. You've been dead. What the actual fuck", Banner said.

"I was a taking a nap!, I'd been pregnant, allergic to latex, pushed down the six flights of stairs, almost had a miscarriage, my little human heart nearly gave up on me when I'd just given birth, bitten not to mention that hurt like fuck, shifted you know when all the bones in your body break a thousand times over. Yah all that makes a girl tired not to mention the worst pain of them all, I fucking missed you", I said jumping into my mates arms to prove it's really me. Alive, flesh, warm, blood and all.

~ The Night Of My 'Death' ~

"Noni, don't give up on me yet", Odyssey screamed in my head just as the world turned black. "It hurts and I'm tired", I replied. "Are you really ready to give up on our son and mate that easily", she said. "Of course not", I said feeling weaker by the second.

"I have an idea", I have an idea. "Well are you going to tell me or do I have to wait till I'm dead", I said. "Since were part gustily we can unmerge", she said with a dramatic pause I didn't have time for. "Well explain faster it feels like my life force is being drained", I said.

"Right, gustily wolves have the ability to separate the wolf from the human", she said. "Fazirya told me about this but we don't know each other enough", I told her. It's true I've had a wolf for how long... an hour or so.

"Do you want to survive", Odyssey said. "Yes", I said. "That's enough just let me have full control I know what to do", she said and I complied. I felt her presence leave me and I had control again. I opened my eyes to see our wolf form towering over me.

"What now", I said my voice coming out in dry scraps. "They're going to think your dead", Odyssey said.

"They're all weaklings if they think I'm dead it will crush them can't we just leave a cryptic note saying I'm alive", I said. "No one must know for this to work, not even the readers", she said. "The... what", I asked confused.

"Nothing", she said. "I'm going to hide when you 'die', I'll be asleep, kind of like hibernation and hopefully speak to the goddess to let us live", Odyssey said. "They're coming", I said once I heard the sound of screeching tyres.

"Once and if I'm willed I'll come back and merge with you", my wolf said. "Goodbye human", Odyssey said. "Goodbye wolf", I said. "I hope he takes care of our pup", she said before running off.

"He will"

I closed my eyes and cuddled closer to the wall. I reminded still holding Odes with all I had, protecting him from the cold and creatures that larked around while finding comfort in his being within my arms.

Our beautiful boy. I felt Banner's presence but before I could do anything I fell fast into a perpetual darkness.

Goddess help us.

Odyssey's P.O.V

The moon goddess is a righteous raging bitch!

Just kidding she's a lovely err... person... goddess... being? ...whatever!

Ten months plus that extra week, that's how much time it took for her to get out of her high chair and acknowledge us. It's not like she even had time for us.

After seeing how much the story and people's lives would suck without us. She let us be and I'm like bitch why didn't you do that like I don't know, Ten months ago. Goddess!!

I kind of wanted to see what she looks like and boast about how I talked to her but nah, miss I'm the mother of all of you didn't even show up in a flash of light or something and I'm like excuse me, rude much!

The hibernation I was under only broke when Noni and I were willed. Finally we're a real werewolf. I ran back to where we were last but all that hit me was the scent of dead lone wolves. I knew they'd try to kill my baby but looks like mate took care of them. I love that guy already.

I ran back to the pack, I'd never been there before but come on, every wolf knows where to find there pack. Just as I stepped into pack borders I was captured. They thought I was a lone wolf, but guys hello you've got gold fur, I've got gold fur put two and two together dumb-dumbs.

I was impressed at how they handled the 'threat' at first sight, not that much impressed seeing that I easily escaped while they were preparing for the pack run.

Seriously, it's keeping a prisoner 101 don't leave said prisoner unguarded. I used all my energy and charged against the cage with my weight. It fell like a crumbled piece of paper, poor cell but yay us.

I love how fast I am and the connection to Noni, seeing us she's literal the other part of me, led me to her quicker. What I don't love is the fact they just threw our body in cold ass lake water.

This is one of those moments when they say 'it's what she would have wanted' like hell no sucker, I hate swimming and Odyssey don't do cold.

Well at least they didn't do it the traditional way, a burnt alive Noni wouldn't do us much good. We'd heal eventually but who wants to return from the dead looking like a literal piece of burnt shit.

"Fuck!" I said diving into the water to look for her. Cold, cold, cold, cold, cold. I found her just in time, seeing as if we did merge with in twenty four hours we'd both be gone. Another one of the goddess' law. I just love her, don't you? Note the sarcasm.

After a few hours of searching through the lake I finally found her and merged with her but I guess being dead for ten months drains the energy out of you. We emerged from the water and I gave Noni all my energy making me weaker as I stepped on the shore.

Mate quickly wrapped a blanket around us. The fact that he just knew it was us without having meet me - the wolf yet, made my heart swell. I shifted back into human form and let Noni take over seeing as they'd need her more than me.


Word Count: 1310

Thoughts, Comments, Votes are highly apprieciated.

Yes, yes, I know I said that Noni died but in my defense I did say human but she's a werewolf now so Ha...!

Was it believable enough?

For the few how red the deleted version this is where we stopped and everything else will be New!

I can't believe this was like chapter 18 before. More reason to love Stripped and Tainted I guess. A lot is about to go down so stick with me please.

Mmmbye loves ~ Tisha💛

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