☾♕Chapter 04: Leave Tainted

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Song: Paradise by Bazzi🎶

~ I like war with my lover, I hate you sex just makes me feel empowered ~

Chapter Four: Stripped & Leaving

"Hi bestie", I say as I get into Maddie. You heard that write Banner Carranza is now my official best friend. I still have idea why he forced Echo onto me because he drives me anywhere I want to go. He's like my personal chauffer. Echo -my car- now sits idly in our drive way.

Banner and I got exceptionally close in the past few months after his father passed away.

Everything else was just normal, we still partied like crazy, I'd always drink beyond belief and wake up with Banner in my bed or I in Banner's bed, sadly nothing ever happened between us.

Sometimes I try to convince myself that the feelings I have towards Banner are just a kin to our friendship but my silly heart won't let it be just that.

"Good morning Noni darling", Banner says looking fresh as a daisy, I on the other hand wanted to take a nap. I love my sleep, sue me.

"Do we have plans today", I asked.

"Yah, you're coming to support me at my game remember", he said and I groaned, how could I forget. It's there last game of the season and I don't do sports at all.

"Oh come on Peizer most girls would be dying to be up in the stands wearing my jersey, I need you please", he said and I rolled my eyes. I don't want to be most girls.

"Fine I'll get ready with Averi and Tesoro I promised them too", I said and he let out a yes as we drove off. The things you do for your friends.

School was uneventful as always, Averi kept nagging me about joining cheer. Chrisshiano was oddly quite, Tesoro was messing with Silent Bob and the only one who made things better -as usual- was Banner.

The boys were getting ready for the game, Averi, Tesoro and I were getting ready at the red eclipse pack house in Averi's room. She was making us rush since she had a cheer meeting.

Tesoro had half her hair held in a simple up do and the other half of let gold locks flew down her back expertly curled, her makeup was simply eyeliner and mascara with a dark red lip just like me she's not really a makeup girl.

She wore head to toe black and shrugged on Chrisshiano's red Varsity Jacket. Her outfit was complete with gorgeous velvet crimson lake red heels though she's really more of a sneakers girl, she rocked the shoes. I said and I'll say it again if I could shoe-nap her closet I would. She overall looked awesome.

Averi had two cute French braids with little gold ribbons tied at the ends. Her makeup was dark vermillion red lip, mascara and sparkly gold eye shadow. On her left cheek was BS -no, not bullshit- Bob Seirano's initials written down in scarlet red glitter and on the other was his jersey number 11 written down in cutely with a little bow on the last 1 and a gold heart underneath.

She applied a little blush but it's not like she need it seeing as just looking at the guy makes her redder than her cheer uniform which was a little tight crop top with EHS written on it in gold glitter and a black skirt paired with gold colour sneakers. She looked adorable.

I didn't really do anything special with my hair and just let the wild curls flow while only being held by a gold bandana. For my makeup I had a fierce dark maroon a few shades lighter than black lipstick. Red eye shadow that was not too excessive just enough, a little winged eyeliner and some mascara.

I didn't bother with blush and foundation since it's not really my thing. Like Averi I had Banner's initials BC written in gold glitter with a plain red highlight around it a little black crown falling of the B. On my other check was Banner's number 7 with a little decorated black glitter butter fly hovering over it.

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