Part 15

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

A week passed just like that, nothing fun happened and Tee can't keep his eyes closed for nights, he feels like a sword is in front of his eyes every time he closed his eyes.

"Tee, let's get you ready" Prin prepares Tee's clothes like usual,

Tee is not himself at all the whole week, Tee wears whatever Prin prepared, he lost appetite and doesn't even go to the library. All he do is stay in his room, sometimes prince come visit him to play, only that moment Tee enjoy the most.

"Tee, today is General Lee birthday party and his retirement. The King wants to celebrate it with everyone. Please smile" Prin is sad looking at lost Tee like this, she doesn't understand why Tee changed suddenly. Tee is not himself anymore.

"Prin, thank you for everything you have done for me. I'm really thankful you are here with me in this palace" Tee holds Prin's hands tightly, he is really grateful that he can't convey it with words.

"I'm thankful too. Don't talk like you will leave soon Tee. Wear this, you look really pale" Tee let Prin touch up his face today, it might be their last together after all.

Tee looks the most beautiful today but with no smile, it looks dull. Nothing can't hide Tee's beauty even though he looks dull.

They leave the room and walk to the banquet, Tee's appearance catch all eyes at the moment he enters the hall. If Tee just smile a bit, even the angel will stare at him.

The concubine that stay beside Tae is not happy with Tee's appearance, she feels her place will be replaced soon. Every eyes on Tee, still.

Tae can't stop looking at Tee, he has scowl on his face but he is amazes with Tee's beauty, he wants to touch Tee and talk like how they used to be but he stops himself.

The party continue after the long silence, Tee makes his way to General Lee, he always at the general side in the banquet like this. Tee smiles sadly at general.

"smile my child" Gen. Lee gives Tee a soft touch on the chin, Tee is ashamed to look at the old man that he think as a father.

"I'm sorry uncle" Tee wants to cry again but Gen. Lee smile at him like he used to, a fatherly smile.

"It's not all your fault. You look beautiful today, so please be happy" Tee smiles a bit and nods his head.

The King's eyes on Tee all the time, he feels uneasy with the closeness of his general and his concubine. He wants to stop their intimacy.

"General Lee, today is your day so please, tell me what you want as a gift. I will give you anything you want today" The king gains Gen Lee attention with the question.

Tee turns to look at the king as the respect, everyone should look at the king when he speaks.

"I have more than enough sire, I don't know what to ask anymore" Gen Lee reply politely.

"Please don't say that, I can give you anything general" The king smile at how polite his general is right now.

"I'm afraid what I want is too much sire, I don't want to be rude too" reply Gen Lee again, he does has something he wants in his head but can't ask just like that.

"Don't be so humble general. Please tell me what you want, I will grant it, you have my words in front of my people" The king wants the general to accept his offer because general has done a lot to the country, more than he expect.

"If you insist your highness, I want Lady Tee" Tee head snaps to look at Gen Lee, he is beyond than surprised.

The air drop dead with the words, everyone is shocked with what the general wants. The king can't hide how surprised he is too.

"Your highness, I already think Lady Tee as my child, I want her to has my family name and lives with my family. I'm sorry if I sound rude but I want her to live with me and has a normal life, away from palace. I'm sure she will be more happy too, besides she has no other family out there too"

Everyone is looking at The king, the decision belongs to him alone, he can't say no now, not when he already promised to whole people.

"Then, I have to ask Lady Tee, if she wants to be your family" The king change his stare to Tee.

Tee is shaking and also has tears of happiness in his eyes, he will be able to has family again and will be free from here, the place he never belongs to.

"Yes sire, I accept it. I'm really grateful that I will have a family again" Tee tears fall on his cheeks, he is so happy that he lost words of what to say.

The situation becomes dead silence again. Everyone is waiting for the decision from the king, he doesn't want to let Tee go but he promised already.

"Sire, I'm sorry for saying this but, it will be the best if Lady Tee leaves this palace. The rumours and gossips about her stressed her a lot, it will be good for her health" his minister whisper to him about this matter.

It's true, Tee doesn't look like he is happy staying in the palace anymore. It's cruel to keep Tee here if Tee is not happy living in the palace.

"As you wish general, Lady Tee can be with you in your family. As long as you promised to take care of her and gives the best to her" The king make a decision and everyone accept it. The concubines are more than happy hearing Tee will leaves the palace.

"Of course sire, thank you very much" Gen Lee bows deeply thanking the king, Tee too bows deeply.

"You are my child now, you will be Sinthit family" Tee can't help but being in the embrace of the old man. The old man chuckles at how Tee acts, ignoring people are watching them.

Most people are happy for them, they even smile, except one man can't decide to smile or what, he is confuse with himself.

"Thank you uncle"

"call me father" Tee looks at Gen Lee he smiles widely.

"Father" Tee returns into the hug.

Tee is grateful that the one who found out about him is Gen Lee. God still loves him.

The king just watch from far, he can't decide what he feels but he can't take his words back anymore. He has to let Tee go.

"at least visit my son once in awhile" his son loves Tee too much, it will be a battle cry if his son hear about Tee leaving the palace.

"I will your highness, if you let me. Besides my friend Prin and Guard Kim are still here as The prince's friends"

The king nods his head, now he remembers about the guard and his concubine, wait, not his concubine anymore.

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