Part 5

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Tee is not a morning person and he always wake up late, later than everyone else. Some of concubines start to dislike him because of how he act and because the prince already take a liking to him.

Tee never tries to get close to the king and never once want to get something luxurious for being a concubine. Tee just want a peaceful time in the library, enough for him to know more about herbs.

He learns the truth about being a healer in the meantime and he is disappointed but, he has a big library where he can read a lot of book about herbs.

Prin try to wake Tee up because today, there will be a visit from people in the government. The concubines need to entertain them. Tee doesn't feel excited at all because he is a man and he doesn't like a man too.

"Tee, please wake up. I need to make you ready for the banquet"

Tee grunts but still wake up, he will trouble Prin if he keep being stubborn, Prin always scolded by the Madam because of his behaviour.

"Fine" Tee lazily walk to his bathroom and get ready by himself, Prin will help him with touch up and hair.

"Are you sure to wear like this?" ask Prin unsure. Tee just wear a normal clothes, not the one prepared for him for the banquet.

"why? I look ugly?" ask Tee back.

"No. You are always beautiful" Prin gets nervous when Tee ask her that, Tee laughs a bit, he is just teasing the girl. He understands what Prin means.

"It's okay Prin. I like this better. Let's go now before we are late"

Both of them arrive the hall where everyone is ready. Mdm Lana walk to Tee angrily, she already prepared the clothes for Tee to wear tonight, Tee always oppose her order.

"Tee! You are really a troublemaker! Go and change now!" Tee being scold but he act like nothing happen. His enemies are laughing at his face.

"Please enter the hall, everyone is waiting, the king too"

Tee gets no time to change and Mdm Lana has to let Tee enter the hall with whatever Tee has on him at this moment. Tee will be punished after this.

"My concubines are here, like usual, don't force them to do something they don't like, they are not selling their body, respect them too" The king said his common rules.

Tee a bit surprised hearing that, he thought all the kings use their place to make people as their slaves.

One by one the government's worker choose their ladies that they like, Tee is the last one to get chosen because of his appearance, add with they need to cover their face first.

The king looks at Tee, he is surprised looking at how humble his concubine is wearing right now and he is afraid that Tee being bullied and force to wear something like that.

The oldest get Tee, out of choice actually and Tee is glad. The man look okay for him. He just need to pour drinks to the old man.

One by one girls dropping their cover, Tee is the last one to do that, no one pay attention to him because they thought Tee is not as beautiful as other concubines.

The old man gasps a bit, behind the cover is indeed a beautiful figure. He smiles a father's smile. He is that old to be flirty and he already has a family that he loves dearly.

"My child, you look beautiful, beautiful enough even with this plain looking clothes" praise the old man. Tee smiles widely, he miss to hear someone calling him that

"I hope I'm not bad enough to make you lose appetite" said Tee humbly. The old man laugh a bit, Tee is being humble.

The old man looks around to all the concubines.

"I feel honoured to have you accompany me. You are the most beautiful here" Tee blush a bit. What a silly compliment he think.

"I'm Tee"

"I'm General Lee, you can call me Uncle Lee" Tee looks at the old general. He already treating Tee like a family.

"Really? I've never have an uncle before" Tee feels his heart tighten a bit, he is happy and sad at the same time.

"Yes Tee. Just treat me like your uncle. Can't replace your father right?" both of them laugh together, the general is really nice man.

The king is watching everything in the hall but his eyes can't help but linger at Tee and his General. They both laughing and happy. His general never liking a companion before but Tee able to make him laugh and smile.

The banquet is just merely to eat and celebrate their win against robbers that rob villagers and kill them. Some men already look at Tee and regrets not choosing Tee in the first place.

"My child, tell me. Why are you wearing this? Someone bully you?" ask Gen. Lee concern, he already thinks Tee as his nephew now.

"No. I like this better. I can't wear something like them because it's too heavy and I'm too lazy to support it" answer Tee while grinning sheepishly, Gen. Lee once again laugh with Tee's answer. What a silly little girl he thinks.

"If you have any discomfort living in this palace, you can tell me. I can talk to the king"

"it's okay. I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"You like it here?" ask Gen. Lee more concern, he feels like Tee is keeping a secret from him.

Tee looks into the honest eyes, he knows the old man means nothing bad and just merely concern about him. He is lucky to meet this great man today, who cares about other that not his family.

"Half-half. I don't like here because it's full of protocols and rules but I like it here because the library has lots of interesting book" answer Tee honestly. He thinks he needs to be honest about it.

"You like reading?"

"Yes. I may not look like it but I do enjoy reading. Especially book about medical" Tee smiles sadly at that, he wants to be a healer but he can't.

"Oh my poor child, if you are a man you can take the exam to be a scholar" Gen. Lee feels pity to Tee because men can be a scholar, not women.

"Even though I'm a man, I still need money to take the exam to pass it first" Tee doesn't has money and the agreement from his parent, it's hard for him to do so.

"My poor child, I'm sorry I can't help you" Gen. Lee pats Tee's hair softly, he feels upset inside that Tee can't further his ambition.

Tee leans at the gesture, he loves it, being spoiled and loved by a father figure. He never feels it for his whole life.

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