☾♕Chapter 26: Shift Tainted

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Song: Smile by Mikky Eko🎶

~You’re either born or bitten if you’re not will you die ~

Chapter Twenty Six: Stripped and Shifted

A few minutes passed and neither of us dared to say anything we just looked at each other unblinking, fearing that if we do the next moment, I’d be gone. Moments passed and smile graced Rohan’s face. “You did it”, Rohan tells me.

“The bite hasn’t rejected me”, I say touching my neck in hopes of finding gaping holes but it was already healed. Rohan nodded and scoped me off the ground taking me outside the cabin.

“What now, what about Odes his alone in there” I say as Rohan walks further out of the cabin nearing the woods. I swear to the Goddess if something happens to my baby, this guy’s going to get it. “Odes we’ll be fine in the cabin”, he says lowering me onto the forest ground.

“If I did it right you’ll be shifting any moment now”, he said and if on cue my back arched to the point of no return, my spine was shuttering. Chica, you better believe I let out a blood curdler.

“Right on time”, Rohan says and I shoot him a heated glare as I fall back on the ground, the pain had subsided but the after burn was still their just as I was about to stand up a crippling pain short through my leg. “Fuck!” I screamed.

The pain ripped through my body as every single born broke and cell ripped apart and healed itself then ripped again. I heard that shifting when your bitten is worse than being born werewolf you're body didn't expect the change and if you don't heal quick enough you might die.

But a lot of things have tried and failed to kill me, this won't be the one to succeed.

“Change that language around the baby”, Rohan said. “Screw you Rohan”, I yelled. I went to shove dirt at him but just as I’d picked some up my arms twisted in a way that they shouldn’t.

“Oh frigging come on, that’s not even humanly possible”, I wailed. “That’s because you’re not completely human anymore, you’re a werewolf now Noni believe it. I know you’re trying to keep the pain it to make it feel better but that doesn’t help, let it out, and let it all out. Let it consume you, the longer you resist the wolf the more it hurts believe it. Noni, leave you’re past behind and become what you were truly meant to be. Accept it, control it be it, be the wolf”, Rohan says.

Accept it!

Control it be it!

Be the mother freaking wolf in this bitch!

All my bones shattered as I repeated the mantra till I believed. My whole I’ve never felt completely human. This is my destiny to be a werewolf, like my friends, my mate and now my son. This is who I’m meant to be. It felt like my whole life was preparing me to lead up to this moment. This was my journey become Odyssey, my wolf.

“When you’re done run around the woods but not so far from the cabin get used to your wolf and then come back Odes and I will be eating your birthday cake, your wolf is uniquely beautiful by the way. I’ll put a shirt in Maddie for you”, Rohan said seeing as I had finished my transformation.

No more, plain odd human Noni. I looked down at my fiery red paws that were like little socks below the gold. I looked back at Rohan to see he’d gone back to the cabin. At least my baby will be okay but now how do I shift back.

“Hi I’m Odyssey”, a voice in my head says. “Oh no freaking way!” I shout back. “I’m your wolf baby”, Odyssey says. “This is so awesome”, I exclaim again.

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