Part 11

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

"Father, Phi Tee and Phi Kim?" the prince is asking for his friends to play, because he never see them since the last day. It's already 2 days.

"He is busy, another five days, you will be able to see them" explains Tae nicely, the prince pouts but accept it, he needs to understand that they has something else to do too.

"Son, how long you didn't eat chicken?" ask Tae when he remembers what is the cause of this case.

"Huh?" ask The prince can't understand the question.

"You can't eat chicken right? How many days?" ask Tae. Ten looks sad with the question.

"Healer Lim say Ten needs vege, cannot eat meat three days. More three days, Ten eats green many many days" Ten sobs and hug Tae tight, he is really sad that he can't eat much like before.

Tae keeps his eyes shut and he is boiling inside, his people are lying to him about this matter and he punish Tee and the guard without make sure the real case.

"Ten, can you go to Uncle Ter and stay with him for a while, I have something to do"  Ten nods his head obediently

"Zee, tell Copter to take care of Ten for awhile and let the cook make whatever Ten wants to eat" Tae gives his guard the order and he makes way to the white room.

At the same time, Tee is having a fever and cold, Tee can't sleep well in this weather, they don't even get to eat food, only cold water. The guard really take revenge on them.

"Hey! Give me some food and blanket! She is dying!"


Kim keeps yelling to call the guard but no one come. He is in rage, the door will blast open if he keeps banging on it like this. Even his hand already injured.

"Kim, it's okay. Come here" calls Tee weakly, with Kim at the door will make his body temperature drop more. He can't stand the cold and his body is really weak to even move.

"Tee, you need a healer. You need to take medicine" Kim back and forth to check on Tee and banging the door.

"Stupid guard!!! When I'm out of here I will report about you to the king!" threats don't even work on the irresponsible guards.

The main door slams open, Kim runs back to the door to insult the guard.

"Now you are scared? Bast..." Kim stops when The King's face appear in front of him. He almost peed in his pant when he see it, he will die for sure!

"Open the door!" orders Tae angrily.

Kim bows his head and go to Tee, he holds Tee's body and bows to the king as a respect.

Tae shocked looking at Kim and Tee's conditions, they doesn't look well. Tee is worse though.

"Sire, help Lady Tee, she needs to be treated. I can stay here for two weeks on her behalf, please take her out of here" Kim begs to the king with his head on the floor.

"No...No. I'm okay sire..." Tee shakes his head weakly, he can't let Kim get punished because of him more.

Tae becomes angrier, his frowns clear on his face. He go to Tee and lift Tee easily into his hands.

"Take Guard Kim to his chamber too, prepare food and everything he needs. I will bring Tee to the healer" Tae leaves the room hastily.

Kim gets up too and follows the king, he needs to know Tee's condition first or else he can't be calm.

"let's go to your room first Kim" one of the guard friend help Kim to walk.

"Not now, after I know Tee is okay, I will go" they both follow the king to the healer room.

Tee is being check by the healer, the king wait with the guards in there.

"Her fever is a bit high but with this medicine she will be okay. She needs to rest a lot and eat more food for her energy. Let her get a warm bath before taking his medicine and food"

After all of that, The king sends Tee to his chamber and let Prin to prepare water bath to Tee. Everyone is looking at the king, seems like the king will not leave the room soon.

"sire, I need to take a bath." Tee politely chasing away the king that still doesn't understand the situation.

"Do it" respond Tae simply. Tee and Prin are surprised with the answer. Even Prin never help Tee in the bathroom before, now the king want to be here?

"Alone" Tee clearly wants all of them to leave, including Kim. He is still insist to make sure Tee in a good condition first.

"No. It's dangerous" Tee hangs his mouth low with Tae's answer. Really?!

"All of you want to see me naked that much?" ask Tee clearly angry now.

"Oh, urm, I'm leaving first. I will come later" Kim leaves first, feeling stupid at a moment.

The king blush for a mere second before nods his head and leave the room too. Even Prin leaves because she never helps Tee in bath.

"You should help her" The king said to Prin.

"No sire, Lady Tee doesn't like when he is having a bath and wearing his inner clothes while having people around" explains Prin carefully. Tae wants to ask more when the door is open, Tee stares at The King. Can't believe his eyes, the king is waiting in front of his room

"Sire, what are you doing here?" ask Tee confuse, Tae told Prin to get some porridge for Tee.

"to ensure you are okay" Tee frowns hard, he is in this state because of the punishment from the king but the king has time to worry about him?

"I'm better now. I will have some rest, I'm sure I will be better tomorrow" Tee bows his head and attempts to close the door but Tae stops him.

"I will watch you eat and take your medicine, after that I will leave"

Tee blinks stupidly, the king cares about his concubine that much?

"Hm" Tee leaves the door open and walk to his bed, he wants to wrap himself in the thick blanket and enjoy the warmth.

Prin come later with the food, Prin leaves both of them in the room after preparing the food to Tee.

Tee is uncomfortable but he ignores it and finish his food and the medicine fast, can't wait to have alone time. He will never able to rest with the deep stares from the king.

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