☾♕Chapter 45: Memories Tainted

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Song: More by Halsey 🎶

~ Feels good to be king ~

Chapter Forty Five: Stripped and Forgotten

"So nice of you to join us", the words had barely left his mouth when I tried to pounce on him but a menacing growl left his lips echoing loudly throughout the cold dead night and I couldn't help but submit to the mad king and shift back to human form. Naked before his evil gaze.

"Banner", I cried falling on my feet by my mate's side. He was painfully groaning semi-conscious. Beaten, bloody and barely breathing. I felt weak, I felt terrified. I felt like sweet innocent human Noni but I wasn't her anymore. I was strong with or fight out my wolf form.

"Can't you just let us be in peace, what the hell you want from us", I yelled. "Tsk, tsk now shush little Luna, didn't anyone ever tell you not to raise your voice to a king", he said.

"I'm", I said getting into a shifting stance willing my wolf forward, "Not", I said as the bones in my body fought the kings command. "Little", I said before my wolf literally ripped through me hitting the ground with our paws. "Shift!" King Adrian growled but I fought him off growling and taking a protective stance before Banner.

"Shift back, wolf", he growled clearly not a fan of defiance. 'Well then...' I thought as I went to pounce on him. '...he's really not going to like being torn to smithereens' Just as I neared King Adrian pulled out a short sharp silver dagger and scrapping my fur. I howled in pain as the silver burn at my shoulder. That's definitely leaving a scar.

"Is that all you got, little one", King Adrian laughed like it was the most humorous thing. Oh what I'd give to wipe that grin of his stupid face. "Not even close", I snarled but even in my wolf form, I could tell that the King was fur stronger than me but at his point I'd take a silver dagger lodged in my heart if it means I get to bit his head off.

"Come at me", he taunted but I did with a furry it had him flying feet into the air but like a cat he landed on his feet but not before hitting his back onto a huge oak tree all the while his mate watched in silence.

Spitting blood out, he smirked wickedly before shifting and coming at me as I ran to him aiming at biting down his neck baring with all the injuries I'd get in the process. Unfortunately the king had the same idea and his booth grasped each other's neck in between our necks.

Each threatening to end it all with a painful tugging out of the other's jugular. Wincing at the pain Adrian was causing I bite further down his neck tasting the vile metallic bile that is his bile.

Shifting back into human form, Adrian escaped my jaws taking me by surprise as he took the silver dagger and tearing at the skin and fur below the shoulder that had already been well acquainted with the thralls of the dagger.

I howled in pain as he shifted back into his wolf and bite down on my leg crippling me in an instant. Shifting back to his human he held the silver dagger preparing to give the final strike at my heart. A small gold wolf shoved at him letting the knife fall out of his grip as he tousled with the wolf I recognized as Mia, Jayce's mate.

A pain filled whimper as Mia met her all too quick demise made me let out a battle Howl as I saw red exactly what my howl was demanding, making the woods run red with the blood of our enemies who dared take one of our own which was followed by the unmistakable growl of a mate looking for vengeance.

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