☾♕Chapter 02: Dreams Tainted

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Song: I Can't Breathe by Bea Miller🎶

~ Don't you want me to make your dreams come true ~

Chapter Two: Dreams Tainted

"What were you dreaming about", Banner said his face way too close for comfort but I didn't mind, It's Banner -freaking- Carranza most girls would die to wake up to his face. I on the other hand know this idiot for who he truly is, A Pain in My Marvelously Awesome Ass.

It's way too early to even deal with him or the fact that I just had a sex dream about the guy standing right in front of me.

As the memories of last night rush in, Blair, Montanelli's being a bust, the club, feeling stranded, him smacking my Big Beautiful ass. It kind of still stings and makes me shiver with pleasure at the memory and then the dream, shit.

Can gold wolves see through dreams?

"No dumbass gold wolves can't see through dreams but we can still listen to thoughts and yours were...", Banner said and I cut him off by shoving a pillow in his face and yelling 'shut up.

When I was convinced he won't say one more word, I let out a heavy breath pulling further away from him to the corner of, yap my bed. How did I even get here? I looked around, it's my room alight. The window was wide open. "Explain". I told Banner.

"You were drunk out of your mind in a room filled with supernatural strangers, I couldn't break my promise on the first day. I don't want to get death glared and I'm going to take care of you Noni, not just because I gave my word because we're friends. How I know your address, Blair. I jumped us throw the window and here we are hours later your turn", Banner said.

"My turn to what?" I said giving up on my sleep and sitting up. He took out his phone, tapped the screen and then I heard, "Oh Banner, mmmmh...fuck  me, fuck me hard" my voice. Shit. Although I didn't fail to notice the subtle groan he left out at the sound of me moaning his name.

"Asshole you reordered that, delete it", I yelled trying to snatch the phone but he blocked me with his huge muscular arms, curse him and his exceptional god-given biceps. I kept fighting for the phone till I realized I was straddling him. How did we even end up like this?

Banner was lying flat on my bed with me on top of him and his hand stretched past the edge of the bed. "Oooops" he said letting the phone floor to the heap of clothes, finally my untied –more like hurricane hit- room came in handy.

I tried to get up and get it to delete my shame but both his arms kept me pinned to his body that I could barely keep our faces from colliding. His eyes burning and darkened with desire mimicking mine that probably held the same emotion he was boring into me. Lust.

With both our lips, breathes away from each other. The door chose the perfect time to burst straight open and in walked my foster mum, Mallory.

Banner and I instantly pulled away from each other obviously embarrassed of the position we were in but Mallory didn't mind or care. That's just who she was, to me at least. She groaned and let out a frustrated, "Urgh", like a pirate then slammed the door shut as she left.

"Mother?" Banner asked as he picked up his phone. I rolled my eyes at him, "That's Mallory for you and I, she's something like that", I said and channelled my inner -fuck life hates me- sad face into my -please do everything I say- pout. "Banner please delete it", I said like someone kicked my puppy. 

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