☾♕Stripped & Tainted♕

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Welcome my peoples to another one of my beauties. Brace yourself this is going to be awesome.

If by any chance you've read any of my other books especially: Hers To Claim then you know the drill.

My one and only rule: Do Not Steal My Book. I'm super anti-plagiarism so please respect me and respect my art. Its my precious time & lifeline your taking, not just words.

So! Don't make me get a copy of Understanding Tisha's Rules for Dummies and wack you over the head repeatedly.

Now that that's sorted, Stripped and Tainted is a spinoff from Hers To Claim, And a few characters from both books will be merging from time to time. It can be read separately though so don't worry.

Warning: Seriously this is an actual warning, Stripped and Tainted is sort of an erotica since it contains a lot of smutt. If that's not for you then I'm truly sorry read Hers to Claim barely any smut in it and I know you'll love it. But if you follow me and know My Version of PG is bad then wait and hold you're pants up for My Version of Rated R.

As always your lovely storyteller aka a sweet little devil in disguise ~ Tisha😇💛


...But not too much😈

Little Facts...

Little Facts About My Werewolf Universe

🌠They shift at seventeen and are able to find their mates when they do

🌠Alpha's can only find there mate earlier if they wolf tells them to (Usually happens when the mate is in danger)

🌠Wolves can mind link with humans but the human can't really reply, it's easier for gold wolves since they can read the humans thoughts as a reply

🌠Werewolf babies grow at a similar rate to humans but can reach their milestones at any given time

🌠Every pack has a different ability but they all differ some are gifted to each wolf in the pack, some are dangerous and are only gifted to those who can handle them some are gifted to the pack only when untied as one

🌠Other than the different scents every wolf can be identified by their fur or eyes even as a rogue

🌠The appearance of the wolf differs due to which back the belong to and where they had their first shift

Little Facts About The Packs

✨ The Royal Crimson Pack
Identity confirmed by: Crimson Red Fur

✨ The Gold Wolf Pack
Identity confirmed by: Gold Fur
Ability: Mind reading

✨ The Red Eclipse Pack
Identity confirmed by: Glowing red eyes
Ability: Mind Melting (Only advanced trained wolves)

✨ The Gustily Wolf Pack
Identity confirmed by: Fiery Red Fur
Ability: Unmerging (Separating the wolf from the human)

✨ The Ghostly Havens Pack
Identity Confirmed by: Soulless Pitch Black Eyes
Ability: Body Control (Kinda like mind control)

✨ The Black Hurricane Pack
Identity confirmed by: Black hurricane hit fur

✨ The Silver Storm Pack
Identity confirmed by: Mercury Eyes

✨ The Blue Moon Pack
Identity confirmed by: Luminescent Blue Fur

✨The Black Crescents Pack
Identity Confirmed by: White Fur with black fur in the shape of a crescent moon on the chest

✨The Shadow Wolf Pack
Identity Confirmed by: Wolves are in shadow form (Kinda like Peter Pan's shadow)

✨The White Shadow Pack
Identity Confirmed by: Same as shadow wolf except white

Hope you like the little facts not all the packs show up in this book and I've got more packs in my other books so after this one I hope you stick with me and check them out, any who... Enjoy Stripped And Tainted~ Tisha💛

Stripped And Tainted
The Human and Her Werewolf Mate

"When I find my mate I'm going to strip her down, tie her to the bed and fuck the daylights out of her then leave her tainted", he said and that's exactly what he did. He Stripped and Tainted me what most don't know is that I did the exact same thing.

Noni Peizer was just another ordinary human girl. She drank too much, partied on school nights, bonded with her friends, and did everything, normal high school kids do.

There was only one problem, Noni's friends weren't normal high school kids. They were all werewolves with very high ranks, little did Noni know that her life would take a huge supernatural twist of its own.

Banner Carranza was a fuck boy in his own league. He didn't believe in commitment but desperately searched for his mate to see what the moon goddess had blessed him with and fulfill his father's dying wish.

To love and be loved.

Banner already knew he'd never let his mate go. Even if that meant hiding her from the rest of the world forever. The last person he expected to be mated with happened to be Noni Peizer one of his best friends.

You might already know what happens when this sweet little innocent human girl is mated to the strong fuck boy alpha wolf.

Naughty things happen.

Little did they know that this bond could be the ruin of both of them and whether it kills them or not, their lives would be forever changed, the only question being, Will it be for Better or Worse?

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