Part 32

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-mistake everywhere, not edited-

Tee attends the injured soldiers with his friends, Tae has a royal healer to treat him. Tae secretly come to see Tee, because Tee will be staying for a week only.

"Sire!" everyone bows when Tae enter the quarters where the injured soldiers are treated. He wants to see Tee and at the same time to take Tee to meet his son.

"Please work comfortably, I'm here to visit soldiers conditions"

"But you are injured too sire" exclaim the person in charge there, he is worried that the king decided to show up here.

"I'm not hurt badly, I can move and walk around better today. Please don't mind me" Tae walks around till he reach the last bed where Tee is bandaging a man's arm.

"Come outside" whispers Tae softly before leaving the quarters after sending his condolences to the soldiers.

Tee walks away after a few moments, he knows Tae will bring him to see Ten this time. Tae promised to Tee last night.

"This way" Tae come surprisingly from behind make Tee stumble and leans on Tae's chest as support. He is boiling inside with Tae's laughter.

"Here" a vacant room lays in front of Tee's eyes. He wants to ask about where Ten whereabouts but before he can even open his mouth a little man jump happily on him.

"Phi Tee!!!" exclaims Ten excitedly while hugging Tee's waist.

"My small friend!!! You are taller and heavier than before!" Tee pats Ten's head while trying hard to keep standing.

"I miss you!"

"I miss you too. Now let me ask a question, did you behave while I'm not here?" ask Tee to Ten.

Ten nods his head excitedly, he always tried his best to behave and didn't get in trouble.

Tae smiles while watching his hearts talking and laughing with each other, even though he can't join the fun conversation he is not complaining. Watching how happy they are make him feel so full inside his life.

"Phi Tee, Ten tell father our secret" whispers Ten sadly, he promised to keep it forever but he can't.

"What makes you tell him?" ask Tee, he wants to know the reason why Ten tell Tae. Something must has happened.

"because Ten want to marry Phi Tee"

"Huh?" confused with the sudden confession.

"Father tell Ten cannot marry older woman, Ten said Phi Tee has same thing with Ten. Ten can marry Phi Tee!" Ten is serious, Tee laughs hearing what Ten said, Ten still can't make the proper sentence properly but Tee able to catch the main point.

"You still can't marry Phi Tee, Ten. Even though Phi Tee is a man" Tae come forward and sits beside Ten.

"why? Ten will be big man and strong like father" Ten pouts cutely making Tae laugh.

"I know my prince will be the handsomest and strongest man later. You can't marry Phi Tee because, father will marry him and make him your mother and other father" Tae smiles proudly at Tee, he proposed to Tee a few times but he is always rejected, today he wants to make it clear to Tee and his son.

Ten blinks a few times before giving his response.

"Father and Phi Tee will be like Uncle Godt and Uncle Bbas? Like Uncle Copter and Uncle Kim?" Ten already excited thinking about it. All he wants is Tee to stay with him no matter as what.

Tee looks at Tae and Ten, he also wants to know what will Ten say about this matter. Not like he will accept Tae.

"Yes. Will you like it?" Tae looks at his son hoping Ten will make it easier for him. He doesn't want to have a son as a rival. Fighting to get Tee's heart alone is already hard, he can't add more rival to get Tee's heart.

"Yes!!! Ten like it! Phi Tee can be Ten's mother" Ten hugs Tee tightly.

He still miss a mother figure and having Tee will complete Ten's childhood life.

"Are you sure Ten? You want a man to be your mother?" ask Tee to make sure what Ten said is what he really want

"Yes! Ten okay man or not man. If Ten's new mother is pretty and nice like Phi Tee. Ten is happy!"

Tae is proud that his son on his side this time, Tee looks troubled with the news. He doesn't say anything yet to Tae but here Tae is already talking about making him Ten's mother.

"I'm willing to marry you more than your father Ten" Tee said after a while, Ten blinks innocently while Tae is glaring at Tee's response. He is trying hard here but Tee flatly reject him in front of his son.

"but Ten still small, Phi Tee marry father and become Ten mother. Faster" Ten disagree with Tee this time, Tae laughs heartily with his son's answer. Ten gives Tee a pure rejection.

"My son already give us a pass, you should agree to this too" Tae smiles and hugs Tee's waist closer to him.

Tee huff angrily and jabs his elbow making Tae grunts in pain. Tee accidently hit his wounded stomach.

"Father!" Yells Ten hysteric when he saw his father's robe has red liquid on it.

Tee hurriedly help Tae to sit on a chair and take off the robe to see the bandage. The bandage already soaked with blood, Ten ready to cry but Tae try to calm his son saying he is okay.

"Phi Tee. Help father! Ten is scared" Ten hides behind Tee.

Tee open the bandage and look the the wound reopen a bit. He press a clean cloth on the wound and go out to take his things to treat Tae's wound.

When Tee returns with medicine and his stuff, he gives a treatment to Tae immediately. Tae try hard to bear the pain that sweat forming on his forehead. After a while, everything is done but Tae still feel the pain.

"This herb will ease the pain a bit, drink it" Tee holds Tae's head and help Tae to drink the bitter solution slowly. Ten still crying because he is scared.

"No. Father cannot leave Ten alone like mother. No!" wails Ten sadly. Tee feels pity to Ten because of his doing. He hugs Ten tightly.

"I'm sorry Ten. I didn't mean to hurt your father. I'm sorry"

"Phi Tee, please marry father and take care of father and Ten" Ten doesn't even understand what he is begging for but what Ten said leave a big effect on Tee.

Tae slowly and carefully touch Tee's hand and squeeze it softly.

"I love you" Tae mutters the word with a painful smile. All Tee can do is blink blankly.

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