☾♕Chapter 40: Want Tainted

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Song: Now or Never by Halsey🎶

~I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted~

Chapter Forty: Stripped and Wanted

Odes is making three. They grow up so fucking fast but things have been going great. Rohan visited sometime after the hunt and Odes absolutely loved him. Rohan and Banner even got along which came as a surprise to me. At a point I was the third wheel.

I'm yet to see Blair but it's not like I can go to red eclipse after all that happened. Averi and Bob still come by every other day, she'd pregnant. I'm was so excited till she refused to name the baby Pizza but I mean why not.

The drama that's been going on their pack though. Turns out Blair and Rohan weren't really mated, they just had to pretend because of the whole war thing. Chrisshiano being the dickward he is, still pronounced her dead to the pack. I felt like going to kidnap my bestie. It's been five years and I can't even imagine what she'd going through.

Hannah and her mate Malcom had a beautiful blonde haired green eyed baby boy, his name's Nayton. Odes loves him. He's always sneaking out of the house all the way to Hannah's place to see him. Kellan is still in way over her head but his a great kid none the less and I just love him more and more each day.

I hope his ready to hang out with the rest of the pack kids because I am not having another baby. Nah uh. No more. Neit zero nothing. I'm done with birth. Hashtag only child for life.

Both Banner and I have been in therapy that went.... uhm.... well-ish. It was awkward talking to a stranger with a creepy smile who kept saying "Okay... and then what... and so how did that make you feel" all the time but after a while I got comfortable with it.

I let it all out. The past eight months haven't been easy but we're getting there.

We've still not had sex in over nine months and I'm a little worried of what would happen the next time I go into heat but how do you tell someone you so adamantly refused to have sex with that you want to fuck.

Hehe so I devised a little plan to get what I want.

I walked out of the bathroom dump hair with curls flowing down my back. I strutted to my side of the bed with an extra swing in my hips and laid on it as my towel rod up a little. "Morning Alpha", I said in the sultriest voice I could master.

"Good morning beautiful", Banner said lightly peeking at my lips before sauntering off to the bathroom.

"Well that didn't work", Odyssey all but laughed at me. "Shut up like you could do better", I retorted lamely. "Watch me", she said before I let her take control.

She let the towel fall a little lower exposing our boobs that got huge after birth and lunged for the bottle of lotion when the shower turned off. She sat by the bed legs crossed giving Banner a view of all we had to offer.

The door open to reveal a straight out of the shower Banner, hair dumped yet it looked like it was tousled by the gods. His all too muscular body dripping with water droplets caressing his skin and I'd never been more thirsty or jealous of a towel in my life.

It hung loosely exposing his inviting deep V yet hiding what I really wanted, Banner's not so little friend oh how I've missed it. Banner's eyes fell to us as Odyssey bit our lip then to our boobs and legs before she got up and strolled with all our sexy to our mate.

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