Part 48

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Copter heard everything from Tee and he knows no one is wrong in this matter. His brother loves his late wife and without realising he makes Tee uncomfortable with it. Copter understands why Tee can't be in that room, even he can't.

Copter talked to Tee, he doesn't talk to talk to Tae yet because he doesn't know how to start. He wonders if his brother understand what actually is happening right now.

"Phi Tae, can we talk?" ask Copter when he enter his brother work room.

Tae nods his head and put down his paper work. He waits for Copter to say what he want to talk about.

"It's about you and Tee" Copter told his intention.

Tae sighs but willing to listen because he has no idea how to encounter this problem.

"Tee consult me about this matter"

"I'm at fault, not Tee. I should keep away the portraits and everything belong to Rose" Tae admits his fault with regret.

"No Phi. Tee doesn't mean it like that. He is uncomfortable about that room, not just things in there. He respect that you still love your late wife and he accept it. You can have another room with Tee, you can visit the old room if you miss your late wife. Tee is not being selfish, he just can't, if it happened to me, I can't too" explains Copter softly hoping his brother will not misunderstood the real situation.

Tee is not a replacement but a new person that Tae love. Tee is not jealous of Rose, he is just feel uncomfortable with using the same room with Rose.

"I should use another room with Tee. I'm really insensitive about his feelings. I do love Rose but I never compare my love for them. I love them both" admits Tae, he feels guilty for making Tee feels this way. He should focus more on how Tee feels and be more cautious about his doing.

"Go talk to him, I'm sure he will understand. I will ask maids to prepare the new room near Ten's building. It is the new building, that one can be you and Tee place"

"Thank you Copter, I don't know what to do if you are not here"

"It's okay phi" Copter smiles and leave to tell the maid.

"Copter!" calls Tae when Copter already away, Copter stops and look at Tae

"Just clean the building, let Tee decide how he wants the room to be. He will love to decorate it by himself"

"Okay phi!" Copter smiles again and rush to give the order.

Tae on his way to meet Tee, he has a lot to say to Tee. Both of them need to talk heart to heart, the misunderstanding can ruin their relationship. They are newlywed but already had problem.

"Where is Queen Tee?" ask Tae when Tee is not in his room. He wants to meet Tee soon.

"Sire, Queen Tee has a guest" informs the maid.

Tae frowns, who is Tee's guest?

"His family?" ask Tae, no one inform him about General Lee visiting the palace.

"I'm not sure sire, but it's not General Lee"

"Thank you, I will find them" Tae leaves the place.

When he walks to a direction he saw Kim walk to another way angrily. Kim doesn't even realise Tae was there.

Tae thinks Tee must be that way too so he follows Kim from behind. He just walk slowly at first but when he heard something break and Kim is running he runs too.

"Stop!" Tae can hear Tee's voice from outside make he runs faster to enter the room

When he enters it, an old man has his collar grabbed by Kim and a punch is coming after him. Tae looks at Tee and rushes to Tee's side, he is worried Tee get hurt.

"Kim, let the man go" orders Tae strictly. Kim ignores it because he really want to punch that old man.

"Kim, let him go" pleads Tee.

Kim breath harsh before he push the man and looks at Tee. He walks to Tee and at the same time Tee moves from Tae to Kim's side. Tae frowns.

"What is happening?" ask Tae when he see a broken vase on the floor. Who is the old man?

"Sire, I'm Tee's stepfather. I came here because I heard about the marriage and I was shocked"

Tae recognised that man but seems like the old man can't recognise Tae since Tae is not wearing the same clothes like before. He went to the old man's house once to find out about Tee.

"Sire, I want to apologise for my stepson behaviour. He is not telling you the truth about everything"

Tee gasps, what is his stepfather talking about? What truth?

"Stop lying!" yells Kim and try to approach that man once again but Tee stops him.

"what truth?" ask Tae.

Tee looks at Tae and kind of hurt that Tae doesn't ask him first. What if Tae believes what his stepfather said, they just got married for few days.

"The truth is, the one who supposed to come here as a concubine is my daughter, Tee stopped her and told a lie that my daughter run with a man. He did it because he wants to run away from his fiancée that he impregnated"

Tee and Kim jaw drop, what is this old man saying? How come a lie like this become a story. It is totally different from the truth.

Tae turns his face to Tee and his face is scary. Tae looks angry, Tee thinks this is the end of his life.

"Tell me Tee. Is it true?" ask Tae stern.

"Sire, it's clearly a lie. How..."

"I'm asking Tee!" Tae stops Kim midway that Kim shuts his mouth up.

"Of course not. I don't have a fiancée, I've never touch any woman" answer Tee, hoping Tae will trust him.

"He lied sire. How could he tell people that my daughter is pregnant out of marriage, he is not a good man. He humiliate my daughter and his fiancée"

Tee shakes his head denying everything said about himself.

Tae walks to the old man.

"Tell me more" demands Tae. The man smirk evilly because he knows he is winning and Tee will go down. Tee has tears in his eyes when he see Tae is not on his side.

"He is the cause of his mother death, because of his bad behaviour. He is a disgraceful son!"

'PANG!!!' a hard slap echoes around the room.

The man fall on the floor after get a slap from the king. Everyone is quiet because he thought the king is eating whatever lies spouting from the man's mouth.

"You can lie but no one will believe you. How dare you insulting my wife, your Queen. Guard, take him to prison!" orders Tae, two guards take the man by force and take him away from the room.

"Phi Tae!" Tee runs to Tae's arm. He is glad that Tae believes him more, even though he doesn't say anything.

Tae smiles to Kim for protecting Tee, Kim smiles back and leave the couple.

"All of it was lies, I never..."

"I know. I trust you Tee. No matter how many people talk badly about you, I will not believe it" Tae comforts Tee

"thank you" Tee is really grateful. He is tired, really tired because so much happen just because he is married to Tae, the king. Everything is overwhelming that make him to take a rest.

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