☾♕Chapter 24: Expectingly Tainted

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Song: Sunlight by Hozier🎶

~ I loved you before I even met you, does that sound right ~

Chapter Twenty Four: Expecting And Tainted

😇Noni’s P.O.V😇

“Why can’t the word school just seize to exist”, I say keeping my eyes closed trying to hit around for the alarm clock causing the insistent pesky beeping noise but I’m soon met with a warm hand and all the memories of what just happen rush back and my other hands flies over my swollen belly. Call it a soon to be mother’s intuition but I know I’m pregnant. I can feel it.

I open my eyes as the room is already dimly lit and I meet the person whose hands hold mine, I smile genuinely. I would have really missed those gorgeous eyes if I you know... died.

“Hey Baby”, I say and my voice coming out strained. “Hi my love”, he says. “I’m pregnant”, I say and he nods saying he knows. I guess they must have figured it out... Finally, took you long enough.

“Surprise!!!” I say and he shakes his head. “Only you would try to be cheery and sarcastic at a time like this”, Banner says as he caress my check in his hand as if trying to make sure I’m still here.

“How long have I been out”, I ask. “A couple hours”, he says and I sigh out loud. “Thank lord I thought you’d say a couple of days or months even”, I say. “Stop it”, Banner says sternly. “Stop what”, I retort.

“Acting like everything’s peaches and daises when you were pushed down six flights of stairs and we found out your six months pregnant”, he says, I open my mouth to say something snarky about six being my lucky number but that’s when Averi comes to view.

“I have to check her vitals”, Averi says. I’d never seen her so serious, so glum. It’s like life slapped her across the face, hard. “Avi!” I cheer since they’re all being Debby downers. “I need you to follow the light with your eyes chica, eyes only don’t move your head”, she said and I did as instructed the little light being a little irritating.

“What happened? ... Jenna she… she”, I tried to let out but I couldn’t. Jenna tried to kill me! “Shush darling, I know I saw her we’ll deal with that later I needed you to be okay first”, Banner says sensing my frustration. “And the baby?” I ask meaning 'Is it okay?' but also 'do you want it?'

“You nearly had a drug induced miscarriage I'm guessing from the birth control before you were pushed down the stairs but your boy’s a strong one, he’s heart beat probably kept both of you alive”, Averi correction stoic Doctor Averi says.

“It’s a boy”, I say cheerily if they can already tell its gender that means I really am pregnant. My baby boy. “Yes it’s a boy”, Averi says with a smile finally threatening to break lose but it’s killed by something they’re not telling me.

“What are you not telling me?” I ask. “That I’m a coward”, Banner said.

“A human can’t carry a werewolf child it always ends the same way either the mother dies or the child, that’s what happens to most human mates the packs let them die for an heir”, Averi said but I had a feeling something like this would happen that’s why Banner’s been so confused lately, he thinks I’m going to die.

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