Part 31

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-Mistakes everywhere, not edited-

This Saturday night is a night that Tae didn't come to Tee and it is a first time it happened in three months, Tee still playing hard to get but enjoy the way Tae tried hard to win his heart.

Tee blinks, watching a night sky waiting for the time Tae will sneak into the school and knock on his window. He can't sleep because of anticipation, he waits for Tae every Saturday night.

"Tee, still not sleeping yet?" ask Gio that awake in the middle of night. His friends don't know his secret meeting and he glads because he doesn't has to explain anything to his friends.

"Yes. Uhm, I'm trying to study" their exam is near and he needs to maintain his rank so that he get chance to practice with a honour healer.

"In the dark?" ask Gio confused, the room is too dark to even see a human how Tee can study with this environment?

Tee wants to hit his head for telling a stupid lie, he can't cover up his doing at all. Tee works his brain to find a better idea.

"I just woke up, I will go to study outside after this" answer Tee once again.

Gio nods his head and yawns before get back to sleep. Tee can't sleep anymore that he take his study materials and walk outside the room. He light up a candle and pretending to read the book.

His night goes on with him reading the same page for hours. He decides to go back to sleep before the morning come, he will be tired to morning practices which is he is still so bad at it.

Pulling the blanket to his chest and trying so hard to keep his eyes close. He starts to imagine his mother's face so that he can sleep well and faster.

It's like he just spend a night in a blink of an eye when someone slaps his forehead hard. It is Luk waking him up for morning practice.

"It's hurt Luk!" Tee rubs his forehead and lazily leave his bed. He wants to sleep some more but he knows he can't.

Tee slowly getting ready and join his friends for their morning's run before the breakfast. Tee is always at the back with Gio, both of them have no physical strength and endurance whatsoever.

After the breakfast, they had their morning practice, only 3 scholars left at the first stage because of their lacking in the physical strength. Even Gio able to go to second stage and still stuck there.

"Sir! Scholar Tee is called to the principal's room" a Scholar come to relay the orders.

Tee cheers inside because he will be excused to the practice. He really can't hold sword or any other weapons to save his life.

Tee walks to the principal's room to see what is the principal needs from him. After a knock he is ordered to enter the room.

Inside the room there are Gio and his teacher. Two other scholars too. The top three except Gio.

"we will move to the palace soon, prepare what all of you need and wait in front of the gate"

Tee still blurs with what's going on that he needs to ask Gio why they need to go to the palace.

"I don't know much Tee, but I think it is like a practical to us. Next time they will bring other Scholars"

Tee doesn't want to go because he can't hide himself there, but bit inside he is happy that he can see Ten and Kim, well maybe the ruler of the country too. Not like he will admit it.

It's normal for them to cover their face with the cloth and it makes everything easier to Tee so that he can cover himself as a man. He is afraid some people in the palace will recognise his face and make ruckus about it.

When they reach the palace after a long journey, they were sent to a room that they can sleep and rest for the night.

Tee sneakily leaves his room in the middle of the night and look for Kim. He wants to meet his best friend so much.

"Tee?!" Kim is surprised when he saw Tee sneaking around the lake.

"Kim!" Tee jumps on Kim like usual, Kim catches Tee in time so that both of them will not face a fatal fall.

Tee laughs when Kim grunts with his weight. He come down from Kim and smile happily, he miss his best friend so much.

"What are you doing here?" ask Kim worried.

"I don't know. Sounds like a practical or something" answer Tee without cares, he really know nothing tho

"So, you didn't heard it?" ask Kim to Tee.

Tee frowns, he really know nothing this time, something must had happened.

"I thought you are here for the king"

"Something happened to sire?!" ask Tee fast, he is now worry about the king. Maybe it's the reason why Tae didn't come to visit him last night.

"Yes. I thought you know"

"What happened?!" ask Tee again. He needs to know the condition of Tae right at that moment.

"Sire joined a fight against robbers in the village, he was attacked when he was alone. He got hurt severely" the answers make Tee's knee weak. So many things go through his head at this moment.

"Is he okay?"

"Yes. He is stable now. He got stabbed, thankfully..." Kim can't even tell the whole story when Tee runs to the King's building.

"now he cares" Kim shakes his head and leave the area, for him Tee is being ridiculous for lying to himself. It's clear that he cares about The King more than usual but still insist on denying it.

Tee carefully sneaks around the guard and enter from the window, he can't fight for his life but he really an expert in sneaking around without leaving any trace and sound.

Tae is sleeping on the bed, wearing his night clothes but with the front opened. The bandage cover around the stomach and arm.

"You told me you are the best warrior, how can you get injured like this?!" hiss Tee. He hates himself for worrying about Tae's condition.

Tee silently move closer to Tae's bed, it is the second time he is inside the room. It is a bit different from before where there is no portraits of his wife anymore.

"You are not dead right?" ask Tee when he is watching the unmoving Tae.

A hand slips on Tee's waist fast making Tee stumble and fall on Tae's chest, a hurt groans come from Tae. Tee hurriedly get up when he heard the groan.

"Sire!" scolds Tee while inspecting Tae's condition, he might hurt himself more when Tee fall on him.

"Hi Tee" greets Tae with a wide smile, Tee is not happy with the greeting at all.

"don't be so happy! Are you hurt anywhere?" ask Tee worried.

Tae shakes his head but his hand rubs his stomach softly, he get stabbed there after all. Tee glances at Tae's hand and decide to take a look if the wound bleed again. Thankfully nothing bad happened

"I miss you, I'm sorry last night I can't go to see you"

"I'm not even waiting for you. I get so much sleep last time, it's feel great" retorts Tee back, not like he can admit that he is waiting for Tae.

Tae just smiles, he is really happy Tee is in front of him right now. Tee must care about him too that Tee is brave enough to sneak into his room

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