Part 27

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-mistakes everywhere, not edited-

Leaving the palace is not the best choice Tee had but staying there is the worst. His secret is known by the king but he is not punished. He is in tight place and stuck within the secrets.

First, the secret of his as a fake lady and concubine, next the secret that he needs to make sure no one knows the truth about it, third, the king knows but he can't let others know the king knew.

Tee is having a massive headache just thinking about it, like today, he is already in school but he is not free from the king, the only one can torture him with his presence only.

The king is staying for a week at the school making the whole school happy and excited because the king is willing to stay with them, like a normal people. Living and eating the same food with the scholars.

People are praising how humble and good person the king is, praises everywhere from every mouth in the school, except Tee. Tee avoids talking, seeing and being around the king as much as he can but, he can't! The king is everywhere around him.

"Tee, eat more. You look thinner than before" Luk gives Tee his meat, Tee smiles and thanking Luk before putting it in his mouth. His friends always care about his health.

Tae sits not far from the table, he wants to sit closer to Tee but he can't make is obvious with so many people around him. Tae watched everything from far, how Tee's friends treat him.

Tee feels heated stare coming into him, he lift his head just to meet Tae's eyes. He frowns a bit before bows lightly and turns to see his food in his plate. He lost his appetite again.

"Eat more Tee" Luk offers a meat into Tee's mouth, Tee shakes his head rejecting it but Luk insist Tee to eat. Tee opens his mouth slowly and bit the meat making Luk smiles proudly.

"eat mine too Tee" Gio wants to offer his but Tee stop it, he can't eat calmly while being watched, that's why he decline it.

He chews his food slowly while enjoying his friends talking about something happened in the school. Even boys like them love gossips, so many stories to share, from romance to mystery and horror.

"Ghost like people who talk so much like you" Xen tease Luk who keep talking nonstop. Gio moves closer to Xen when he heard that, he is scared of everything, can't even go to toilet alone at night.

Luk ignores the teasing because he knows Xen just teasing him to make he stop running his mouth.

"Do you want to follow us get some drink?" ask Luk to Tee. Luk and Xen always slip out to get some alcohol for them but Tee never drink. He doesn't like the taste when he tried once before.

Xen and Luk are heavy drinker, Gio can drink but not much, always getting drunk and having a huge headache tomorrow.

"No. I want to study" refuse Tee.

"You are already number one in our class, what else you want?" ask Luk to Tee, Tee always reading some books that he never see before. He doesn't like to study much, that's why he is in the last rank in his class. He is the last but always the happiest.

"I'm done eating. I will leave first" Tee ignores Luk question, it always the same question and answer session after all. Tee smiles to them and leave with his plate.

Tee just wants to sleep and wait day to change faster, time for Tae to leave the school will come sooner too.

Tee walks alone to his room before he was pulled to the sidewalk and pinned to the wall. His heart beat so fast but turn calmer when he realise the scent, he knows the scent.

"Your highness" Tee bows his head, focusing his eyes on his shoes.

"Who is that scholar?" ask Tae directly. Tee frowns, who is Tae talking about? Which scholar?

"I don't understand sire" answer Tee

"The one who sit in front of you"

"He is in my room, my friend"

"Friend?" ask Tae more serious. Tee nods his head and continue walking but stop abruptly when Tae pull his arm hard, he is pinned to the wall again.

"You still remember your promise right?"

Tee remembers the day he promised to the king every seconds of his life, every breath that he gets.

"Of course, I remember it clearly" answer Tee a bit sad, his life is not belong to him anymore and he has no clue what is the point of his life now.

Tae can see that Tee is sad. Tae pulls Tee's hand and take a hat to cover Tee's head. They both head to the main gate and Tae easily get access to get out from the school.

"Hop on!" Tae helps Tee onto a horse before he rides behind Tee. Tee can't even say anything because everything is happening real fast.

"Hold this rope" Tee holds the rope Tae gives him and the horse walk leisurely along the road.

Tee wants to ask where are they going but he decided to just stay quiet, he doesn't want to talk to the king much too.

Tae smiles while looking around the dark night, only the light from the moon shine their way.

"ah!" The horse slips on the rock making it a bit unstable and Tee is surprised, Tae holds Tee's waist with one hand and hold the rope with another.

Tee looks at the hand at side of his waist, he wants to get rid of it but he can't, he is even happy with it. He blames himself for feeling this way.

The quiet journey going on until the horse stop at down of the hill. Tae gets off first before helping Tee to the ground. Tae tie the horse and walk to the hill, it is just a low hill.

"Hurry up" Tae asks Tee to follow him climbing the hill, Tee just follow from behind and take extra care while stepping on stones.

It takes 3 minutes to reach the top, Tae sits on the fallen log and stares to the sky, the moon is so big and clear from the view. Tee follows what Tae is doing, watching the moon while thinking his bad luck, when he will be happy?

"How is your study going on?" ask Tae when Tee remains quiet all the time, he knows Tee doesn't want to talk to him or spend time alone with him but he insist to disturb Tee's life.

"It's fine" answer Tee short.

"Is there anything you want in your life now?" Tae ask the question because he wants to give something to Tee to make Tee smiles happily like before.

Tee lowers his head and play with the grass, of course he want to has something now but he just know he can't have it.

"I do but it is useless, I will not be able to have it"

"giving up before trying?"

"Freedom. Free from you and this country, I can't have it right? That's why I'm giving up" Tee leaves and climbing down the hill, he is angry because Tae force him to say something like that. He doesn't want to give up but he knows he can't do anything about it. Useless! It all matters.

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