☾♕Chapter 01: Left Tainted

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Song: High Without Your Love by Loote🎶

~ You don't need a big bad wolf when I'm right here, something bigger, someone better to fulfil all your naughty little desires ~

Chapter One: Left Tainted

Summer Downe is town riddled with secrets. The humans here are unaware of it's heritage or of it's other half, the inhuman residents.

It was created by supernaturals, werewolves in particular and hides in the shadows of the mortal world. Far from prying eyes.

Like every other human, I would have been suspectable to it's faux tales but I grew up in the werewolf world, something my friends know little about.

Today I say goodbye to one and in that way, my story begins.

My whole life has been about running which is funny because exercise and I aren't the greatest of friends.

I've been running from my parents, running from my crazy psychotic murderous ex-boyfriend, running from the past but most of all running from who I'm supposed to be and I don't even know who that is.

Truly, I just kept running from reality, maybe that's why I loved supernatural fantasy shows and why I keep putting my life in danger. But here, at East Ville High, with my friends, I finally feel like maybe I won't need to run again.

The last bell of the day blared ending classes. As everyone rushed to go home and escape from dreary school life, I walked cautiously to my locker knowing who would be beside it.

"If you find a cute rogue willing to turn good send him my way please", I begged my best friend Blair as we stood by her locker. She's a werewolf, I saw that like oh wow the weather now because I got used to it but when I first learnt all my best friends are werewolves, I was ecstatic. Mostly because I've lived with their kind most of my life plus it gives me the thrill without the danger so that's cool.

Other than the fact that they'll one day be able to turn into huge furry creatures we are your normal friend group. Chrisshiano aka Mr Popular, Blair aka The Girl you want to be smart pretty, fearless then there's Tesoro aka the beautiful wild one, Banner aka the badass fuck boy, Averi the ever so perky cheerleader, Silent Bob the silent brooding one and I, Noni your regular good girl and I'm human unlike the rest so I got that going for me.

*Yells yay! Sarcastically*

"Noni darling", a voice boomed from behind me, I instantly froze and stop talking to Blair, knowing who it is. I slowly turned to see Banner walking towards Blair and me with his signature panty-dropping strut. Yeah, you caught me, I'm crushing hard on the fuck boy. He looked at me, his eyes trailed to my lips smirked at himself and I was gone.

"You don't need a big bad rogue wolf when I'm right here..." He said as he walked to stop next to me, tipping my chin to look into his deviously playful dark striking blue eyes. "...Something bigger..." he said grabbing my hand to make me grip his huge cock.  And the good lord of all things unholy, my face lit up fifty sheds of red because Holy fuck it's in his pants buried by layers of fabric but I can feel it. It's so huge.

My eyes widened as I realized he didn't even care that we were in the middle of the school hallway and he pulled me by the waist into his chest. His eyes darken possibly because his a gold wolf and he was probably listening to my thoughts. He smirked.

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