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Stripped And Tainted: Prologue

He was not created to love me.

I knew this as I walked on that silent road, how could I not. Lightning cracked through the sky above my head but that wasn't the worst part. Three, two, one, and then the rumbling began. What I really hated was the thunder.

I clutched onto my little blue jean jacket accepting all the minimal warmth it provided as I ran through the wind to DeVil, my boyfriend's house.

He lived a few blocks from my house on unmarked territory which made it easier for me to sneak out and meet him. He was a rogue and I was the adopted human daughter of an alpha to say the world was against us would be sugar coating the situation but I quite like doing things I'm not supposed to.

Like being here, I really shouldn't be here.

But I needed to see him because heart, mind and soul I was convinced that DeVil Rosario and I were meant to be.

That was until well, when I twisted the doorknob and entered his house unannounced to find his tongue down someone else's throat.

"Noni", he said once he noticed my presence and pushed away from the girl he seemed to be revolted by telling a different story from what I'd just seen.

"Noni, it's not what it looks like", he yelled. Classic. I backed away slowly prepared to leave and not look back but he held my hand and pulled me back to him.

"Lucreasia leave", he yelled and she just fled in fear. "Noni listen", DeVil said as I tried to wriggle out of his grip. "Why DeVil?" I asked. "She's my mate Noni, it's just the pull but it's you I love", he said and my heart just tore in half. I knew this day was coming. I knew it and I still tried to ignore the fact that there was someone out there made for him that's no' me.

I regained my composure, stopped fighting and stared him straight in the eye, "Be with her" I said.

"Noni, Love's not supposed to be easy we can make this work, please don't give up on us", DeVil said but my anguish and impatience at him had already peaked and I couldn't do it anymore. Going into this relationship I did it for love, not that I loved him but my fifteen-year-old heart paired with my old soul wanted more.

I wanted something that his strong firm rough hands that had age and experience, claiming my skin in every way possible could provide. I wanted sex but I also wanted something real and I thought that's what we had. From the moment I said yes to everything, we put ourselves through I knew I was being naïve.

"It's also not supposed to be this hard", I yelled. What we had..., no, what we wanted to have was impossible. I get relationships have to have ups and downs but he's a werewolf with a freaking soul mate that's enough cause for us to break up but he's being stupid and I would never be that other woman.

It's my fault for falling for someone eight years older than me. It's my fault for loving someone I knew was destined for me.

Why won't he just let this go and be with his mate, start something real unlike whatever we had? What we had wasn't real, it would have never been real no matter how much we forced it or wanted it to be.

"Please DeVil let this go, let us go, be with your soul mate, I know you can be happy with her not me", I said. "I don't want her, I want you", DeVil countered but I just know he didn't. He liked the idea of having me, nothing else. There was no love.

"I'm fifteen years old doesn't all this feel wrong to you at some point", I pointed out. This 'relationship' was already causing unwanted strain on me.

"She's also fifteen and the freaking goddess paired me with her so I don't see anything wrong with us being together instead", he said as if he found no faults in his words. The fact that he was willing to take this further was akin to sin in itself. "That's what's wrong you have a mate", I said. "Noni please", he somewhat begged. "Let us go", I said. "Noni..."

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