Part 42

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is better now but still weak and sometimes Tee has nightmares that haunt him at night, he will awake suddenly and having a panic attack, he thought he is still kidnapped.

Tae also get hurts watching Tee has to live with the trauma, Tee always ask him to company Tee to sleep, they will talk till late at night. Even though Tee is tired and wants to sleep, he fight it because he is scared the nightmare will come again.

"My love, I have something to do now, I have to leave you" tells Tae softly.

Tee raises his head from Tae's chest to look at Tae, he doesn't want to let Tae go but he knows he can't burden Tae with his problem alone. Tae is a king and a king needs to rule his country.

"I'm sorry for being a..."

"shh, don't say that. You are not a burden, you don't know how much I want to stay with you but I need to do my other responsibilities too" explains Tae carefully, he doesn't want Tee to think he is a burden because he never will.

"I understand. Can you call Kim and Ten to accompany me?" request Tee, he can't be alone because it will make him think about unnecessary things.

Tee always need someone to stay at his side, scared that someone will kidnap him again.

"Of course, let me inform the maid to call them"

Tee let Tae's body move from his side to the door. Tae informs the maid and he returns to Tee's side.

"You should eat more, anything you want to eat? I will find it"

"I want to have roast chicken with rice and soup" ask Tee, he thinks his appetite is coming back slowly. Tae glads Tee wants to eat more now.

"anything else?" Tee shakes his head with a smile.

"tonight, I want to have dinner together at the table. May I?" ask Tee again, Tae chuckles and nods his head. Whatever Tee wants Tae will give it.

Tee regains his strength step by step, the positive progress make Tae happy. Soon Tee will turn back to himself.


"Father! Mother!"

Kim and Ten enter the room, Ten runs to Tee's side fast. He wants to spend time with his parent too.

"I will leave now, see you at dinner" Tae kiss Tee's forehead and leave the room

Tae calls his minister and head warriors. It's time to punish whoever wrong in this matter. He gives a lot of time for the criminals to repent and ask forgiveness from god.

"They are ready for their punishment?"

"Yes sire! Everyone is waiting at the court"

"Good. Let's go"

They move to the court. When Tae walks to his chair on the stage, all people there know that this will be the day The King will not show any mercy.

The person they treat wrongly is The King's love, they will pay with their lives.

"First, call everyone inside the room when my queen was assaulted. Every of them!" orders Tae harsh.

A line of men enter the court with their heads bow down to the floor. In the same white clothes, none of them seems like a noble. This show that no matter how high your status is, there is no guarantee you will be up there forever.

"All of you being in the room to have the victim?" ask Tae coldly, he  can't bring Tee's name because it hurts him to realise the one who is the victim is his love.

All of them nod their head, no one raise their head to look into Tae's eyes.

"any of you know the prostitute house runs illegally?"

Again, all of them nod their head.

"it's shameful! I know some of you and I know some of you already have families!" Tae's voice roars again make everyone flinch.

"do you know the one you watch and assault is vulnerable, weak and can't protect himself? Do you realise he doesn't want it?"

Every one answer it and some knows and some don't, Tae knows they are telling the truth with their answers.

"who knows his condition and still want to assault the victim will be jailed for five years and other punishment. While whose don't know will be jailed for three years, also with other punishment. This punishment included with engagement with wrong business. Prostitution is not legal! Take them!"

After some rest Tae call everyone that visit the prostitutes house and make they pay fine and promised to be loyal to their families. Six months in jail too.

For the prostitutes, they were send back to their families. They are happy with the King's decision because they never want to do that kind of dirty work.

"I don't know how a woman, a mother like you has heart to torture and forces the girls and boys to do the dirty work" Tae shakes his head to the one organise the prostitutes house. Every one of them face the same punishment.

"I will change the house to place my people that lost their husbands in the war. All of you will be jailed for eight years"

Tae wants to stop now because after this he will face the men who kidnapped his Tee, he afraid he can't do a fair judgement and sentence them to death without a proper judgement.

"Bring them in" orders Tae after a short break.

Looking at their face alone enough to make Tae's blood boiled with anger.

"why did you kidnapped him?"

"to get money from you" answer one of them while shivering, they are really scared that the king will chop off their head.

"do you know that he has special relationship with me?!" Tae's voice booms around the court, others bow their head because they are scared of the King's outburst.

"Answer me!" orders Tae.

"Yes we do" answer the leader slowly.

Tae grips the armchair hard, his nails almost digging into the wood.

"You kidnapped him, sold him to prostitute house and drugged him till his body weaken."

"I can't find a better punishment for you except death. Forcing human to be a sex slave is a big crime, I can't forgive you all, only god can"

"with this, I punish you to death but I will give you one month to repent your sin and see your family. Apologise to everyone you make wrong."

"that's all, court dismiss" Tae gets up from his chair and leaves the court, it is the best he can do. He really want to punch and beat them personally but he knows he can't do that.

The kidnappers cry for their fate, they ask for it. The king is kind enough to give them time to repent before death coming after them.

Some may said that The King is not being fair but what he did is fair enough and he has same judgement with his ministers. Tae wants to kill them with his own hand but he also doesn't want to dirty his hand with their blood.

Tae thinks, it is all the best he can do. For his country, and his love.

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