☾♕Chapter 22: Poison Tainted

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Song: Paranoid by Emily Warren🎶

~Stop thinking of my diamond hard dick and brush your pretty little teeth~

Chapter Twenty Two: Poisoned and Tainted

💛Noni's P.O.V 💛

Have you ever worn a cloth and felt seriously malnourished?

No seriously, I’m asking because that’s not my problems anymore, in the past two months I’ve been back I’ve gained a hell lot of weight, like wobble walking amount. Fine I’m not that far gone but it feels like I should be.

You know that thin line between being fat and being ten seconds away from appearing on Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian, Forget about that, I used to be curvy but not I’m just round. Fuck round, I’m swollen every single part of me.

“So when is he announcing you as Luna it’s been two months chica”, Fazirya says on the other line. We’d kept our promises and call each other nearly every day.

“On my birthday in about four months, he says there’s some type of auspicious moon or something but preparations are already being made”, I said.

“Oh yeah I’d forgotten about the eclipse”, she said as the recollection hit her. “There’s an eclipse”, I said well more like asked. “Only super naturals can see it”, she said and I continued to walk around the room that we’d made ours. “Well isn’t that just super”, I said and she laughed.

“How’s the big guy you two are so cute and endgame for sure”, she said. “You say that every day, are you passively crushing on my mate?” I said and the line went silent.

“Fazirya I’m sorry”, I say remembering things between her and her mate haven’t changed. She’d been through four heats already. “It’s been two months”, she whispers sadly.

“Isn’t there away mates feel when one of them is being unfaithful”, I say remembering a couple things Tesoro told me about mates. Stuff like the heat and feeling each other’s pain kind of makes me glad that I’m just plain odd Noni.

“Yah but that’s only when they’ve met each other and haven’t rejected each other... he didn’t reject me, he just stormed off”, she said as if a light bulb had gone of inside her brain. “Well don’t get too many crazy ideas, I’m not to blame”, knowing Fazirya she’s already gotten a whole list of crazy.

“Bruce-y boy misses you”, she said and I could just hear the grin on her face. Truth is I’ve not thought much of him, kind of makes me feel guilty.

“Wipe that smirk off your face I can just feel it’s there, tell your ex I miss him to” – even though I don’t, am I a horrible person? Nah. “Yah whatever chica I’ve got class, talk to you later”, Fazirya said and we muttered our goodbyes.

My mindless moving in circles around the room had led me to the vanity mirror, I sighed as I looked at my reflection placed my phone aside and went to run through my morning routine. I’d fallen into some type of depression when I had completely no reason to be. Especially when Banner had alpha duties and stuff like that plus I felt like it would feel suffocating with me clinging to him like glue.

I’d just been done with my bath when I stood in the bathroom brushing my teeth not daring to look at the mirror. I didn’t want to give it the satisfaction of taunting my ugly shame. It might just as well have ‘Ha-ha you’re fat’ written all over it.

I was so wrapped up in just getting the toothbrush in and out so I could leave the bathroom when I kind of started imagining it as Banner’s dick. I know it’s crazy we just haven’t had sex in a while (yesterday night) sometimes I feel like he doesn’t want me anymore because I've gained a few (a hell lot) of pounds.

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